Wednesday, October 30, 2019

My business review of paultons park limited Assignment

My business review of paultons park limited - Assignment Example Furthermore, the management should review their financial records with when planning since the industry is characterised by a shift in demand at the market place, hence the need for proper management as it has been the case for years (Needles, Powers & Crosson, 2010, p. 1304). For instance in England, Paultons Park Limited is contributing to the growth of the economy despite the difficulties in managing their operations. During unpredictable times, the management is required to devise means of sustaining tourism activities to ensure that the change in the marketplace does not lead to losses in tourism companies (Futrell, 2004). The measures can include, planning for the accommodations of walk in guest in cases where demand surpasses the supply, budgeting for the needs of the clients and the employees of the park, and lastly, enacting policies that will facilitate revenue generations. In Europe, a majority of tourist prefer going to thematic parks and this is one area in which Paulton s has capitalized on; for instance, the corporations has designed parks to cater for the needs of clients from different regions of the world (Yi-De, 2008,p 2). Furthermore, the company has divided its activities into entertainment, educational and refreshments services with entertainment activities featuring as the most preferred programs by clients (PR Newswire 2007). In designing their programs, Paultons should devise ways to increase its revenue since competition is contributing to the decline in revenue at the company. In 2008, the management witnessed a decline in revenue and this was due to the cutthroat competition from suppliers of hospitality services. The competitors of the company are Disney, SeaWorld Parks and Clementon. The companies offer services similar to Paultons Park’ services; however, there are differences in the manner in which SeaWorld and Disney customizes their services to guest. Examples of services that Paultons Park customizes include entertainmen t services, supplying meals together and banqueting (Sehlinger, Testa & Bleiberg, 2011, p. 180). From a financial perspective, competition is posing a challenge to Planktons Park limited, and as a result, competition is forcing the management to devise means for dealing with the cutthroat competition and one of the suggestions is the use of modern facilities at the park. In this case, Paultons Park limited is going to invest in computer programs that will aid the management in planning for the needs of the company. A briefing on non-financial features of your selected firm The company engages in corporate social responsibility functions such as constructing shops and opening restaurants to serve the public. The management does this with the objective of strengthening Paultons Park brand name (Nikolai, Bazley & Jones, 2010, p. 276). Intermediate accounting. Australia, South-Western/Cengage Learning. Consequently, the company has reputation for offering quality services to clients at affordable costs. Additionally, the park engages in conservation activities such as maintaining public facilities like schools and this has developed the reputation of the company as being responsible in their duties. The company offers employees bonuses of their income and in addition, employees without bonuses

