Wednesday, November 27, 2019

A Hologram for the King by Dave Eggers essays

A Hologram for the King by Dave Eggers essays When I read A Hologram for the King, I noticed different aspects that I would like to develop. In my opinion, this book is about much more than just the decay of American business. Its about the life of a poor man who tries to deal with his difficult situation. So before beginning, lets have a short summary. Alan Clay, an ex-consultant and a victim of the Recession, is now a 54-years-old business man hired by Reliant in order to present a new technology, a holographic teleconference system, to the King Abdullah. By landing this contact, he would solve all his money problems as he is a debt?ridden man. Across the book and the wait for the king to come, Alan remembers his past and wonders about his purpose in the life. First of all, in my opinion, this story is about the nothingness both physical and psychological. On one hand, we can talk about a real physical desert because the whole story takes place in Saudi Arabia, which is not known for its luxury forests but for its small shrubs which dont need a lot of water. More particularly, the story takes place in King Abdullah Economic City which, according to the book, comprises only three buildings. For a city-to-be, its a kind of desert. The landscape was flat and blank. Anything built here, an unrelenting desert, was an act of sheer will imposed on territory unsuited for habitation. (A Hologram for the King, p34) They drove a mile before they arrived at a modest gate, a pair of stone arches over the road, a great dome atop it all. It was as if someone had built a road through unrepentant desert, and then erected a gate somewhere in the middle, to imply the end of one thing and the beginning of another. It was hopeful but unconvincing. (A Hologra m for the King, p40) On the other hand, when I talk about psychological nothingness, I allude to Alans life and relations. Hes divorced from his wife, Ruby,...

Sunday, November 24, 2019

Find the separation between two cones of the same type on the fovea of the eye by using the resolving power of the eye Essays

