Thursday, November 21, 2019

The Relationship between Portrays of Abraham and Portrayals of God in Assignment

The Relationship between Portrays of Abraham and Portrayals of God in Judaism, Christianity, and Islam - Assignment Example There are three Abrahams with one covenant; this is because all the three religions view Abraham from a different perspective but the covenant in all the three religions is between God Almighty and Abraham. Christians view Abraham in terms of his faith and obedience in God, to Christians Abraham had a lot of faith and obedience in God and hence the making of the covenant. This is evident in Genesis 12:1-20 where God commands Abraham to leave his country and move to an unknown destination. The birth of Isaac shows that God keeps his promises to the righteous, faithful and those that obey him. Since Abraham was righteous even before he was circumcised, both the Jews and the Gentiles can become his descendants only when they have faith in the almighty God The Christians believe these to be the pillars that hold their religion together. Faithfulness and obedience are also evident when Abraham reaches sachem, where Yahweh pledged to Abraham that he would give Abrahams descendants that land, faithfully Abraham responded by building an altar. The Christians hold on to the faith that to both the Jews and the gentile Abraham is the â€Å"father of all those that are faithful. According to Christians believe Abraham rested has a special status in the world of the dead, Luke 23; 43 states that when the righteous die they rest in Abrahams bosom, a place believed to be paradise. Abraham being the ideal patriarch them bosom means paradise. The believers in the Christian religion believe that they should follow into Abraham’s footstep as his colossus faith and obedience in God showed them how to embrace Gods word with a universalism spirit and how to live well before God. The Muslim refers to him as Ibrahim, a man they believe to be the progenitor of Israel.  Ã‚  

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