Monday, October 28, 2019

Lack of Responsibility Kills Essay Example for Free

Lack of Responsibility Kills Essay When it comes to the battle between obesity among Americans and fast food chain companies, fast food falls hard for the one to blame. For many years, big food companies have been constantly under attack from health advocates and consumers for the contribution of growing waistlines, chronic diseases and lack of exercise in the United States. Of course, it is easy to blame fast food corporations given the ubiquity, proximity convenience and low cost of food options available. But who really is the one to point the finger at? We, the consumers, are fully responsible for what enters our mouths. No individual should sue any restaurant company from getting fat from eating their food. A decline in physical activity and a rise in more sedentary lifestyles have made it more difficult to balance food intake with energy spending in the last generation, leading to overweight people. It wouldnt be such a big deal if the problem were simply aesthetic. But excess weight takes a terrible toll on the human body, significantly increasing the risk of heart disease, high blood pressure, stroke, diabetes, gall-bladder disease, osteoarthritis and many forms of cancer. The total medical tab for illnesses related to obesity is $117 billion a year. According to the Surgeon General, and the Journal of the American Medical Association reported in March, poor diet and physical inactivity could soon overtake tobacco as the leading cause of preventable death in the U.S. And again, Americans recognize the problem but do not seem to want to change. In the TIME/ABC poll they rated obesity alongside heart disease, cancer, AIDS and drug abuse as among the nations most pressing public health problems. Consumers attitude toward fast food has changed since there is a wide assortment of factors at work ranging from fewer sit-down meals, much more snacking, more latchkey kids who make their own food decisions without supervision. Consumers, as well as parents (kids are also falling victim to the obesity rates), need to engage in personal responsibility when it comes to consuming an abundant amount of fast food instead of putting the obesity blame on fast food franchises. Obesity and fast food chains were never an issue back in the day; Americans seem to have taken advantage of the easy availability and cheap prices of many unhealthy foods. The human lifestyle and diet 4,000 years ago seem to have changed dramatically over the years where our ancestors ate and drank in the healthiest way possible as nomadic hunter-gatherers. 50%-80% of food came from plants, and 20%-50% came from animals (The World is Fat 18). Chronic disease, diabetics, obesity, heart disease and even cancer were unknown. In the 1950s, less than 100 million Americans were overweight and obese individuals. People used to have to do daily activities that were extensive just to live their everyday lives like cooking food from scratch, walking most places and doing most things by hand rather than using technological machines to do it for them. Food wasnt easy to get if you were poor. Walking somewhere was still common regardless of appliances such as dishwashers and ovens, and in 1960, only about 13.3 percent of people in America were obese, according to the University of Iowa Hospitals Clinics. And things havent been moving in a promising direction. Just two decades ago, the incidence of overweight in adults was well under 50%, while the rate for kids was only a third what it is today. From 1996 to 2001, 2 million teenagers and young adults joined the ranks of the obese. People are clearly worried. A TIME/ABC News poll released June 2004 shows that 58% of Americans would like to lose weight, nearly twice the percentage that felt that way in 1951. But only 27% say they are trying to slim down and two-thirds of those arent following any specific plan to do so. Americans love and strive for flavor and bigger portioned sized foods that’s fast and easy to attain, that is where fast food corporations come in place. Americans now are taking advantage of the big ger, cheaper and faster foods that it has become a national problem. So, where do we draw the line between self-control and responsible business practice? For the past 10 years, McDonald’s and other fast foods chains have been victimized with numerous lawsuits because they either â€Å"got consumers fat, hypnotized kids or bribed with deals and promos† (Fast Food 19). In 2003, the United States district court for the Southern District of New York responded to a complaint filed against McDonald’s by a class of obese costumers (Fast Food 18). In 2011, sixty-four year old Martin Kessman filed a lawsuit against the fast food company, White Castle and was seeking unspecified financial damages against the fast-food chain, claiming that his local White Castle is in violation of the Americans With Disabilities Act because the seating could not accommodate a customer of his size, keep in mind this man ate at White Castle on a regular basis. These frivolous and unnecessary lawsuits against corporations show the ignorance of many irresponsible Americans who cannot control their eating habits. It is not right to sue a fast food company based on the fact that consumers knowingly and voluntarily consumed the foods from McDonald’s knowing that the foods McDonald’s serves were in fact high in cholesterol, fat, salt and sugar. Consumers voluntarily spend over $100 billion annually on fast food per year. (Fast Food 8). The famous documentary, Supersize Me, shows Morgan Spurlock consuming McDonalds every day, 3 days a week. This of course led him to gain a significant amount of weight and develop some health complications. Spurlock makes his point by a way of exaggeration, he tells us something that we already know, fast food is bad. Of course it will be bad because he ONLY consumed fast food and nothing else, he did not eat anything healthy and did not exercise, all of this was done voluntarily. Should consumers eat fast food on a daily or even a weekly basis? The answer is simply no. Today Americans eat an extra 300 calories per day than in 1985 (Buzzle). When this trend occurs we get overweight Americans, and that is exactly what we are dealing with. 500 million Americans are now obese and an additional 6 or 7 million are â€Å"morbidly obese† (Chew on This 209). With this ridiculous amount of unhealthy people, you would think there would be a solution. And there is, lawsuits. Americans decide to turn to their lawyers for their ignorance and blame corporations for something that is obviously done by their own will. Consumers are too ignorant and blind to understand what it’s their mouth. We cannot deny that people are eating more and are getting fat, but that does not prove that fast food franchises are the culprit. Kids today are suffering severely and falling victim to obesity because of many unhealthy diets that are being practiced in their own home. Parents bring home the importance of food safety, quality and nutrition. When this habit continues to occur it leads to kids becoming teens who make poor choices who in turn leads to obese adults and a lifetime of health problems. Children in the United States are gaining more weight than ever before. They’re eating too much high-fat, high-sugar food and are spending less time be ing physically active. In 1989-1996 kids caloric intake became 80-230 extra calories per day (Food Inc. 225). The diets of American children don’t meet nutritional recommendations. In 1997, American children obtained about 50% of their calories from added fat and sugar while 1% of them resemble portions of food pyramid (Fast Food 29). At this early age kids can show early signs of health problems and of course obesity. A quarter of kids age 5-10 show premature warning signs for heart disease such as high cholesterol and high blood pressure with unhealthy eating habits, physical inactivity and obesity (Food Inc. 229). Weight problems that develop during childhood can lead to weight-related illnesses such as cancer, heart disease, high blood pressure and diabetes. So, is parent’s lack of responsibility for their children’s food habits the one to blame? Of course, one thing kids will unfortunately experience is variety. With all the fast food chains serving the same stuff no matter where in the US. Parents with obese kids are struggling with a horde of problems when it comes to their childs weight. They range from a lack of education about nutritional food, not knowing how to cook and limited money to buy healthier food, to longer working hours and marketing campaigns for junk food aimed at kids. But the more sedentary and lazy lives children now have are also creating huge problems. Type 2 diabetics actually increased in children when a study conducted in Cincinnati should that type 2 diabetics went up tenfold from 1982 to 1994. 75% of junior school children preferred to stay at home than go to their nearby park (Child obesity: Why do parents let their kids get fat). Watching TV was one of the most popular activities, with 89% saying it was how they liked best to spend their time away from school, according to researchers Lightspeed. In July, scientists from University of Montreal claimed that by the age of ten, toddlers had added inches to their waistlines each week they spen d an extra hour in front of the television. Parents need to, from the start, control the eating and overall lifestyle of their children. It is dangerous for the future of the children to get used to such a risky addiction. Not only are we and our children eating more, but we are also exercising less. Lack of exercise is another factor to lack of responsibility. Fewer American adults today work in jobs that require physical labor. People drive to work in cars, rather than walking or biking; they take elevators instead of stairs; they use vacuum cleaners rather than brooms; and they cut the lawn with riding rather than push mowers. All of these simple changes reduce the amount of energy used to perform the tasks of daily living. A typical office worker today walks only about 3000 to 5000 steps in their daily activities. In contrast, in the Amish community where driving automobiles and using electrical appliances and other modern conveniences are not allowed, a typical adult takes 14000 to 18000 steps a day. The overall incidence of obesity in the group is only 4%. With 46.9% of the population meeting Physical Guidelines for aerobic/cardio physical activity (Exercise and Physical Activity). The problem for individuals is that willpower is not enough. We live in an environment where theres food every half mile. Its tasty, cheap, convenient, and you can eat it with one hand. We, the consumers, need not only to cut back on calories and fast food, we need to get active in any possible way we can to increase our health. Although simpler sounding on words then it is to actually pursue, exercise is Americans biggest challenge. Imagine a 7-year-old boy named John who, his whole has been given to-go fast food meals as his daily dinner at home. John has always been overweight for his age. As John has entered his teen’s years, he has become a hectic straight A student who studies constantly but never has time to make his own meals at home. John drives to local fast food joints and spends about $70 per week on his in-between-studies meals. Although, he has never worried about the way he looked and no matter what it has never occurred to him to want to change his eating habits, he continues to eat fast food on a regular basis. He consumes about 1,200 calories more than he is suppose to. Now being a grown adult with a settled job and cozy suburban home, he continues to eat unhealthy. No exercise is ever incorporated into his daily routines. He enters a McDonalds and stares blankly at the menu and clearly sees the sign that McDonalds has introduced a new Premium Caesar Salad with Crispy Chicken Strips but John chooses to ignore it because he thinks going to McDonald’s for a salad is like asking a prostitute for a hug. It just doesn’t make sense. He orders a Big Mac meal that costs him around $9.25 and around 1,130 calories (including drink), this does not bother John because this simple meal tastes great and satisfies his hunger and appetite (keep in mind John ate this meal in-between lunch and dinner so he has eaten more calories with breakfast, lunch and dinner). Oh, and why not make it supersized for 2 dollars more, he won’t be hungry till 2 hours later. John continues this routine for about two more months; he feels extremely tired and out of breathe just walking down the stairs of his home. He also has major pains in his hips and knees only to think this is due to age. As the shortness of breath and joint pains begin to intensify, John finally decides to go to the doctor to get a check-up. His result, John is morbidly obese and has developed osteoarthritis, which is the reason for the joint pains. He also has a respiratory problem that causes his shortness of breath. John is outraged at how he could develop such a health problem. He blames McDonalds for giving him such a horrible and negative effect on his health. He plans to sue the fast food company. Does John win his case? No, he does not. With his irresponsible lack of a healthy diet or exercise, he does not have a fair case against McDonald’s. His overweight and health i ssues are due to his irresponsible lack of awareness to his body and his lifestyle. McDonald’s is not the one to blame; he had the choice to eat unhealthy. No one is forcing him to consume fattening foods. The real culprits in his obesity problems (as well as many other obese Americans) are lack of personal responsibility and its henchmen, gluttony and sloth. What really causes obesity besides the overconsumption of food? Genetics is one factor. Some common forms of obesity are probably the result of variations within a large number of heritable genes between families. Obesity risk is 2-3x higher for a person with a history of obesity as oppose to someone with no family history. Genetic studies have shown that the â€Å"particular set of weight-regulating genes that a person has is by far the most important factor in determining how much that person will weigh† (The Real Cause of Obesity). The heritability of obesity, which shows how, many genes is a factor to obesity versus other factors is the same as the heritability of height. Also, many psychological disorders can lead to obesity as well. The basis of eating disorders and obesity usually lies with mixtures of psychosocial and environmental attributes. Individuals who suffer from psychological disorders (e.g. depression, anxiety, and eating disorders) may have a tough time managing control of their consumption of food, exercising an adequate amount, and maintaining a healthy weight. Those with weight problems can use food as a relieving mechanism, particularly when they are sad, anxious, stressed, lonely, and frustrated. In many obese individuals there appears to be a random cycle of mood disturbance, overeating, and weight gain. When they feel distressed, they turn to food to help them feel better which in turn leads to obesity (Psychological Risk Factors of Obesity). The culprits responsible for Americas progressively expanding waistline have little to do with the usual suspects popularized by the media. Many Americans believe Fast Food is the main culprits for obesity because of the clever tactics and unknown ingredients they use to get costumers to buy and their food and make them wanting more later. Fast food companies outnumber actual restaurants because it is affordable, easy to attain, big portioned and delicious. With the United States being the most obese nation, it has also become the nation that craves flavor and variety. Many turn away from greens because of its unappealing taste and lack of flavor. Fast Food companies produce food with flavor and hunger satisfying taste. Many become angry because of the effective advertising done on TV, ads, giveaways and deals. But what really angers consumers most are the chemicals they put in their food that makes it so delicious and irresistible. Polyfluoroalkyl phosphate pesters, PAPs, are chemicals that line fast-food packaging to make it grease- and waterproof, this leads to a number of health problems including cancer and liver disease. Dimethylpolysiloxane, a type of silicone, is added as an anti-foaming agent to McDonald’s chicken nuggets. This is the same ingredient that is used in breast implants and silly putty. Sodium Phosphate, which acts like a foam agent to many types of meat, is constantly used in many fast food joints. Dyes (red and yellow) behavioral attributes. Along with the mystery chemicals that go into fast food for its flavor, companies also supersize or increase the portions of their meals. During 1970s, marketing director of McDonalds corporations, David Wallerstein, determined that consumers would by more of a food item if sold in larger sizes and costs weren’t high. Portions increased from since 1980s to about 5x larger, which includes the drinks and side orders (Buzzle). A supersized coke, big mac and fries takes about 7 hours to burn with walking, now imagine people actually eating this without any exercise. We’ve been supersizing what we eat and that’s what consumers can’t get enough of. Many blame fast food for numerous health problems as well; asthma, strokes, type 2 diabetics, cancer, and cardio vascular disease. I myself have fallen victim to fast food, for example when I go on road trips with the family, we have no time to sit down and have a proper breakfast since we have to get on the road right away. We stop by a McDonalds because their breakfast is cheap and quick since we can eat it in the car. Also, it is no coincidence that fast food chains are everywhere where there are colleges and schools as well. College educated people or not poorly educated Americans are the most rapid growth in BMI between 1970 and 1990 (Fast Food 20). Obesity in college students in 1970 increased to 163% with many students claiming that with so much hectic studying and no time to eat, fast food is close by and quick to eat. So, it is no joke as to why people would blame fast food for their health troubles, since it is easy to attain and delicious but with many deadly ingredients. Personal responsibility is all it takes to decrease obesity. We live in a supersized world but as they say bigger is not always better. Fast food companies should not be blamed for obesity and instead be blamed on the consumers for lack of self-control. Fast food may look delicious but if people are aware of the health problems that are in the food, why do some continue to consume it regularly. Many need to take responsibility for their actions instead of taking it out on the companies by filing ridiculous lawsuits. No one forces us to eat a burger. It is not fast food that kills it is lack of responsibility that kills.

Saturday, October 26, 2019

How the Internet Changed Business :: essays research papers

How the Internet has Changed Small Business Forever Ten years ago, the Internet as we know it hit screens. It was 1995 when Explorer and Netscape emerged as the leading browsers for Internet users. Of course, a lot has changed since the days when it took several minutes to load one Web page. Today, URLs are as common as phone numbers for most businesses. During the last decade, we’ve been to the top of the world—during the dot-com boom of the late 1990s—and back down again, when it all fell apart a few years later. But with the bad came the good: The Web forever changed the business world. The following small-business owners are shining examples of how Web-based technologies can be a businessperson’s best friend. 1. E-mail Because it changed the way we communicate in business Phoenix-based PMP Tools ( ) provides test materials for project managers studying for professional certification exams. Test takers can find prep courses, review books and study tools on the site, which employs 11 people. Brent Knapp, the site’s founder, started publicizing PMP Tools by posting information in Yahoo Groups chat forums and by buying lists from Hoovers and Forbes for marketing mailings. His results were decent, but not perfect. He got a 3 percent response from what was then a $3,000 monthly project that took three days to complete. â€Å"We spent time designing the mailing and printing it. And then we all sat around stuffing envelopes and calling companies to get the right contact person to mail it out to,† he says. Last year, Knapp decided e-mail might be a better option. At the very least, he would save $2,950 per month and three days of manpower; the template and automation tools he uses take all the legwork out of creating a newsletter. He saw results almost immediately. Now Knapp sends a daily newsletter to about 12,000 people, a number that has climbed 10 percent each month. The newsletter contains a project management review, crossword puzzle and product promotion. Sales have gone through the roof since it launched, topping $1 million last year. The company also benefits from e-mail in another way: employee contact and customer service. â€Å"We literally have no incoming calls—ever,† says Knapp. â€Å"Everything—99 percent of what we do—is handled via e-mail. People don’t want to call in. People don’t want to wait on hold. We have a one-hour e-mail policy, so our customers get an immediate response.