Find the separation between two cones of the same type on the fovea of the eye by using the resolving power of the eye Essays Find the separation between two cones of the same type on the fovea of the eye by using the resolving power of the eye Essay Find the separation between two cones of the same type on the fovea of the eye by using the resolving power of the eye Essay Objective: Find the separation between two cones of the same type on the fovea of the eye by using the resolving power of the eye. Introduction: The retina contains two types of light detecting cells: rods and cones. Cones provide the eyes colour sensitivity, rods, though more sensitive than cones do not detect colour. There is an area on the retina with a much higher density of cones called the fovea. When an object is observed its image is focused on the fovea. The fovea is a 0.3mm diameter area containing on rods and very thin densely packed cones. Cones can be divided into three types; one type detects each of red, green and blue light. The green and red cones are concentrated in the fovea centralis. : To measure the separation between two cones in the eye we can use the resolving power of the eye, for two objects to be resolved optically the viewer must be able to clearly differentiate two distinct bodies. (Rayleighs criterion:? = ?/d) Critical case shown where objects are just resolved For two light sources of the same wavelength to be resolved the light must stimulate two cones on either side of one unstimulated cone. Resolving power due to a circular aperture can be calculated by: ? = 1.22? d Where: ? = resolving power of optical instrument ? = Wavelength of light d = diameter of aperture The resolving power of the eye will not be as high as this calculated theoretical resolving power as although the optical equipment of the eye may be of this power the eyes detection facilities give the brain discreet not continuous signals and so the actual resolving power of the eye will never reach this theoretical value even if the optical facilities of the eye are perfect. As a result we must calculate the separation between two cones using: ? = s Where: s = separation r r = distance Plan: Factors identified affecting the experiment: * The separation of the two light sources. I will vary this to produce a range of distances from which the objects can be resolved. * The perpendicular distance that the viewer of the light sources can be from them and still completely resolve them. This will vary as a direct result of changes to the separation of the light sources. * The size and shape of the light sources. I will control this by shining the light through measured apertures made in black acrylic. I will control the size of the apertures by using a 1mm drill bit to create the holes through which the light sources will be shone, this will also ensure the sources are of a constant shape. * The amount of light that is reflected. I will use a black background surrounding the light sources to ensure that only a minimal amount of light is reflected. * The brightness of the two light sources must be equal to each other, I will achieve this by connecting the light sources in series to the same power source. * The brightness of the light sources must be constant as it is easier to resolve brighter objects. I will control this factor by keeping the voltage of the power source constant. * The wavelength of light must be kept constant by using the same equipment (same L.E.D.s) for each repeat of the experiment. This must be controlled as different colours of light stimulate different cones on the retina and also the wavelength of light affects the calculated value for the resolving power of the eye. * The height of the eye relative to the light sources must be constant and perpendicular. This will be controlled by having the light sources at a height of 1 metre and having the viewer use a metre ruler as a guide to the height of their eyes when resolving the light sources. * The size of the eye and the strength of eyesight must be constant throughout the experiment. This will be achieved by using the same observer throughout the procedure and carrying out the procedure in a single session. * The brightness of the environment must be constant. This will be kept constant by carrying the experiment out in a single session. Also the environment will be kept as dark as possible to maximise the resolving power of the eye and so optimise the accuracy of the results. * The diameter of the pupil must be kept constant and as large as possible to allow as much light into the eye as possible. This will be kept constant as a direct result of controlling the brightness of the environment. (Variation of 1mm to 10mm possible.) Method: Set up the apparatus as shown in the previous diagram, switch on the power pack at 3.00v. Turn off the lights in the room and block out daylight coming from any windows or doors. Allow 2 minutes for the eyes to adjust to this darkness and do not allow any light into the room from this point up until the end of the procedure. The viewer of the lights must then stand on the masking tape and back away from the light sources following the masking tape using a metre ruler as a guide to the height of their eyes. The viewer must back away until they are at the point where they can just resolve the two light sources. This point must then be marked on the masking tape using the metre ruler as a guide. Repeat the experiment for this separation three times to obtain a reliable result and eliminate any anomalous results. Three is enough results to obtain a good average result as long as all the results are relatively close together. Remove the acrylic and replace with another piece of acrylic with holes of different separations and repeat the above procedure. 5 different separations must be used as six results are sufficient to plot a straight-line graph and the sixth result can be 0,0. Less results than this may not produce an accurate gradient and more results would be surplus to requirements. When the experiment is completed measure the marks recorded on the tape for distances and then calculate an average distance for each separation. Plot a line graph of separation against average distance. The graph is plotted to produce a gradient to obtain a value for the resolving power of the eye the graph will reduce any overall errors in the experiment. Separation of apertures is to be measured with a travelling microscope accurate to ?0.005mm, this measuring equipment is to be used as it is the most accurate available to me in the lab and so will reduce the errors in my results by as much as possible. The other measurement to be taken is the distance from the objects from whence they can be resolved. This is to be measured using a measuring tape accurate to ?0.5cm this is sufficiently accurate as it is a very small error compared to the overall distance and so will not detract significantly from the accuracy of my results. When the results have been taken the calculation shown overleaf will be used to calculate the separation of two cones on the fovea. Safety: Electrical equipment must be used with care and it must be ensured that no water is brought into contact with it. Care must be taken whilst carrying out a procedure in a darkened room, ensure all sharp corners and protruding objects are cleared. Calculation: Equation 1: ? = s R ? = resolving power of the eye in radians s = separation of apertures r = Distance away from light sources when resolving is just possible Equation 2: s = r? s = separation of 3 cones r = radius of the eye ? = resolving power in radians Separation between two cones = s 2 Theoretical ? = 1.22? D ? = wavelength of light D = Diameter of pupil Assumptions: * Assume pupil size is constant * Assume diameter of the eye is 26mm * Assume no aberrations of the eye * Assume room is pitch black * Assume L.E.D.s are of constant brightness * Assume apertures are spherical * Assume all eyes work the same * Assume average green wavelength * Assume only one wavelength from L.E.D. * Assume pupil size is constant * Assume light source is perpendicular * Assume light crosses at the centre of the eye * Assume cones are all of equal size and shape. We can assume this as cones are densely packed in the fovea * Assume refraction at the entrance to the eye is zero. We can assume this as distance r is relatively large compared to the separation of the light sources so we can assume that the light entering the eye is perpendicular to the lens. As a result we can assume similar triangles: Test: I carried out a preliminary experiment using this procedure and found the separation of two cones to be 3.57?10-4m. As this is a factor of 10 away from the literature value for separation I will now alter my procedure by increasing the voltage of the power pack to 6.00v to increase the brightness of the L.E.D.s and so optimise the resolving power of the eye. I will test the accuracy of my results by carrying out the experiment in a bright room, resolving two black objects of a similar size to the apertures used in my procedure. Resolving power in this situation should be less than resolving power calculated in the results. Conclusion: ? = s = gradient = 3.125?10-4 r Separation of cones = r ? ? r = 1.3?10-2 = 4.062?10-6m = separation between 3 cones ?2 = 2.03?10-6m = separation between 2 cones Errors: This value is appropriate but it must be taken into account that the following errors will affect the final value: Equipment Tape measure accurate to ? 0.01m 0.05 ? 100 = 3.13% Use of tape measure accurate to ? 0.05m 1.60 Travelling microscope accurate to ? 0.01?10-3m 0.01?10-3m ? 100 = 2.27% Use of travelling microscope: error as above. 0.44?10-3m Other errors Assumption that the eye is 1.3 ?10-2 radius is a statistical average value and so may vary considerably. Refracted angle is negligible is an assumption which will affect the accuracy of the results as using this assumption we can use similar triangles to calculate the separation of two cones. Given these errors be taken into account my value is close enough to the literature value for the separation of two cones to confirm that my procedure was valid.

