Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Effect of Leadership Style on Workers Performance

BACKGROUND OF THE STUDY Leadership is one of those qualities that you know when you see it, but is difficult to describe. There are almost as many definitions as there are commentators. Many associate leadership with one person leading. Four things stand out in this respect. First, to lead involves influencing others. Second, where there are leaders there are followers. Third, leaders seem to come to the fore when there is a crisis or special problem. In other words, they often become visible when an innovative response is needed. Fourth, leaders are people who have a clear idea of what they want to achieve and why. Thus, leaders are people who are able to think and act creatively in non-routine situations – and who set out to influence†¦show more content†¦One rationale for this study is that good leader-follower relationships are vital to ensure the effective functional of any company. STATEMENT OF RESEARCH PROBLEM The interest in the influence of leadership on worker’s performance represents an alternative to the traditional focus on the leader as the center of attention and power, as with the sun in the â€Å"solar system.† Although the qualities of leaders are obviously important, especially in teamwork in particular, leaders need the skills to engage followers in productive and satisfying mutual pursuits. However, this is a departure from the usual way of seeing leader qualities as possessions, rather than interpersonal links to others involved in shared activities. Because not all leaders wish to be participative, understanding and overcoming such reluctance to involve followers becomes important. Not least as a source of resistance is the problem of shared responsibility and who will be accountable. It is on this background that this research work aims to assess the extent to which leadership impacts on the productivity of the workers. OBJECTIVES OF THE STUDY The objective of this study can be stated as follows: 1. To investigate the impact of leadership style on workers performance in the Nigerian business environment. 2. To evaluate the importance of leader-employee/follower relations in organizational building. 3. To identify the problems associated with leader-employees relationship in the businessShow MoreRelatedCase Study : Manny Flavors Cookie Company1066 Words   |  5 Pagesemployees will show the workers who is in charge because there is nothing anyone can do to make the employees motivated to work. The current paper will explain the problems that MFCC face and how these problems may affect the company in its future business endeavors. Then, there will be an explanation of how a change in leadership style can benefit the organization more than terminating any employees. 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