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Computer Education Technology

Back to the 1940s, the modern electronic computer was developed at U.S. universities; however, in the year, there was no computer education yet. It needed more 10 years to have computer education. The period of the computer revolution was 1950 in the U.S.. Computer education began in the middle of the 1950s with an organized body of knowledge. Also Japanese the teaching of computer science has been developed in the same period. During 1955 to 1959, some universities developed their own computers. They organized short courses. Computer technology comes from the U.S. to Japan. Usually a technology is developed in the U.S.. After that, it comes to Japan so Japanese computer education is late at all and most manuals are written in English so it is easy to lean computer for people who speak English; however, most Japanese people who live in Japan cannot understand English so they have to translate English to Japanese to understand the manuals. It needs much time. Usually Japanese universities teach computer to students in Japanese so students have to study not only computer but also English when they try to use computer even if they can use Japanese operating system. For example, the command of the computer programming languages are written in English so Japanese students have to have dictionary their hand, therefore, some students stop learning it. It is so hard for Japanese student. In the near future, computer technology will be needed and important for not only students who want to be programmers or engineers but also general Japanese people so Japanese computer education has to find their own computer educational system so that people who have no computer knowledge can learn it easily.

Wednesday, October 23, 2019


A Universal Feeling How many times have you reminisced on a certain memory and It almost felt Like you were there again? You could smell, see, and even taste that exact moment. These memories are always triggered by something, but you are not entirely sure what. You are overcome with a longing for that moment in time and the memory is so fond that you can't help but feeling warm inside. Nostalgia is the sentimental longing felt when reminiscing on the past.It is not a feeling of melancholia but more of a bittersweet sentimentality for what once was. Nostalgia has been widely used to describe many notations but has Just recently been modified to describe a positive experience. The word nostalgia was first coined in the 17th century. The term was used to describe the medical conditions of Swiss mercenaries who longed to return home. Nostalgia soon became a name for a disease who's symptoms included fainting, high fever, stomach pain, and even death.By the late 19th century nostalgia wa s discarded as a medical condition and recognized as a form of melancholia and a mentally repressive disorder. Now nostalgia has a positive meaning. It Is classified as the term to describe the exact feeling felt when thinking of past memories. Nostalgia does have a positive effect on an individual. The Oxford English Dictionary defines nostalgia as sentimental longing for a period of the past. Merriam- Webster Dictionary says is it pleasure and sadness that is caused by remembering something from the past and wishing that you could experience it again.The most common synonyms used when referring to nostalgia are sentimentality and yearning. The important things about these definitions are the positive tones they all have. Many people have experienced nostalgia at some point in their life, whether that be a nod memory from childhood or a strong feeling of homesickness. Many of these happy memories even trigger an euphoric feeling that takes you back to that certain place or time. Th ese overall feelings provide a sense of comfort when life gets difficult.Young adults find that reminiscing on past memories has helped them smoothly transition into major life changes such as moving away from home. Nostalgia has been proven to counteract boredom, anxiety, and even loneliness. When things are especially difficult in different aspects of my life I find that I begin to feel lonely. Loneliness has always been a horrible feeling to cope with because there is nothing more helpless than feeling like you don't have anyone. With that loneliness I start to question the continuity of my life.Why am I not friends with that person anymore? What am I supposed to be doing with my life? At this point in my life everything Is changing and there isn't a stable thing that roots me to reality except for my memories. On the days that I feel anxiety or loneliness I always think of a certain memory that brings me back to a happier time. The memory Is always the same, but I can feel It be tter than I remember It. I remember the way the alarm feels a room window and noticing how the sun isn't quite as high as it normally is.I remember the exact smell of the cinnamon candle that my mom starts burning every fall. This memory has no actual significance but somehow it gets rid of all the loneliness I feel and makes me feel continuity and optimism instead. Nostalgia itself does not involve any feelings of melancholia. The literal act of nostalgia is to recall a memory that is fond to you in some way. The purpose of remembering past memories is to relate them to now to provide the sense of nonentity that you need to maintain a comforting balance when life changes..The experience of nostalgia is positive; the aftermath is not. Nostalgia is often confused with unpleasant feelings because of the longing that occurs when remembering a great experience from your past. But that longing is not an overall bad emotion it is just a reminder of all the positive things that once were. The term nostalgia has come a long way since it days of an actual medical condition to its description of a positive emotion. It is important to remember that nostalgia is not only Just a positive emotion but a positive experience.

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Gun Control Synthsis Paper essays

Gun Control Synthsis Paper essays When you mention gun control, many things come to mind. School shooting, the Brady Law, second amendment rights, and kids killing kids, these issues have prompted a controversy over guns and whether they are a menace to society. There are many types of guns and each contributes to crime differently. The smaller more easily concealed weapons, like handguns and sawed off shotguns are most likely to be used in crime. While the larger firearms, rifles, have a slightly lower reported incidence of crime. Crimes reported that involve an assault weapon such as the Uzi is virtually unheard of. Views on the subject of gun control range from one extreme, all guns are bad, to the other extreme that all existing laws should be revoked and every person should own a gun. In the discussion on gun control there are a few points that everyone argues about. Two of the most popular topics on gun control seem to be, do guns contribute to crime, and would tougher gun laws prevent gun fatalities? With all the different subjects discussed within the gun control controversy, the topic of how tougher laws would affect the death rate, associated with firearms, seems to be most common. Dennis Henigan believes that the laws need to be redirected toward better safety features on guns, to prevent some accidental shootings. Henigan also believes that the gun manufacturers should be liable for the lack of safety devices that could prevent accidental shootings. Morgan O. Reynolds and W.W. Caruth III believe, that the laws, proposed for the control of gun crime, would rase the price for purchasing a gun; but do little for preventing crime from being committed with them. According to Woody West, guns are responsible for the deaths of many people, some of which are innocent, but before we make new laws we should try enforcing the scores of laws already enacted, but not enforced. On the far end of the argument against controlling crime through banning gu...

Monday, October 21, 2019

Microprocessor essays

Intel/ Microprocessor essays Computers have impacted life greatly for people like you and me. The microprocessor and Intel are to thank for that. A microprocessor is a chip that can perform arithmetic, logic, and control the functions of a computer (Sloan 364). Intels early invention of the microprocessor truly impacted life forever. The microprocessor was invented because a company from Japan, Busicom, gave Intel a call. Busicom wanted to ask Intel a little favor. Busicom wanted Intel to make 12 chips for calculators. Instead, A worker at Intel, Tedd Hoff, said that Intel should make 1 chip that functions as 12 ( Intel supported this idea and soon enough there were microprocessors. The company that invented microprocessors was Intel (Sloan 364). But, Intel would be nothing without two guys named Robert Noyce and Gordon Moore. Both of these gentlemen worked for a popular, technological, company called Fairchild ( Many workers at Fairchild dreamt about starting their own company. Well Noyce and Moores dreams came true. They both broke off and boom Intel was a company. Well, alright so it wasnt that easy. First Noyce and Moore had to get their company funded. Art Rock, a founder of Fairchild, was just the man they were looking for. Rock funded Noyce and Moores company by giving them 2.5 million dollars in less than 2 days (! Needless to say, this was enough money to get Noyce and Moore well on their way to Intel. Before Noyce and Moore could actually have a real company, they needed a name. They choose the name Intel, which is short for integrated electronics ( Now, Intel was an official company, and still is today. The construction of the microprocessor was a very long process. The microprocessor process took 3 years, from 1968 to 1971, although, the actual constructing of the microprocessor took only 9 months ( Federco Fagg...

Sunday, October 20, 2019

Star Clusters

Star Clusters Star clusters are just what the name says they are: groupings of stars that can include anywhere from a few dozen to hundreds of thousands or even millions of stars! There are two general types of clusters: open and globular.   Open Clusters The open clusters, such as the Beehive in the constellation of Cancer and the Pleiades that grace the sky in Taurus, are groups born in the same area of space but are only  loosely  gravitationally bound together. Eventually, as they travel through the galaxy, these stars  wander apart from each other. Open clusters usually have up to  a thousand or so members, and their  stars are  not more than 10 billion years old. These clusters  are much more likely to be found in the disks of spiral and in irregular galaxies, which contain more star-forming material than older, more evolved elliptical galaxies. The Sun was born in an open cluster that formed about 4.5 billion years ago. As it moved through our rotating galaxy, it left its siblings behind long ago. Globular Clusters Globular clusters are the mega-clusters of the cosmos. They orbit the central core of our galaxy, and their thousands and thousands of  stars are held together by a strong mutual gravity  that creates a sphere or globe of stars. Generally speaking, stars in globulars are among the oldest  in the universe, and they formed early in a galaxy’s history. For example, there are stars in globulars orbiting our galaxys core that were born when the universe (and our galaxy) was quite young.   Why Are Clusters Important to Study? Most stars are born in these big batches within large stellar nurseries.Observing and measuring stars in clusters gives astronomers great insight into the environments in which they formed. Stars born recently often are more metal-rich than those that formed much earlier in history.  Metal-rich means that they contain more elements heavier than hydrogen and helium, such as carbon and oxygen.  If their birth clouds were rich in certain kinds of elements, then those stars will contain higher amounts of those materials. If the cloud was metal-poor (that is, if had a lot of hydrogen and helium, but very few other elements), then the stars it formed will be metal-poor. Stars in some globular clusters in the Milky Way are quite metal-poor, which indicates they formed when the universe was very young and there hadnt been time to form enough of the heavier elements.   When you look at a star cluster, youre seeing the the basic building blocks of galaxies. Open clusters provide the stellar population of a galaxys disk while the globulars hark back to a time when their galaxies were forming through collisions and interactions. Both stellar populations are clues to the ongoing evolution of their galaxies and of the universe. For stargazers, clusters can be fantastic observation targets. A few well-known open clusters are naked-eye objects.  The Hyades is another choice target, also in Taurus. Other targets include the Double Cluster (an pair of open clusters in Perseus), the Southern Pleiades (near Crux in the Southern Hemisphere), the globular cluster 47 Tucanae (a  fabulous sight in Southern Hemisphere constellation Tucana), and the globular cluster M13 in Hercules (easy to spot with binoculars or a small telescope).