Thursday, November 21, 2019

The Relationship between Portrays of Abraham and Portrayals of God in Assignment

The Relationship between Portrays of Abraham and Portrayals of God in Judaism, Christianity, and Islam - Assignment Example There are three Abrahams with one covenant; this is because all the three religions view Abraham from a different perspective but the covenant in all the three religions is between God Almighty and Abraham. Christians view Abraham in terms of his faith and obedience in God, to Christians Abraham had a lot of faith and obedience in God and hence the making of the covenant. This is evident in Genesis 12:1-20 where God commands Abraham to leave his country and move to an unknown destination. The birth of Isaac shows that God keeps his promises to the righteous, faithful and those that obey him. Since Abraham was righteous even before he was circumcised, both the Jews and the Gentiles can become his descendants only when they have faith in the almighty God The Christians believe these to be the pillars that hold their religion together. Faithfulness and obedience are also evident when Abraham reaches sachem, where Yahweh pledged to Abraham that he would give Abrahams descendants that land, faithfully Abraham responded by building an altar. The Christians hold on to the faith that to both the Jews and the gentile Abraham is the â€Å"father of all those that are faithful. According to Christians believe Abraham rested has a special status in the world of the dead, Luke 23; 43 states that when the righteous die they rest in Abrahams bosom, a place believed to be paradise. Abraham being the ideal patriarch them bosom means paradise. The believers in the Christian religion believe that they should follow into Abraham’s footstep as his colossus faith and obedience in God showed them how to embrace Gods word with a universalism spirit and how to live well before God. The Muslim refers to him as Ibrahim, a man they believe to be the progenitor of Israel.  Ã‚  

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

The spirit of 1968 politicised everyday life. Discuss Essay

The spirit of 1968 politicised everyday life. Discuss - Essay Example From the streets of First World cities like Memphis, London and Paris to Communist ones like Belgrade and Warsaw, protests, many of them violent, marked the year that was 1968. Civil right protesters, students and instructors, professionals, labour union groups, all trooped to the streets to denounce what they saw was imperialistic, oppressive, repressive and simply unjust status quo. In short, 1968 was simply a year of chaos and anarchy. The Guardian called it the ‘Year of the Revolt’ and that was not an exaggeration. The events of 1968 were in themselves overwhelming, but more so because media, principally television, brought the images of these events into the intimacy of homes. The spirit of 1968 succeeded in changing the world chiefly because it changed the everyday life of people. It empowered, it prodded and it inspired people to take stock of their political world and go out in the streets and have a say on how things are done, whether rightly or wrongly. It simply politicised everyday life. Students became a power to be reckoned with, rattling and changing government policies and perspectives. Students, professionals, and the working-class were all part of the rampaging social segments that made 1968 the year that changed the history of the world. To start with, 1968 was no ordinary year. The global scene was awash with arresting and dramatic political developments that would have naturally stirred attention and emotions. At the very first month of the year, the North Vietnamese Army and the Vietcong caught the Americans by surprise when they launched the Tet Offensive, so called because it was made on the 31st of January, which happened to be Tet Nguyen Dan or Vietnam’s first day of the year and its most important holiday. The Vietnam War that the US government was waging had previously already earned mounting protests at home and overseas because Americans felt it was not their war to fight and people abroad

