Thursday, December 19, 2019

Social Disorganization Theory Of Rural Youth Violence

After examining the results from their study, they concluded that single-parent homes, welfare use, poor parental supervision, and hyperactivity had strong correlations for delinquency in African American youths than that of just neighborhood context alone. Wanting to extend the theory of social disorganization and crime beyond the scope of large urban cities, D. Wayne Osgood and Jeff M. Chambers released their study, Social Disorganization Outside the Metropolis: An Analysis of Rural Youth Violence, in order to â€Å"assess the generalizability to this setting of the social disorganization theory of crime that has been developed and tested in urban communities† (Osgood Chambers, 2000). They hypothesize that rates of juvenile delinquency is positively related to residential instability, ethnic heterogeneity, family disruption, economic status, population density, and communities that are closer to urban areas (Osgood Chambers, 2000). The sample contained 264 counties across Florida, Georgia, South Carolina, and Nebraska that had populations ranging from 560 people to 98,000. The study was measured by the number of juveniles arrested (ages 11 through 17) between 1989 through 1993. They analyzed the arrests for homicide, robbery, aggravated assault, forcible rape, simple assault, weapons offenses, and the Uniform Crime Report (UCR) violence index. Residential instability was measured by the number of times a person has moved from a home within the past five years. EthnicShow MoreRelatedThe Social Of Crime And Criminal Behavior882 Words   |  4 Pagesthroughout the last two centuries. Many theories, such as the social disintegration theory, have been hypothesized to explain the effects of certain neighborhoods on crime. 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The book exemplifies how neighborhood disadvantage can lead to informal social controls, which in turn produces crime. Due to these factors, social disorganization is the best theory to explain the crime

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