Saturday, October 19, 2019

MMR Vaccine Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

MMR Vaccine - Essay Example Prior to introduction of the vaccine, the most common cause of meningitis related to virus was mumps (NHS, 2004). Mumps is also in the stage of wiping-out because of the vaccine. Even the impact of rubella on fetuses has drastically decreased due to the vaccine. MMR has always been given as a combination vaccine and separate vaccination programme was never there in the United Kingdom (NHS, 2004). Thus, MMR is a very effective vaccine. However, several concerns have been raised by some experts about the safety of these vaccines because of reports of some studies pointing to the development of various complications like asthma, Guillain-Barre Syndrome, Crohns disease, Autism and Subacute Sclerosing Panencephalitis (Mediinfo, 2004). Of interest is a major study by Wakefiled et al (1998) published in the popular magazine Lancet which linked mumps vaccine to autism. According to this study, MMR vaccine can lead to autism spectrum disorders with associated enterocolitis. In the study, parents of eight out of 12 children who presented with "history of normal development followed by loss of acquired skills, including language, together with diarrhea and abdominal pain" (Wakefiled et al, 1998) reported that the onset of symptoms were after administration of MMR vaccine. This was a major breakthrough study that forced the UK government to discontinue the vaccine until further research . Based on the reports of the study, the rates of vaccination of MMR vaccine dropped dramatically (McIntyre and Leask, 2008), leading to an increase in the incidence of mumps and measles and their associated complications like morbidity and mortality (Pepys, 2007). The reports of the study were investigated by a journalist by name Brian Deer who discovered the fact that the main researcher of the study, Andrew Wakefield had some conflicts of interest that were

Friday, October 18, 2019

Answer 2 questions Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 1

Answer 2 questions - Assignment Example In terms of morals, a lot has changed since today casual sex is allowed, and even preferred in some cases (Wells & Twenge). The last three decades have seen the face of family life change drastically. In the United States, for instance, only 25% of the population is in nuclear families (Wells & Twenge). A variety of stepfamilies has arisen due to the increased number of divorces and remarriages. This "new normal" in the universe is reflected and accepted in all aspects of our lives. The media, for instance, encourages this view through advertising, broadcasting and promoting movies and music. The idolized music and movies stars today can get divorces up to three times,. As such, divorce and remarriages have become the best way to move on. Such principles have been accepted, and people do not see any issue. For this reason, the number of stepfamilies will continue to shot up if this trend goes

CASE STUDY ASSIGNMENT DORCHESTER HOTEL Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 4750 words

CASE STUDY ASSIGNMENT DORCHESTER HOTEL - Essay Example The report seeks to present a critical review of these issues whereby recommendations for resolving or improving upon the issues discussed will be given at the end. 2.0 Introduction According to Datamonitor (2004) â€Å"Tesco PLC is the largest food retailer in UK, operating around 2,318 stores worldwide. It operates around operates around 1,878 stores throughout the UK, and also operates stores in the rest of Europe and Asia.† Paton (2005) also states that â€Å"Tesco has 367,000 staff worldwide (250,000 of them in the UK), 2,365 stores (1,770 in the UK), sales of more than ?37bn, and last year reported pre-tax profits of just over ?2bn.† Tesco has an estimated 30 % of the market share in the grocery industry in UK. Currently, Tesco is rated as the number one chain supermarket in the UK grocery sector as a result of different strategies it has implemented over the years. Of notable concern is that Tesco’s workforce is comprised of diverse people from different b ackgrounds which entail that managing diversity is a virtue. The success of Tesco can be attributed to various factors but particular emphasis in this case is put on the human resources practices in this organisation. ... HRM deals with the group of people employed by a business or company which produces goods and services. The aim of managing human resources is to make the organisation successful as well as to help the employees to enjoy their work in a bid to steer the operations of the organisation towards the attainment of set organisational goals. The other aim of HRM is to help the employees to do their best while at the same time making sure that they receive suitable rewards for their work. Against this background, this report seeks to critically evaluate how different HR issues such as recruitment, retention, training and development as well as performance management are implemented at Tesco. These human resources practises play a complementary role to each other in that they are meant to positively influence the actions of the employees towards the attainment of the set organisational goals. In order to achieve the objectives of the organisation, the needs for the employees cannot be separat ed from this process. Thus, the HR approach is a system of HRM that recognises that the success of the organisation depends on its human resources (Kleynhans, 2007). Thus, HRM has become more important in organisations today than ever before. Whilst different companies have access to the same technology, during the contemporary period, it is the human resources that make a difference in companies being successful and achieving their organisational goals. HRM includes policies, functions, and systems that affect employee’s behaviour, attitudes and performance (Carell et al 1995). It is these HR practices that help the company gain the advantage over its competitors. Thus, the report will specifically focus on how Tesco is implementing these

Thursday, October 17, 2019

Bending moment in a beam Lab Report Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Bending moment in a beam - Lab Report Example l try to explain how bending occurs in simply supported beams, and it will also compare measured or the experimental values of bending moments with that of the theoretical values of the bending moments. The bending moments of different cross –sectional areas have different formulae of calculating the moments. This experiment will use a rectangular shaped cross-sectional beam for easier working and better understanding. The main objective of this simple experiment is to determine the bending of a beam that is simply supported that is subjected to the various loads that are arranged as shown below. The experiment will also help to compare the measured or the experimental values of bending moments with the values calculated using the theoretical approach. In this experiment, a simply supported beam, a spring load gauge and weights placed in weight hangers are used. A level spirit gauge is also used to check whether the beam is properly aligned. A simply supported beam is pivoted at a point and then loaded with different weights. A spring load gauge is connected to the beam at the pivot. The apparatus is as shown in the diagram. The span of the beam (L) and the distance to the bending moment position (x) from the left support are to be measured, and the values are recorded. The vertical distance between the pivot point and the spring load gauge (y) is to be measured too, and the value is recorded. The beam is then leveled by adjusting the horizontal spring load gauge and checked with a spirit level. Load hangers are then applied to the beam at the positions shown in the above diagram, and the positions are then recorded. Masses of 0.5 kilograms or 1.0 kilogram are added to the load hangers as shown in the table below. The beam is then leveled by adjusting the horizontal spring load gauge and checked with a spirit level. The reading from the horizontal spring load gauge is recorded. Remove all the loads from the hangers and repeat the steps from measuring and

The liberal and critical theory account of economic globalization Essay

The liberal and critical theory account of economic globalization - Essay Example tional contexts beyond national boundaries, critics like Ellen Meiksins Wood have been arguing on the extent of interference practiced by these international institutions and its implications on national powers. According to Wood (2005), problems related to globalization, such as â€Å"the social injustices, the growing gaps between rich and poor, ‘democratic deficits, ecological degradation and so on† are the consequences of capitalism (pp. 14). Wood (2005) thus argues that â€Å"capitalism, whether national or global, is driven by certain systematic imperatives of competition, profit-maximization and accumulation, which inevitably require putting ‘exchange-value’ before ‘use-value’ and profit before people† (pp. 14). While an optimistic view of liberalism will justify this particular opinion, a critical view to the notion shall be much emphasized to argue on behalf of capitalist theorists, stressing on the negatives associated with the same (KukoÄ , 2009). The critical theory thus asserts that globalization has made it possible for a handful of economies and institutional members to enjoy the wealth and resources within their global â€Å"playing field†, leading to graver sufferings of weaker and vulnerable economies (Bohman, 2004). As the two theories, liberalism on one hand and capitalism on the other, argue on the positives and negatives associated with globalization, this essay will aim at examining both these standpoints to conclude whether globalization can be held responsible for the increasing inequality in resource allocation causing poverty or it actually functions in reducing such disparities. Influences caused by international institutions will also be considered in the disc ussion henceforth to obtain a succinct understanding of the issue in concern. A nation might be said of having a comparative advantage if it can produce a particular good or service in a much efficient and cost effective manner as compared to other countries, which is only

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

Bending moment in a beam Lab Report Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Bending moment in a beam - Lab Report Example l try to explain how bending occurs in simply supported beams, and it will also compare measured or the experimental values of bending moments with that of the theoretical values of the bending moments. The bending moments of different cross –sectional areas have different formulae of calculating the moments. This experiment will use a rectangular shaped cross-sectional beam for easier working and better understanding. The main objective of this simple experiment is to determine the bending of a beam that is simply supported that is subjected to the various loads that are arranged as shown below. The experiment will also help to compare the measured or the experimental values of bending moments with the values calculated using the theoretical approach. In this experiment, a simply supported beam, a spring load gauge and weights placed in weight hangers are used. A level spirit gauge is also used to check whether the beam is properly aligned. A simply supported beam is pivoted at a point and then loaded with different weights. A spring load gauge is connected to the beam at the pivot. The apparatus is as shown in the diagram. The span of the beam (L) and the distance to the bending moment position (x) from the left support are to be measured, and the values are recorded. The vertical distance between the pivot point and the spring load gauge (y) is to be measured too, and the value is recorded. The beam is then leveled by adjusting the horizontal spring load gauge and checked with a spirit level. Load hangers are then applied to the beam at the positions shown in the above diagram, and the positions are then recorded. Masses of 0.5 kilograms or 1.0 kilogram are added to the load hangers as shown in the table below. The beam is then leveled by adjusting the horizontal spring load gauge and checked with a spirit level. The reading from the horizontal spring load gauge is recorded. Remove all the loads from the hangers and repeat the steps from measuring and