Sunday, November 17, 2019

Descriptive writing Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 1

Descriptive writing - Essay Example There are shops on two sides, open to the public, with no doors or windows, as if to suggest that there is no distinction between shopping and standing around in the station. Indeed so it seems in reality, since most of the customers appear to be just passing the time, gazing at the magazine titles and tourist trinkets with an air of distraction. An old lady struggles to push her suitcase between the aisles until a city gentleman in a sharp suit helps her to reach the checkout. They make an incongruous pair, the businessman and the old lady, who are now chatting amiably in the queue. He must be six feet four, at least, while she is tiny, craning her neck to speak to him. I wonder what they are talking about, since they surely have very little in common. Perhaps she has a son the same age, or perhaps they are just exchanging pleasantries, as people do, when they meet a stranger in a public place such as this. A melodic jingle sounds, and a female voice announces some delay affecting the London Express. The accent is decidedly Scottish, in keeping with the Edinburgh setting, but at the same time cool and unemotional. The apology for the delay and the â€Å"inconvenience that this may cause† sounds studiously sincere. A moment later the same message, in the same lilting tones, is repeated. This time the stopping service to Dundee is mentioned. It is a tape recording, endlessly repeating the comings and goings of the trains. The disembodied voice is tireless in its efforts to reassure the customers, announcing delays and arrivals, exhorting passengers to look after their luggage, and alerting them to imminent departures. Three uniformed station workers guard the turnstiles. One of them opens a special gate for the disabled, people with dogs, or the odd passenger who is overloaded with luggage. The other two are just standing there, gazing at the noticeboard with the same vacant expression that the crowds of waiting passengers share. They are mesmerised by the

Friday, November 15, 2019

Analysis of the Psalm of Life Poem

Analysis of the Psalm of Life Poem This poem dramatizes the conflict between the truth of life lived in the moment and the neglect of the soul when a person focuses on things beyond his control: namely the past and the future. There are many themes expressed by the poet within this work: freedom, happiness, perseverance, truth, futility, spirituality and success. From the title one might say that the theme is simply to seize the day: Carpe Diem (Harmon, 2009, 87). The poems form is that of the lyric (324)and the poet encourages the reader to use their imagination. The word choices and placement within its stanza evoke both a melody and emotion. There are nine stanzas that make up the composition and each contain the qualities of the quatrain [consist of four lines in which lines two and four must rhyme while having the same number of syllables (452)]. Psalm of Life also carries the traits of the dramatic monologue in that the narrator of the work is the poet himself (177). In stanza one, line one the poet assigns the description of mournful to the idea of numbers. This word was chosen to identify the audience: those who apparently go through life as though it is a chore. The word mournful frames the feeling as though something was lost and captures the grief generated by that loss. Life is but an empty dream! states why there are so many sorrowful within the audience: if there is no aim higher than what one can gather on the earth then life itself has no purpose. The poet reveals his motivation in lines three through four of the first stanza: For the soul is dead that slumbers/And things are not what they seem. Living life in a rut or for material reasons is the killer of the soul. The soul found unawares, which is what is implied by the word use of slumbers, is most vulnerable to eternal death. Line four tells the audience that they must look beyond the surface of the world as well as beyond themselves. Life is real! Life is earnest! conveys an earnes tness and a bit of desperation. An emphatic proclamation made in a way of a Southern Baptist preacher pleading with those on the path to destruction to turn to the life of the soul. And the grave is not its goal underlines the idea that life is something to be actively engaged in and not merely a journey to death. Dust thou are, to dust thou returnest, is referencing Genesis 3:19 and seems to throw this plea for life into a light that may speak to the religious up-bringing of his audience. The poet makes a very important distinction in the following line, Was not spoken of the soul. The creation of man is entirely unique from the rest of life on the earth because the Lord God formed man of the dust of the ground and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life; and man became a living soul(Genesis 3:19). These two lines bring into the poets supplication the backing of scripture. Stanza four brings forward the thought of futility: Art is long, and Time is fleeting,/And our hearts, though stout and brave,/ Still, like muffled drums, are beating funeral marches to the grave. It is as though the poet wants to remind his audience that every moment, every heartbeat is bringing them closer to the inevitable end ones life-time. This further underlines the idea of seizing the day. In using the word fleeting the poet attempts to get across that time will just continue on without regard for the individual- no matter how brave and firm ones heart might be. The poet is again underlining that life today is all one really has when faced with the flow of time. Stanza five, line 18 introduces a word that is unfamiliar in todays way of life: bivouac. This word defined in Merriam-Webster as a temporary or casual shelter or lodging and by itself holds the idea of the entire poem which is that this life is temporary. This stanza evokes urgency through the use of the exclamation point. The poet is telling his audience to be the hero of their own battles rather than a pawn in the battle of another with the words Be not like the dumb, driven cattle!/ Be a hero in the strife!. Stanza six addresses the two possible positions of the audience and bring to them some very specific supplications: for those who are living for tomorrow the poet says, Trust no Future, howeer pleasant! and for those who would lament the past, Let the dead Past bury its dead!. The poet does not leave the audience wondering what their response should be but plainly states, Act, act in the living present! Heart within, and God oerhead! People can make what they will of their own lives and can follow the example of the great men that came before them, Lives of great men all remind us/We can make our lives sublime,. There is no secret that separates those who are great from those that pass through life without leaving an impression. It seems as though the poet is saying that those who are considered great took advantage of the opportunities of their present. It is those people who departing, leave behind us/Footprints on the sand of time who provide encouragement not only to their generation, but for those in the generations to come Footprints, that perhaps another,/Sailing oer lifes solemn main,/A forlorn and shipwrecked brother,/Seeing shall take heart again. The final stanza brings a soft point to the compelling argument of the previous eight. It is as though the poet it taking the hand of the audience: to pull them gently from the bed of their complacency. The hand held out shows that walking along the road of today does not mean a journey travelled alone, Let us then be up and doing,/With a heart for any fate;/Still achieving, still pursuing,/ Learn to labor and wait. The poet takes the hand of the reader now as he did during his own time and seems to say to each individual: Let us move forward together.

