Friday, December 27, 2019

Iran Before and After the Revolution Essay - 794 Words

Iran before and after Revolution: Textual - Visual Metaphors of Graffiti during Revolution Introduction During the prehistoric period , human was creating markings on the surfaces of the caves and , since the down of civilization , on the walls of ancient structures Although in certain cases motivations to produce such marks are covered by mystery , wall paintings , and engravings definitely serve as factual evidence of humans presence along various locations . The appearance and production of techniques of graffiti have been varying throughout decades , but cave paintings of prehistoric period , ancient engravings , or contemporary graffiti of today have at least one thing in common , and that is : theyre all human†¦show more content†¦Therefore , in the process of research , which concerns graffiti related issues , it is a matter of importance to take insight in to the past to be able to comprehend the present . For instance ,there is a research by L.Iyer , which demonstrates significance of setting parallel between prehistoric cave paintings and contemporary gr affiti , particularly a case of wall writings in paris , inflamed by events of May ,1968 . Moreover , as humans creation , graffiti at any stage of history presents a fertile ground to interpretation of underlying meanings , conceptions , and messages whether obvious or hidden . Regarding to prehistoric graffiti , there are plenty of studies by such researchers as Breuil , Coppens , Clottes and Lewis - Williams , Mullen , and many others . Apparently ,moving from prehistoric time since now , graffiti has undergone a complex process of development under impact of various factors ,like growth of civilization , advancing technologies , public shifts, and socio - political events. In fact contemporary graffiti presents a great range of types and styles , each differ in technical aspects of production from one side , and conceptual approaches from the other . Contemporary graffiti may provide a great deal of data on social climate of any specific locale Indeed , contemporary graffiti, its types andShow MoreRelated Iran Before and After the Revolution Essay2121 Words   |  9 PagesIran – Before and After the Revolution The Islamic Republic of Iran, formerly known as Iran or Persia, was crowded with a young generation looking for full freedom against the Shah. Persia, once as a powerful country with vast oil resources, soon became a vulnerable nation, ready to accept a new leader to guide them. The people were ready for change, but were the changes they got the changes they were looking for. 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