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

How a Country Benefits From International Trade Essay

How a Country Benefits From International Trade - Essay Example International trade, otherwise known as free trade removes the barriers that limit the country’s surplus. This has a great benefit on both the producers and the consumers. It has been seen to be the catalyst of the growth of many economies. Formulated by David, Ricardo, the law of comparative advantage was a pivotal development of the theory of absolute advantage previously developed by Adam Smith. As opposed to the theory of the absolute advantage, Ricardo believes that comparative advantage is enough to make trade possible and desirable. Today international trade is done without much hindrance. There is the removal of tariffs and import quota which we identify as protectionism. The removal of tariffs and quota can practically increase the consumer surplus as they allow domestic consumers to enjoy foreign products at lower costs. The reduction in the producer surplus brought by the entrance of foreign producers through importation can be outweighed by the gains of the domestic consumers, thus increasing the total surplus. Aside from the enjoying lower prices, consumers also benefits from the variety of products available to them through trade. Importation also provides greater choices for the consumers. Some of the practical benefits from international trade are the following: â€Å"enhances the domestic competitiveness, takes advantage of international trade technology , increase sales and profits, extend sales potential of the existing products, maintain cost competitiveness in your domestic market, enhance potenti al for expansion of your business, gains a global market share, reduce dependence on existing markets and stabilize seasonal market fluctuations†

Monday, October 14, 2019

Manifest Destiny Essay Example for Free

Manifest Destiny Essay Manifest Destiny is defined as a belief that it was Gods will that Americans spread over the entire continent, and to control and populate the country as they see fit. Many expansionists conceived God as having the power to sustain and guide human destiny. It was white mans heavy burden to conquer and Christianize the heathen and savage land. While the positive side of Manifest Destiny was a surge of enthusiasm and energy from the white settlers for pushing West, the negative side was the belief that the white man had the right to destroy anything and anyone namely Indians who got in the way. Tracing the path of Manifest Destiny across the West would highlight mass destruction of tribal organizations, confinement of Indians to reservations, and full blown genocide. The dark side of Manifest Destiny revealed the white mans belief that his settlement of the land and civilization of its native peoples was preordained. While the whites were occupying the land, they decimated the Indian population, causing many tribes to flee their relentless onward push, or try to compromise with treaties and agreements. One such tribe to fall victim to the white encroachment upon their territory was the Nez Perce of North Western Oregon. The Nez Perce agreed to an 1855 treaty that guaranteed the tribe most of their traditional homeland in the Wallowa Valley of northeast Oregon to try to accommodate the white people who were beginning to invade their lands. Unfortunately, gold was soon discovered upon the Nez Perce land and the settlers wanted a larger portion of that land. The resulting 1863 treaty was agreed to by some tribal chiefs, but not all. Those who refused to sign were given an ultimatum in 1877, and rather than risk war, the non-treaty Nez Perce chiefsJoseph, Looking Glass, White Bird, Toohoolhoolzote, Bald Headdecided to move their people onto the smaller remaining section of the reservation, towards Fo rt Lapwai. Look more:  manifest destiny essay There were nearly 800 of the Nez Percemen, women and childrenand a herd of about 2,000 Appaloosa horses on the trek. On the way to Lapwai, things fell apart. A few young warriors were goaded into taking revenge on several whites who had killed tribal members in the past, and the U.S. Army retaliated by attacking the Nez Perce at White Bird Canyon, Idaho. Giving up the attempt to move to the reservation, the Nez Perce chiefs resolved to  flee to the east and seek out their Crow allies in Montana. When the Crow tribes showed them no friendship and tried to steal their horses, the Nez Perce set off for Canada. They almost made it, but the U.S. Army caught up with them and defeated them 45 miles shy of the border. Although the Nez Perce were one of the welcoming tribes that met Lewis and Clark, their kind efforts led to revenge, misunderstanding, deceit, greed and death. Another tribe which was victimized by the United States were the Cupeà ±os. The Cupeà ±os were a small tribe, one of the smallest Native American tribes in Southern California. It was unlikely that they ever numbered more than 1,000 at a time. They once occupied a territory approximately 10 square miles in diameter in a region of the San Luis Rey River in the valley of San Jose de Valle. Before 1810, the Cupans had very little contact with outsiders Spanish or otherwise. They had lived on their land for countless generations, their land including the medicinal hot springs and the village called Cupa. Unfortunately for the Cupenos, the pioneers who trekked West through the southern route, took a trail which trespassed upon their territory. To add insult to injury, American officials in San Diego concluded that a reasonable source of revenue would be taxation upon the Indians of the back country. The Cupans were assessed a $600 tax that with great resentment was finally paid by the villagers. By the late 1800s the hot sulfur springs found on the Cupa territories were becoming very popular and attracting visitors from Los Angeles and San Diego. The popularity of the destination and the growing California population began the events which ultimately led to the expulsion of the Cupans from their homeland. Four years after California became a state, a land survey commission was formed, and cattleman Juan Jose Warner claimed 47,500 acres of what is now Warner Springs. Warner Springs makes up the majority of the Cupan homeland. The property was later purchased by former California Governor John Downey in 1880. Downey then filed a lawsuit later pursued by his heirs after  his death claiming title to the land and demanding eviction of the Cupenos from the property. The Cupas argued before the courts that Mexican law, as well as the peace treaty that ended the war between Mexico and the United States, ensured Indian rights and precluded the hostile takeover of their land. They argued to no avail. The California courts agreed with Downey and in 1901 the United States Supreme Court affirmed the judgment ordering removal of the Indians. President Rutherford Hayes, prompted by the Supreme Court holding, declared the Indians trespassers and ordered the tribe relocated to Pala, California, just beyond the Palomar Mountains where a 10,000-acre reservation had been established. Pala was a Luiseno reservation then, not Cupa. This act marked the first time in U.S. history that two distinct Indian tribes were herded together in one reservation. This was a blemish upon a nation that prided itself on leading the world into the 20th Century and the cultural and political renaissance that accompanied such a transition.

Sunday, October 13, 2019

Saint Anselm’s Ontological Argument Analysis

Saint Anselm’s Ontological Argument Analysis Barbara Nalls Thesis: In this paper I will investigate Saint Anselm’s Ontological Argument in order to make an attempt at establishing some clear evidence to answer this question; Did Saint Anselm believe in GOD? Argument: Saint Anselm, Archbishop of Canterbury (1033-1109), is the creator of the ontological argument. Saint Anselm’s ontological argument is distinctive from other arguments that attempt to prove that it is the existence of God, the creator, and not just some abstract entity that is being defined. Saint Anselm’s argument reads as follows: In my opinion, while Saint Anselm was a deep thinker, he was even more so, in this case, a deeper writer. I believe the common reader should be able to see the soundness of an argument, so that they may be able toaccept or reject the writer’s position. I think the Ontological Argument of Saint Anselm is unclear because the writing style is confusing and it needs to be more understandable. Maybe a simpler script or updated version of Saint Anselm’s message would clarify his position to ordinary readers like me. Based on Cliffords comment It is never lawful to stifle a doubt, for either it can be honestly answered by means of the inquiry already made, or else it proves that the inquiry was not complete, 2(Encountering the Real,pg. 502). Speak of the devil! Saint Anselm does have a 2nd version of his Ontological Argument, and it states: With all that being said, this version of Saint Anselm’s argument is also about as clear as mud! However, by definition, God is a being than which none greater can be imagined, is now more properly put as follows: Objection(s): Along with his 1st Argument, Saint Anselm’s 2nd version of the Ontological Argument is also believed to have failed in its efforts to clearly state his position to his readers/audience, according to some of his peers. The following names are some of Saint Anselm’s peers along with the some other writers who sighted their objections to the clarity and understandability of his Ontological Argument. Monk, Gaunilo of Marmoutier, a contemporary of Saint Anselm, expressed an important criticism against Saint Anselm’s Ontological Argument. Monk Gaunilo states that Saint Anselm is basically defining things into existence. Monk Gaunilo remarks that he believes this practice is unacceptable. Monk Gaunilo thinks that by using Saint Anselm’s method of argument authors could simply employ such tactics in an attempt to argue and even confirm the existence of all sorts of non-existent things. Saint Thomas Aquinas (1224-1274) wrote that God’s existence is self-evident. Saint Thomas Aquinas believed that since many people have different thoughts of God, Saint Anselm’s Ontological Argument works only to sway those people who would define the idea of God the same way or have the same concepts of God. In Saint Thomas Aquinas’s view he believed, even if everyone had the same concept of God â€Å"it does not therefore follow that he understands what the word signifies exists actually, but only that it exists mentally.† In Saint Thomas Aquinas’ understanding he points out that when we try to connect the phrase â€Å"a being than which none greater can be imagined† with more familiar predictable concepts they don’t help us to get an in depth view of God. Immanuel Kant (1724-1804) directs his famous objection at the third premise of Saint Anselm’s Ontological Argument. This is where Saint Anselm makes the claim that a being that exists as an idea in someone’s mind as well as in reality, is greater than if that being exists only as an idea in just their mind alone. Based on Saint Anselm’s premise number three, existence is what’s understood to be a great-making property or, as sometimes referred to, a perfection. Premise three thus explains that (a) existence is a property; and (b) to characterize existence makes a thing better, if all things are equal, than it would have been otherwise. Immanuel Kant rejects premise three on the ground that, as a purely formal matter, existence does not function as a predicate. While Kant’s criticism is phrased a bit obscurely in terms of thelogicof predicates and copulas, it also makes a conceivable metaphysical point. Existence is not a property like the way that b eing red is a property of an apple. Instead existence is a precondition for the exemplification of things in the sense that, it is not possible for a non-existent thing to exemplify any properties because there is nothing that such a property can stick itself to. Nothing has no qualities whatsoever. To say thatxexemplifies or instantiates a propertyPis hence to presuppose thatxexists. So, with this line of reasoning, existence isn’t a great-making property because it is not a property at all; it is rather a metaphysically necessary condition for the instantiation of any properties. Okay, Immanuel Kant also writes like Saint Anselm, way too deep for the poor little old average readers like me! Responses(s): In response to Saint Anselm’s Ontological Argument, other writers have made modal versions to express their thoughts about his ontological argument, below are two of those responses. The first response to Saint Anselm’s Ontological Argument comes from: (â€Å"Anselm’s Ontological Argument,†Philosophical Review, vol.69, no.1 (1960), 41-62 by Norman Malcolm). According to Malcolm’s view, the existence of an unlimited being is said to be either rationally necessary or logically not possible. Norman Malcolm’s argument for this claim is either that an unlimited being exists or that an unlimited being does not exist; by his logic there are no other possibilities. Reducing Malcom’s argument to its basic elements it would read as follows: The next response to Saint Anselm’s Ontological Argument is from Alvin Plantinga, (God, Freedom, and Evil(New York: Harper and Row, 1974). Plantinga complains that Saint Anselm’s argument is remarkably unconvincing if not downright irritating; he says that it looks too much like a parlor puzzle or some kind of word magic riddle. Not surprisingly, Alvin Plantinga shares my feelings about Saint Anselm’s writings. Finally, here is my response to Saint Anselm’s Ontological Argument. In just my lowly opinion, I think a person who writes in riddles is not out to teach as much as they are out to prove how smart they are. God does not need our help to show his existence, we need His help to see that He exists. This to me is like a child trying to prove they have parents, the process is self-evident. I am, so they are! Conclusion: Per Anselm A being thatnecessarilyexists in reality is greater than a being that does notnecessarilyexist. Thus, by definition, if God exists as an idea in the mind but does not necessarily exist in reality, then we can imagine something that is greater than God. But we cannot imagine something that is greater than God. Thus, if God exists in the mind as an idea, then God necessarily exists in reality. God exists in the mind as an idea. Therefore, God necessarily exists in reality.† In reaction to the above riddle, I investigated several sources to establish clear evidence to answer the question, â€Å"Did Saint Anselm believe in GOD?† My findings were; Saint Anselm wrote, in his 1st version of his ontological argument â€Å"†¦ there is no doubt that there exists a being, than which nothing greater can be conceived, and it exists both in the understanding and in reality.† 1(Anselm, In the 2nd version of his Ontological Argument Saint Anselm states: â€Å"God is that, than which nothing greater can be conceived.†¦ And [God] assuredly exists so truly, that it cannot be conceived not to exist†¦ There is, then, so truly a being than which nothing greater can be conceived to exist, that it cannot even be conceived not to exist; and this being thou art, O Lord, our God.† So the answer is YES, Anselm believed that God does exist. Citations: 1(Anselm, 2(Encountering the Real,pg. 502) 3(Malcolm, Norman, â€Å"Anselm’s Ontological Argument,†Philosophical Review, vol. 69, no. 1 (1960), 41-62) 4(Plantinga, Alvin,God, Freedom, and Evil(New York: Harper and Row, 1974) Bibliography: Anselm, St.,Anselm’s Basic Writings, translated by S.W. Deane, 2ndEd. (La Salle, IL: Open Court Publishing Co., 1962) Anselm: Ontological Argument for God’s Existence, Davenport, Ronald. Saintleo, Modules 1- 4 Lecture Notes. Aquinas, Thomas, St.,Summa Theologica(1a Q2), â€Å"Whether the Existence of God is Self- Evident (Thomas More Publishing, 1981) Kant, Immanuel,Critique of Pure Reason, translated by J.M.D. Meiklejohn (New York: Colonial Press, 1900) Malcolm, Norman, â€Å"Anselm’s Ontological Argument,†Philosophical Review, vol. 69, no. 1 (1960), 41-62 Plantinga, Alvin,God, Freedom, and Evil(New York: Harper and Row, 1974) Saint Leo University. Encountering the Real. 2013 ed. New York: Cengage Custom. Print