Tuesday, November 12, 2019

Promethean Myth :: Essays Papers

Promethean Myth Discuss the relationship between Prometheus and Faustus, paying particular attention to the use of cultural myth. The beautiful fables of the Greeks, being proper creations of the imagination and not of the fancy, are universal verities. What a range of meanings and what perpetual pertinence has the story of Prometheus. Ralph Waldo Emerson. The influence and legacy of the Promethean myth can be traced through history. From Hesiod to Shakespeare, Marlowe to the Coen Brothers, the Promethean motif has been reused and recycled until it holds a distinctly familiar, yet strangely obscure grip on the imagination. What is the reality behind this myth and how does our own contemporary reality compare with a three thousand year old Greek fable? One aspect that we can relate to is the impotence of Prometheus. This is highlighted in Marlowe’s Dr Faustus; this impotence is inextricably linked with the conflict between the representatives of man (Prometheus and Faustus) against a superior power. To explore these links, it is first prudent to trace the history and influence of the Promethean myth. The history of this recognised cultural myth is difficult to ascertain, certainly Aeschylus loosely based his play on Hesiod’s two poems Theogony and The works and Days, but where can the origin of such a fable be found? History tells us that the early civilisations made sacrifices to their various â€Å"Gods†; an animal would be butchered, the fat, bones and entrails would be wholly burnt and the smoke would ascend heavenward. The meat could then be eaten thus ensuring no waste. Hesiod’s version of the myth about Prometheus’s and Zeus’s choice seems to have been composed to explain why people didn’t have to burn the parts that were good to eat (an etiologic myth). This is just one example, however, of the fire creation story which can be traced throughout many early global cultures, from Norse to Aboriginal: witness Krishna’s claims that â€Å"Brahma is the bringer of light for rebirth† in Indian mythology. James F razer gives many examples about the original theft of fire from a wide variety of cultures in his essay . There is no doubt that the Promethean tradition has become an everyday aspect of literary and artistic society: Shakespearean lines such as â€Å"Women’s eyes are the source of true Promethean fire† to â€Å"And faster bound to Aaron’s charming eyes, than is Prometheus tied to the Caucaus† 4 illustrate this, (Nietzsche also argues that Hamlet is a Dionysiac Promethean hero)5 .

