Saturday, October 5, 2019

Orientalism in America and Terrorism Movie Review

Orientalism in America and Terrorism - Movie Review Example The media and other organizations do not, therefore, carry out any investigations, but rather report on the government views of these nations. This, in turn, shapes the views of the people towards the Arab nations as rogue nations who permeate violence in their everyday lives through their hatred of the western nations. On orientalism and empire, Edward Said argues that most of the European states were just aiming to exert influence and political mileage in the Islamic states of the Middle East. He bases this argument on the fact that throughout the period of history and colonization every empire told itself that it was not like the other empires (Orientalism). That its territorial occupation was based on noble ideas of education, enlightenment, and liberation, rather than political control and plunder. However, as time passes the true intention of the occupiers become evident. In this respect, Orientalism is a tool for colonialism and political dominance. On American orientalism, Edward Said gives the distinction between the American Orientalism and other European Orientalism. Unlike the French or the British, America did not have direct colonial experience in the Orient. American Orientalism was thus more indirect and abstract. As a result of this abstraction, American orientalism is very much politicized by the presence of Israel as their main ally. The view of Israel that all Arab states are its enemies is thus imported into the American orientalism, which plays a significant role in portraying all Arab states as enemies (Orientalism). Whereas the terrorism exists in the middle east as a result of the violence and the political problems there, much of the images portrayed by the media only serve as to demonize the Arab nations and do not tell the whole story behind the problems in the Middle East.

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