Saturday, October 12, 2019

Alternative Fuel Source :: essays research papers

In one year, America will have exhausted 80% of her petroleum reserves. Will we then go to war with the Arabs for the privilege of driving our cars? Will we strip-mine our land for coal and poison the air we breathe to drive our autos an additional 100 years? Will we raze our forests for our energy needs? I certainly hope our country will never come to those conclusions. However, someone must make a conclusion – hopefully toward an alternate fuel source. The fuel source I would propose is biomass fuel derived from hemp.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Hemp is the world’s most versatile plant. It actually improves the soil in which it grows, without chemical fertilizers, while choking out weeds by virtue of its fast dense growth. According to the U.S. Department of Agriculture, over a twenty year period one acre planted with hemp produces as much pulp as 4.1 acres of trees. Farming hemp at such a fast rate is the key to providing large enough amounts of raw biomass at costs low enough to enable cellulose (the hydrocarbon provider necessary for fuel production) to recapture lost markets. This versatility has led people to believe it is the only biomass resource capable of making America energy independent.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  There is only one catch: the federal government prohibited the growth of hemp in 1938. There were also theories that the major energy industries of the late 30s collaborated to ensure a petroleum-based energy market. Regardless of laws, let us consider hypotheticals. Farmers would be practically guaranteed profit if they could grow hemp for biomass. It also would not take long for a measly 6% of the American landmass to start cultivating hemp – enough to replace our economy’s dependence on fossil fuels.

Friday, October 11, 2019

Dadaism And Surrealism

Introduction: The 19th. Century was an era of invention and discovery. The horrors of the First World War led to widespread social trauma. People found consolation in art and literature, and used it as a way to express their outrage caused by the war. People demented a form of expression that was honest, realistic, and critical of political and social behaviors. This Disillusionment following the war manifested itself in a number of ways, sparking artistic, literary, philosophical, musical, and cultural movements.In contrast to pre-war artistic movements, such as Impressionism, post- ar art became bleak and cynical, changing the rules, abandoning tradition. Literature mirrored the artistic movements in exposing the atrocities committed during the world war. Some people were revolted by nationalism and what it had caused; so, they began to work towards a more internationalist world through organizations such as the League of Nations. Pacifism became increasingly popular. Others had th e opposite reaction, feeling that only military strength could be relied on.Dadaism Dada or Dadaism was a post-World War I cultural movement in visual art as well as literature (mainly poetry), theatre and graphic design. The movement was originated in Zurich and Trace in 1916. This movement was a protest against the barbarism of the War. Its works were characterized by a deliberate irrationality and the rejection of the prevailing standards of art. There was also a rejection of war politics and social organization. Characteristics: Dada artworks allow the viewer to interpret artworks in a variety of ways.It was an artistic revolt and protest against traditional beliefs of a pro-war society, and also fought against sexism/racism to a lesser degree. It was an anti-war movement created by artists around Europe as a way to express he troubles and traumas within societies affected by the war itself. Influences by Futurism, Cubism and Expressionism Collage Technique of cutting pieces of paper items and including items such as transportation tickets, maps, plastic wrappers, etc. To portray aspects of everyday life.Photometer Dadaists used scissors and glue rather than paintbrushes and paints to express their views of modern life through images presented by the media. Photometer utilized actual or reproductions of real photographs printed in the press. Key figures: Tristan Tsar (1896 – 1963) was a Romania avian-garden poet, essayist and reference artist. Also active as a Journalist, playwright, literary and art critic, composer and film director, he was known best for being one of the founders and central figures of the anti-establishment Dada movement. Hannah Hooch (1889 – 1978) was a German Dada artist.She was one of the originators of photometer. Francis Pica (1879 – 1953) was a French painter, poet, and typographic, associated with Cubism, Abstract art, Dada and Surrealism. Surrealism Surrealism is a cultural and artistic movement that began in the sass's in Paris. It is best known for its visual artworks and writings. The movement spread around the globe, eventually affecting the visual arts, literature, film, and music of many countries and languages, as well as political thought and practice, philosophy, and social theory. The aim was to â€Å"resolve the previously contradictory conditions of dream and reality. Artists developed painting techniques that allowed the unconscious to express itself. The goal of Surrealist artists was not to produce lifelike replications of people or objects, nor were these artists concerned with creating works of delightful abstract beauty to delight the eyes. They were instead focused upon using all forms of art as a meaner to express the real functioning of the human mind. Fraud's work with free association, dream analysis, and the unconscious was of utmost importance to the Surrealists in developing methods to liberate imagination.Surrealism in all its forms is highly concerned with dreams and the subconscious mind. Surrealist art does not shy away from shocking, sexual or violent imagery; artists within this school actively sought to push the boundaries of what was considered socially acceptable and artistically valid. Surrealist literature Lit ©return contained automatism works and accounts of dreams. Examples of Surrealist literature are Artist's El Pees-Nerds (1926), Argon's Urine's Count (1927), P ©retest's Death to the Pigs (1929), Creel's Mr.. Knife Miss Fork (1931), Shades Headway's the Blind Owl (1937), and Bretons Sure la route De San Romano (1948).Surrealist films Early films by Surrealists include: Un Chine Nodal by Luis Bundle and Salvador Dali (1929) L'?GE door by Bundle and Dali (1930) Music by Surrealists Jazz and blues music were very important during this movement Key figures: Salvador Dali was an Spanish painter and filmmaker whose melting clocks and five- egged stick animals are easily recognized throughout the world. Like the other Sur realists, Dali sought to explore the nature of the artist's true self by embracing the marvelous, irrational, subconscious areas of the mind.The Persistence of Memory is a painting by the famous Spanish surrealist artist Salvador Dali. The original title of this painting is â€Å"La persistence De la memoriam† and it depicts a fetus-like head lying on the ground, like a fish that was washed ashore and now decaying after a lost struggle gasping for air. There are four watches in this painting, three of which appear to be molten, as if made out of cheese. The only watch whose structure doesn't appear to be malformed – unlike other watches it is orange in color – is sitting on a desk-like object.The ants seem to have found a point of interest in the centre of the orange watch. It possibly derives its meaning from Sigmund Fraud's work on psychoanalysis because Dali painted it during his psychoanalytical era of painting. Interpretation 1: The persistence of memory me aning theme: the drooping backstretches possibly suggest the irrelevance of time during sleep. In other words, when we are asleep, or not conscious, the time does not persist, but memories do. Interpretation 2: Yet another interpretation of this painting may, through the use of symbolism, suggest Einstein theory that time is relative and is not fixed.Conclusion Art movements are born out of the need for people to express their reactions to social, political and religious changes. Whether they accept them or openly disdain them the goals are equal in velocity: To promote their perspective of current changes. In most situations, new movements will gradually appear on the art scene. As the movement grows it will offer the artists an opportunity to explore new philosophies hill extending an invitation for them to enlist among the ranks, adopt some of the ideas or continue to remain loyal to their current trend.The new movement will no doubt meet with resistance from critics and patrons alike, who usually perceive the new movement as nothing more than an unsolicited crusade with little or no hope of survival. The artists, on the other hand, adamant that the message conveyed through their art is critical, will continue to push forward with their movement until it gains acceptance or has reached its apex and has nothing new to offer in the way of ideas.