Sunday, November 10, 2019

Being laid off

What do you think about the effects, both mental and physical, of being laid off even though you have â€Å"done everything right†? Being laid off from the job has strong effects, both physical and mental, on a person’s condition. Even if it is unsolicited dismissal, it does not always pass without a hitch. Breach of an employment contract is a stress for both sides. When a person is being laid off during the period of probation, the stress, affecting on a person, is less.A person gets a motivation to work harder at another job, to understand properly what he is lacking as a specialist in this particular field, to take criticism adequately. Being laid off after a long-term working is usually considered as the stamp of infamy. Affections of being laid of, uncertainty of financial field, feelings of needlessness and absence of demand can bring a person to understating of self-esteem, stress, and even depression.The worst after-effects of being laid off are: remorse, rage, indignation, apprehensiveness, alcoholism, drug addiction, divorce, physical complaints, and even thoughts of suicide. After being laid off, a person affects nothingness and shock. This condition is especially dangerous if the dismissal takes place eventually. It can bring in a risk of illness and accidents. A person being laid off changes all his life style, expectations, ambitions, values, relations. When a person is laid off, he usually does not want to see his former colleagues, even if they have been friends.He does not want to see people who are luckier than he and has not been dismissed, to share the experience with them. Hence, a person can lose not only a job, but friends either. Next point here is a family. If a person â€Å"brings bacon†, dismissal affects not only a person, but all his relatives. Material side of the problem is very important in general, but in such cases a person should find a new job quickly and it brings in another stress. It leads to a violen t behavior with children and mates; and finally to a divorce.Some persons begin to find a causer of their disasters, to accuse their bosses who haven’t sized the possibilities. It begins to seem that the world is unjust and it has turned his back on a person. Other persons consider self-guiltiness, suppose that they have shown themselves not initiative, that they have not been worth of such job. If the person can’t find a new job, he becomes more pessimistic, begins to lose hope, stops being interested in new vacancies, and finally loses heart. Some people affect a great depression and even stop leaving their homes.

Friday, November 8, 2019

Racial Profiling Ges MAinstrea essays

Racial Profiling Ges MAinstrea essays Eighteen years ago a 12 year old witnessed members of his family, neighbors and school friends slaughtered from a distance. He saw an army take on people with rocks and stones. As he watched this, he thought, why cant Reagan [Ronald Reagan, president of the U.S. at that time] just take over the world...then the entire world could be at peace, there would be no more war, for there would be nothing to fight for. This thought came from a Palestinian boy who witnessed the massacre that took place in his hometown in Palestine. His name is Yassir Khaluf, who is now a quite wealthy business owner in Lexington, Kentucky. Back then Yassir saw a world full of hate. Yet, I could not understand why border lines could be so important, so important that people could kill people, and hate one another(Khluf interview). When we see what has happened in our country in the last months it is hard not to hate, it is almost impossible not to be angry, and these emotions have merit. If you are an American citizen you should be angry, you should be upset, these are our fellow citizens, our fellow freedom loving brothers and sisters that died for what? But in the midst of all of this why should we turn and accuse people of committing a crime due to their race or religious affiliation? Should our law enforcement agencies use racial profiling as a tool to fight terrorism? When I sat down for a few minutes with Mr. Khaluf, I was probing for a different point of view. Looking for an angle on our country that we dont normally hear. I got just that. According to Yassir, Right now is a horrible time to be Arab in America. I am afraid to purchase a house because I am afraid it will be taken from me. I feel great compassion for what has happened, yet I wish that Americans would understand that not all Arabs are bad (Khaluf interview). When Yassir refers to Americans, he means those who are being r...

