Friday, November 8, 2019

Racial Profiling Ges MAinstrea essays

Racial Profiling Ges MAinstrea essays Eighteen years ago a 12 year old witnessed members of his family, neighbors and school friends slaughtered from a distance. He saw an army take on people with rocks and stones. As he watched this, he thought, why cant Reagan [Ronald Reagan, president of the U.S. at that time] just take over the world...then the entire world could be at peace, there would be no more war, for there would be nothing to fight for. This thought came from a Palestinian boy who witnessed the massacre that took place in his hometown in Palestine. His name is Yassir Khaluf, who is now a quite wealthy business owner in Lexington, Kentucky. Back then Yassir saw a world full of hate. Yet, I could not understand why border lines could be so important, so important that people could kill people, and hate one another(Khluf interview). When we see what has happened in our country in the last months it is hard not to hate, it is almost impossible not to be angry, and these emotions have merit. If you are an American citizen you should be angry, you should be upset, these are our fellow citizens, our fellow freedom loving brothers and sisters that died for what? But in the midst of all of this why should we turn and accuse people of committing a crime due to their race or religious affiliation? Should our law enforcement agencies use racial profiling as a tool to fight terrorism? When I sat down for a few minutes with Mr. Khaluf, I was probing for a different point of view. Looking for an angle on our country that we dont normally hear. I got just that. According to Yassir, Right now is a horrible time to be Arab in America. I am afraid to purchase a house because I am afraid it will be taken from me. I feel great compassion for what has happened, yet I wish that Americans would understand that not all Arabs are bad (Khaluf interview). When Yassir refers to Americans, he means those who are being r...

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