Thursday, October 10, 2019

Choosing Among Two Aspirant in an Office Essay

During the work hunting days of the newly graduates and other professionals, there are lots of pressure and competition among the applicants in different offices or jobs that they are applying for. Let us take a closer look between these two candidates in an office, Obama and Hiliary.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Assuming that they are competing for a job in an office of personnel and communication of a corporation, Obama and Hiliary should meet the qualifications identified by the office as requisites before they could be accepted as staff. The office of personnel and communication is also commonly known as human resource department of a company. However, it scopes further networking and creation of press releases and other researches. It is very necessary for a person who is working in that particular department of the corporation to be socialized with different people, first and foremost, her co-workers. It is because in this job, staff will be meeting people from different walks of life. They are to deal and communicate with different networks. And since there could be loads of works in daily basis, one should be efficient enough to finish a one day job of paper works. Obama, is a graduate of a business related course three years ago in a one of the top universities in California. She graduated with honors and a very good scholastic background and affiliations. She has already three years experience from previous work in a non-government organization as training officer. She is very young at an age 23 going to 24. Hiliary, on the other hand, is of the same age of Obama. However, Hiliary graduated without any special commends but also from one of the top universities Los Angeles. She studied there also a business related course and took several extra short courses in psychology. After her graduation she works in a private company as personnel staff, and eventually, after consistent eight months of excellent work, she seats as the assistant head of human resource department of her previous company. And now, these two young ladies are candidates in an office as head of the personnel and communication of the corporation. There have been qualifications that are being specified a while ago. To choose among these two candidates, their educational background, credentials, and their personality could be tested and compared so as to choose the right person to fit the job. Obama, has a better scholastic standing and background as it shows by her honors and awards during her college education, than Hiliary, who graduated with her diploma only, taken into considerations that they both come from top universities in the world. However, Hiliary, as checked in her working experience and from the company where worked, it was found out that she had a very good social skills and was able to deal with top position people in the corporate world down to the most ordinary worker. She was promoted at the very early eight months of her work period as the assistant head of the human resource department. But Obama, was also found a very persevere and dedicated employee. In terms of their personality, both of the two could socialize and work well with different kind s of people. Since they are candidate in work of a head of the personnel and communication of a corporation, the one who deserves the position, must be acquainted enough and familiar enough with the nature of work. In case of Obama, she worked as training officer in her previous company. Meaning, that she could communicate and lead and guide other people in the company and outside the company. Both of the two have already endured the pressure of professional works. However, Hiliary has already her experience of working as assistant head of human resource department, which is very similar to the work that she is applying now.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   In selecting for the right position holder in the corporation, these comparisons and contrast could be one of the bases that could be used. Works Cited â€Å"Ethical Office Politics.† (No Date). November 19, 2007


In spite f these attributes belonging to an animal, as a human, I consider these attributes significant to my being. I am constantly moving, to move on in my life, hoping to overcome events and face obstacles that are inevitably coming my way. These events that will make me happy, sad and even experience pain; it is something that I expect myself to encounter – Just as a wildebeest would expect as well. What we bring ourselves is pain but it gives us pleasure. My mind and body is as strong as the antlers on the wildebeest, which protect themselves from any dangers.We will always be moving forward no matter the circumstances. One can say, â€Å"l was alone in the crowd,† but that will never be given to express the life of a wildebeest and myself. We are constantly in a crowd or in a wildebeest's case, a heard. We are never alone, or feel alone. We are protective over the ones we love and together as a group, we choose the path that is the best choice. I always have peopl e around me – my friends and especially my family. I am supported and loved all the time. My dad would probably be the leader of the herd.The leader is generally the one that helps dudes his herd into the right direction and give teachings so their child can learn more. In my life, he supports me the most, he is always behind me – helping me obtain my goals and dreams. Furthermore, he will protect me from any dangers because I am his calf. I am standing in the meadows. I could feel the sun beating down on me and the wind rushing past me as it entangles in my hair. The grass is dancing in the wind, the sky is as blue as the ocean and the air is fresh. It smells like freshly born flowers from the early spring.In the distance, a steady beat of a drum an be heard. Overlooking the meadows, I can see dark moving figures come towards me and as they slowly came forward, I could make out the image. There before me, a herd of wildebeests that makes the earth shake and the ground lift up from the crust. In Just seconds, the herd past by me in a quick motion, creating a gust of wind to run by me and I examine them carefully without fear. They were strong, with built bodies, sturdy hooves and determined faces. I look at the baby calves who are trying to catch up to the adults with all their might.They could not run slowly. In a matter of seconds all the hooves of the wild animals are all in sync. The baby calves became strong and fast and matched the rhythm of the adult wildebeests. They have that same look as the adults, fierce and driven. I watch the herd as I see them slowly fading away into the horizon, continuing to move on without hesitation. I am the baby calf. I was Just born and welcomed into this world, a world where I have the ability to learn fast and absorb my surroundings. In other words, I would Jump the gun to do anything to reach my goal.Every day, I constantly pick up information from the people and things around me. I feed on what is happen ing all around my community, Just as a wildebeest would feed on the grass that is their land. Though humans and animals seem like two very different things, they are Just as similar as cats and dogs. To conclude, the attributes of a wildebeest is alike to myself because of we persevere through the challenges, we are protective and we are fast learners. In any situation, I will not give up; I will work hard until I have reached my goal – that is a promise.

Wednesday, October 9, 2019

SCI D2 Astrology Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

SCI D2 Astrology - Essay Example ystems of the people, belonging to ancient cultures and civilizations of Greece, Rome, Egypt, India, China and Babylonia, Astrology got the status of pure science among the philosophers, writers, dramatists and intellectuals of ancient times. Continuously, the prominent poets and playwrights including Homer, Sophocles, Xenias and others have alluded to the impact of the movement of planets on the triumphs and failures of the kings, queens and warriors. Sophocles’ magnificent Athenian tragic play Oedipus the King (429 B.C.E) portrays the prophecy about the ill fortune of the newly born son of King Laius and Queen Jocasta of the Thebes City, where the son i.e. Oedipus would kill his father and would marry his mother on growing young. (Lines 1008-1310) The future poets also alluded to the movements of stars and planets in their works by affiliating it to important happenings occurred in the life of nations and individuals at large. The later playwrights including Marlow, Shakespe are and others have also alluded to stars in their works. Shakespearean tragedy Julius Caesar (1599) states: "The fault, dear Brutus, is not in our stars, But in ourselves. (Act 1, Scene 2), where the poet has declared an association between human deeds and stars; as the celestial bodies support the people having good intentions and positive thinking, and curse those, who are evil-minded and devise plans to harm, hurt and destroy the others. Abrahamic Scriptures also narrate the people’s having faith in celestial bodies, as the Holy Prophet Abraham refuted the offer of accompanying his fellow-beings by making accuse that the stars predicted that he was going to fall ill, (The Qur’an: 37:88-89) because he was determined to break the false gods i.e. idols into pieces. Thus, astrology had been in vogue for the last several centuries as a pure science. Astrology declares the sun, the moon and nine celestial bodies i.e. Mercury, Venus, Mars, Earth, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune, Pluto,

Tuesday, October 8, 2019

The Effects of Acculturation and Assimilation on Second Language Research Paper

The Effects of Acculturation and Assimilation on Second Language Acquisition - Research Paper Example Both social and economic sectors have been affected by the respective transformations. In the social sphere, the education sector is perhaps the most affected. Increasingly, populations are being compelled to develop more integrated methods of transport and communication. Communication is particularly important in the environment because it enhances understanding of the knowledge that is passed across in various institutions. Indeed, it cannot be disputed that effective communication fosters understanding and enhances consumption of the respective information by the students. This is at the core of the primary goals and objectives of education. In essence, effective communication aids in promoting sustainable development in this sector. In the education sector, communication amongst students and teachers promotes the establishment and development of lasting positive relationships. Through these relationships, students are able to understand and appreciated the knowledge that the get and skills that are delivered to them. The teachers or instructors on the other hand have an easy time to pass on important concepts to the students. Effective communication prevents possible conflicts that are likely to emanate stem from incidences of misinformation. As indicated earlier, globalization trends have led to the free movement of students form one region to the other. As a result, it has diversified learning environments with respect to culture and particularly language. Current trends indicate that students go to great lengths to attain quality education. Certainly, this is requisite for effective functioning in the society. The students are compelled to pursue this good by the changing environments in the corporate sphere. Seemingly, successful business entities prefer personnel that are well equipped with respect to knowledge and skills. This enables respective organizations to attain a competitive edge and realize optimal outcomes in their endeavors. Likewise, most businesses always seek to enhance their performance with regard to profit making. One of the most important factors in the current education sphere pertains to language. In order to function executively and realize optimal outcomes in the current diversified learning environments, both students and teachers are being compelled to learn a second language. Usually, their first language includes their native language and is useful in the local learning institutions. When they get to national and international levels, they are always required to acquire knowledge about a second language. This enables them to communicate effectively in their learning environments and understand the information that is passed on to them. In addition, it enables them to address the challenges that they face especially considering that most of them learn from foreign environments. At this point, it is worth appreciating that language is an important cultural component that aids in understanding the ways of life of a certain community. Effective learning only takes place in environments that are peaceful and devoid of unnecessary conflicts. In most instances, conflicts that occur in the learning environments tend to be closely associated with cultural differences. In this respect, it is also worth noting that culture is a very sensitive social aspect that is intrinsic of a people’s behavior and general way of life. Relative conflicts are therefore equally sensitive and the likelihood of these spurring into more complex conflicts is very high. In the learning environment, this is undesirable and can compromise the wellbeing of the entire school fraternity. It is for this reason that