Wednesday, November 6, 2019

Definition and Examples of Narrative Climax

Definition and Examples of Narrative Climax In a narrative (within an essay, short story, novel, film, or play), a climax is the turning point in the action (also known as the crisis) and/or the highest point of interest or excitement. Adjective: climactic. In its simplest form, the classical structure of a narrative can be described as rising action, climax, falling action- known in journalism as BME (beginning, middle, end). EtymologyFrom the Greek, ladder. Examples and Observations The Climax of E.B. Whites Essay Once More to the LakeOne afternoon while we were there at that lake a thunderstorm came up. It was like the revival of an old melodrama that I had seen long ago with childish awe. The second-act climax of the drama of the electrical disturbance over a lake in America had not changed in any important respect. This was the big scene, still the big scene. The whole thing was so familiar, the first feeling of oppression and heat and a general air around camp of not wanting to go very far away. In mid-afternoon (it was all the same) a curious darkening of the sky, and a lull in everything that had made life tick; and then the way the boats suddenly swung the other way at their moorings with the coming of a breeze out of the new quarter, and the premonitory rumble. Then the kettle drum, then the snare, then the bass drum and cymbals, then crackling light against the dark, and the gods grinning and licking their chops in the hills. Afterward the calm, the rai n steadily rustling in the calm lake, the return of light and hope and spirits, and the campers running out in joy and relief to go swimming in the rain, their bright cries perpetuating the deathless joke about how they were getting simply drenched, and the children screaming with delight at the new sensation of bathing in the rain, and the joke about getting drenched linking the generations in a strong indestructible chain. And the comedian who waded in carrying an umbrella.When the others went swimming my son said he was going in too. He pulled  his dripping trunks  from the line where they had hung all through the shower, and wrung them out. Languidly, and with no thought of going in, I watched him, his hard little body, skinny and bare,  saw him wince slightly as he pulled up around his vitals the small, soggy, icy garment. As he buckled the swollen belt, suddenly my groin felt the chill of death.(E.B. White, Once More to the Lake. Essays of E.B. White, 1941. Rpt.  Harpe r Row, 1977) Climaxes in AnecdotesAnecdotes are really miniature stories with all the appurtenances of same. They must lay the groundwork so the reader can follow the action. They must introduce characters with clear objectives, then show the characters striving toward those objectives. They usually have conflict. They move toward a climax, then usually have a denouement, just like a short story. And they have to be structured; the raw material from which theyre built is seldom in final form when you get it. Warning: Structuring does not mean changing facts, it means perhaps rearranging their order, cutting nonessentials, emphasizing the quotes or actions that drive home the point.(Andrà © Fontaine and William A. Glavin, The Art of Writing Nonfiction, 2nd ed. Syracuse University  Press, 1991)Climaxes in Nonfiction- My nature essays have . . . been fairly conventional to date. Every essay has some sort of hook to catch the readers attention in the opening . . .; consists of a beginning, middle, and end; includes significant amounts of natural history information; moves toward some discernible climax, which can take the form of a revelation, an image, a rhetorical question, or some other closing device . . .; and strives at all times to keep the personal presence of the narrator in the foreground.(John A. Murray, Writing About Nature: A Creative Guide, revised ed. University  of New Mexico Press, 1995)- The essay, unlike the article, is inconclusive. It plays with ideas, juxtaposing them, trying them out, discarding some ideas on the way, following others to their logical conclusion. In the celebrated climax of his essay on cannibalism, Montaigne forces himself to admit that had he himself grown up among cannibals, he would in all likelihood have become a cannibal himself.(Thomas H. Eriksen, Engaging Anthropology: The Case for a Public Presence. Berg Publishers, 2006) Ayn Rand on the Climax in a Nonfiction ArticleThe climax in a nonfiction article is the point at which you demonstrate what you set out to demonstrate. It might require a single paragraph or several pages. There are no rules here. But in preparing the outline, you must keep in mind where you start from (i.e., your subject) and where you want to go (i.e., your theme- the conclusion you want your reader to reach). These two terminal points determine how you will get from one to the other. In good fiction, the  climax- which you must know in advance- determines what events you need in order to bring the story to that point. In  nonfiction  too, your conclusion gives you a lead to the steps needed to bring the reader to the  climax.The guiding question in this process is: What does the reader need to know in order to agree with the conclusion? That determines what to include. Select the essentials of what you need in order to convince the reader- keeping in mind the context of yo ur subject.(Ayn Rand,  The Art of Nonfiction: A Guide for Writers and Readers, 1958.  NAL, 2000) Charlie Chaplin on Comic ClimaxesBesides [Douglas] Fairbanks pool one day, the playwright Charles MacArthur, who had lately been lured from Broadway to write a screenplay, was bemoaning the fact that he was finding it difficult  to write visual jokes.Whats the problem? asked [Charlie] Chaplin.How, for example, could I make a fat lady, walking down Fifth Avenue, slip on a banana peel and still get a laugh? It’s been done a million times, said MacArthur. Whats the best way to get the laugh? Do I show first the banana peel, then the fat lady approaching; then she slips? Or do I show the fat lady first, then the banana peel, and then she slips?Neither, said Chaplin without a moments hesitation. You show the fat lady approaching; then you show the banana peel; then you show the fat lady and the banana peel together; then she steps over the banana peel and disappears down a manhole.†(David Niven, Bring on the Empty Horses. G.P. Putnams Sons, 1975) Pronunciation: KLI-max

