Friday, October 18, 2019

Answer 2 questions Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 1

Answer 2 questions - Assignment Example In terms of morals, a lot has changed since today casual sex is allowed, and even preferred in some cases (Wells & Twenge). The last three decades have seen the face of family life change drastically. In the United States, for instance, only 25% of the population is in nuclear families (Wells & Twenge). A variety of stepfamilies has arisen due to the increased number of divorces and remarriages. This "new normal" in the universe is reflected and accepted in all aspects of our lives. The media, for instance, encourages this view through advertising, broadcasting and promoting movies and music. The idolized music and movies stars today can get divorces up to three times,. As such, divorce and remarriages have become the best way to move on. Such principles have been accepted, and people do not see any issue. For this reason, the number of stepfamilies will continue to shot up if this trend goes

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