Sunday, November 3, 2019

The Benefits of Family Members Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2250 words

The Benefits of Family Members - Research Paper Example Traumatic symptoms encompass characteristics such as detachments, reenactments and hallucinations. According to a research study, it has been further revealed that trauma withholds structural sympathies with respect to code. Furthermore, related to code, it has been explained as a channel that will help in understanding, representing as well as intervening a traumatic event. Code is principally viewed as a channel through which a traumatic experience passes from its suppressed position to conscious countenance. While transferring of traumatic event, it is not trapped within involuntary reenactments as well as obsessive repetitions related to traumatic experiences (Blanchard, 2008). In this regard, it is further determined that traumatic events lead to a numerous internal changes within the family setting. These changes mainly reveal the change of outlook with respect to life and expectation about future. Recovery from setbacks due to traumatic events within individuals varies from ea rly recovery to prolonged years of recoveries. In accordance with traumatic events, it has been revealed that family plays an important role in overcoming traumatic experiences. Numerous aspects such as family background, the severity of traumatic event, family support and early adaptation of family members with respect to a traumatic event play an imperative role in order to stabilize the surroundings of a person facing critical scenario in terms of sustenance. Thus, code situation represents the urgency of traumatic event that has occurred recently (Shepell.fgi, 2012). Effects of the Traumatic Events Traumatic events differ for different persons. For a few individuals, a small emotional loss can be a traumatic event. It is considered as a... This paper approves that it has been revealed that attention is required related to belief systems, administrative patterns and communiquà © processes which can foster the reduction in terms of vulnerability as well as risk for recovering from traumatic setback. Belief system of a family represents cultural and spiritual along with the traditional system that are prevalent within a family. In this respect, family traditions, belief systems and culture play an important role with regard to the early recovery of a trauma patient especially in emergency room setting. It becomes important for the family members to contextualize pain of the trauma patient to alleviate the suffering by a considerable extent. A sense of coherence and cooperation must be provided to the affected member in order to overcome a traumatic incident at an earliest. For instance, in case of natural calamity, family members stand as a pillar for each other and develop confidence among them to fight against the adve rse situation This essay makes a conclusion that traumatic events lay an immense negative impact over human beings. Traumatic events differ with respect to the perception from person to person. Furthermore, it has been revealed that traumatic event affects a person’s normal workout. A trauma survivor remains under depression and mental disturbance that affects the daily routine. In this context, it has been revealed that trauma survivor remains distorted, disturbed and depressed. From the overall study, it is ascertained that family members help trauma patients to recover at an earliest. Family members and loved ones develop a positive feeling within the sufferer from a traumatic experience along with providing a sense of motivation to start life in a new and a better way.

Friday, November 1, 2019

{Porfolio Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

{Porfolio - Assignment Example the-job training program that ensures nurses work in various stations and additional trainings given to provide them with better understanding of organization’s performance. The staffs are also supportive of each other which help to create a learning environment. Communication barriers and failure to clearly identify individual strengths and talents make the organization fall short of the expected empowerment levels. From the leadership environment assessment survey, questions 7, 8, and 16 registered a â€Å"No† response. In regard to question 7, competition among group members at my organization is not healthy and productive because it has promoted individualism as opposed to team spirit. Competition among group members has enhanced relationship conflicts among departments given that task variety is low and more routine (Matsao, 2005). Strengths and talents of individual members are less recognized in the organization due to low levels of delegation and inter-group competition. Seniors or supervisors are in charge of most activities with nurses having little autonomy in executing key tasks. Finally, channels of communication are not clear and open because the system is a bit more closed. Idea generation and effective feedback mechanisms are missing as the system favors top-down information flow. As an organization that is determined to excel in service delivery, status quo cannot be allowed to continue. Competition among group members if well harnessed and controlled can help members to be more innovative, promote cooperation, knowledge sharing and enable members achieve higher productivity levels as a team (Matsao, 2005). Proper and early identification of individual member strength and potential talents is essential in developing leaders who can steer the organization into top performance through effective leadership and rewards that come with such a process (Fulmer and Bleak, 2008). Through this, employees are able to achieve their full actualization instead