Monday, October 7, 2019

Self reflection (Craven books) Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Self reflection (Craven books) - Essay Example The ability of that system is to operate all computers independently which are associated with software programs and peripheral devices (Reference for Business, n.d.a). The significance of this new computer system lies in the goal of the company to have a competitive advantage. This can be evaluated on how the company applies its Information System Strategy. These are information systems developed to support and meet the company's competitive strategy. The computer systems implemented will create business strategies relevant to all business operations: capture, transmit, store, retrieve, manipulate, and display information for all business processes (Reference for Business, n.d.b). 2. System Implementation The importance of implementing a computer system in a company is to manage efficiently and effectively all business operations and transactions. The system implementation includes hardware and software acquisition; user preparation; hiring and training of personnel; site and docume ntation preparation (Davis & Yen, 1998); installation, testing and start up; and user acceptance (Baldauf & Stair, 2011). 2.1 Acquisition This involves the selection of the hardware, software, materials and equipments used during the implementation (Implementation plan, 2003) and also the names of the suppliers. The cost of acquiring the computer system can either be purchased or leased. If it is purchased, some of the advantages are: free working capital; hedge against hardware obsolescence; allows installation with small capital budget but large recurrent budget; and selling of unwanted equipment is minimized (Bramer, n.d.). If it is purchased the advantages include: ownership and usage of the system without additional cost; and choice of purchasing additional equipments (Bramer, n.d.). However, the downsides of leasing will be: high interest rates, reduced flexibility of disposing obsolete equipments, maximum system usage; and chances of dispossession if it is unpaid (Bramer, n.d .). When purchased, the disadvantages will be high initial capital costs (Bramer, n.d.). 2.2 User Preparation User preparation involves readying the key personnel in the organisation, from top management down to low level management who will be affected in the new system application. It includes marketing, training, documentation and support. The training is the very highlight in the entire process because it can affect the efficiency and effectiveness of both the system and users (Baldauf & Stair, 2011). It also covers the system security features and timeline of the entire process. 2.3 Hiring and Training Of Personnel After the system is purchased or developed, the hiring and training of personnel must also be considered. These personnel must know their role and responsibilities in facilitating effective implementation. When hiring key personnel, their qualifications must consist of outstanding expertise in handling the systems. The objective of this training is to prepare them to manage the whole software applications, thus facilitate the training of the end-users. Adams et al. (2004) recognized the role of consultants as beneficial because they don't just provide experience and expertise but also there would be no conflict of interest involved in making decisions since they're not under the umbrella of the company (cited in Tavassoli & Toland, 2008). 2.4 Site and Documentation Preparation Site

Saturday, October 5, 2019

Orientalism in America and Terrorism Movie Review

Orientalism in America and Terrorism - Movie Review Example The media and other organizations do not, therefore, carry out any investigations, but rather report on the government views of these nations. This, in turn, shapes the views of the people towards the Arab nations as rogue nations who permeate violence in their everyday lives through their hatred of the western nations. On orientalism and empire, Edward Said argues that most of the European states were just aiming to exert influence and political mileage in the Islamic states of the Middle East. He bases this argument on the fact that throughout the period of history and colonization every empire told itself that it was not like the other empires (Orientalism). That its territorial occupation was based on noble ideas of education, enlightenment, and liberation, rather than political control and plunder. However, as time passes the true intention of the occupiers become evident. In this respect, Orientalism is a tool for colonialism and political dominance. On American orientalism, Edward Said gives the distinction between the American Orientalism and other European Orientalism. Unlike the French or the British, America did not have direct colonial experience in the Orient. American Orientalism was thus more indirect and abstract. As a result of this abstraction, American orientalism is very much politicized by the presence of Israel as their main ally. The view of Israel that all Arab states are its enemies is thus imported into the American orientalism, which plays a significant role in portraying all Arab states as enemies (Orientalism). Whereas the terrorism exists in the middle east as a result of the violence and the political problems there, much of the images portrayed by the media only serve as to demonize the Arab nations and do not tell the whole story behind the problems in the Middle East.

Friday, October 4, 2019

Americans should have more holidays and longer vacations Essay

Americans should have more holidays and longer vacations - Essay Example Americans deserve more holidays and longer vacations than are being given to them currently. Americans should have more holidays and longer vacations The Americans deserve more breaks and longer vacations. It is because they work hard and thus need time to satisfy themselves as well. Americans really believe in the dictum of providing themselves more holidays and longer vacations because they have to come back smoothly towards their work domains and give their best concentration towards work ethos and realms. More holidays are required because the Americans work very hard and devote their own selves whole-heartedly towards their work ethos (Author Unknown, 2011). It is of paramount importance to know that they will be requiring more in terms of vacations because they have to refresh themselves. Americans deserve more in terms of their fun and frolic related activities as they help them to enjoy with their family and friends on different locations within America as well as the rest of the world (Monroe, 2010).

Thursday, October 3, 2019

Overseas Chinese and Moon Shadow Essay Example for Free

Overseas Chinese and Moon Shadow Essay Immigrants lives become very difficult when they move to a new country. They are often discriminated against due to their race and/ or nationality. This problem occurs many times throughout Dragonwings, a book by Laurence Yep. In his book, the Chinese characters who immigrate to America face many challenges in their new lives. They are thought of as inferior, have to endure many hardships, and become lonely due to the fact that they must leave the majority of their families in China. In this book, the immigrants face multiple difficulties and challenges in the new world they know as the Land of the Golden Mountain. One challenge that the immigrants face in this story is that they are thought of as inferior by Americans, or demons as they have begun to refer to them. Demons are not accepting of differences; therefore the Chinese are looked down upon, and dont get equal rights and privileges. For example, Moon Shadows grandmother tells him that his father traveled to America to work as a laundryman before he was born. She tells Moon Shadow that gold, in the Land of the Golden Mountain, is everywhere and men can scoop it up by the bucket-full. When he asks why his father does not get enough gold to return home, his grandmother replies, Demons roam the mountain up and down and they beat up any of our men who try to get the gold (6). She mentions that they are allowed to take only a small pinch of it, and only if they do all of the hard, grueling labor that they are told to do. This quote proves that Chinese (Tang) people are belittled. They are forced to work like slaves. Good-paying jobs are very difficult for them to find. They must also be careful when choosing them. Moon Shadow states, There was plenty of money to be made among the demons, but it was also dangerous (1). This states that though there are many job opportunities in America, the lives of Chinese people are sometimes put at risk. This would almost certainly not have been the case if an American were to have the same job. This demonstrates the prejudice which exists against Tang men. The book also mentions that Americans often assume Chinese people are greedy, that they are after Americans money. This fact is proven when Windrider stops to help a man, Mr. Alger, fix his car. After he mends the automobile, Mr. Alger automatically pulls money out of his pocket to tip him. Windrider says modestly, No tip, just happy to look at horseless'(57). Mr. Alger assumes that Windrider only stops to help because he wants money. Moon Shadow goes on to say that the demon stopped and studied Father as you might look at a dog that had suddenly said he was going to the opera (57). This demonstrates Moon Shadows knowledge that white people think Chinese cannot possibly get high-paying jobs due to their lack of skills or importance. These immigrants have to bear much racism and scrutinyand the insecurity that goes with itin their new homeland. Immigrants also have to face and live in many harsh, new conditions. For example, they have to put up with stereotypes and stories about them. This is proven when Moon Shadow is traveling by ship to America to meet his father for the very first time. Moon Shadow is told a story about how the [Tang men] had slept upside-down on top of their heads with knives between their teeth, and so on (11). This shows that the white people are very cruel to the Chinese, even if the story stretches the truth. To make up a story of this violent nature means that it is not far beyond them to do it. Americans also force the Chinese immigrants to live with the constant threat of violence. On one occasion, they go out with the intention of hurting the Chinese, simply for the pleasure of it. Black Dog, a relative of Moon Shadow, states, The demons are all getting drunk and getting ready for beating up Tang men. The word is to stay inside' (29). This further shows that the Chinese must face violence, a new element, in their everyday lives. Last, they must endure harsh conditions when arriving in America for the first time, going through immigration. This is a very long, torturous process. Moon Shadow explains, The demons kept us locked inside a long, two-story warehouse for a week before it was our turn to be questioned (11). This illustrates the fact that life is hardly bearable for them in the Land of the Golden Mountain. Things are very difficult, especially because of the way they are treated. The last and one of the most unbearable elements of all for immigrants is loneliness. Families are separated. Moon Shadows father leaves his wife, mother, and unborn son in China when he goes to live in America. He leaves with the expectation that he will be able to see his family in approximately five years, as most can. Moon Shadow notes, however, though there were longer separations, as with Mother and Father (3). This proves that families can be forced to endure long periods of time without seeing each other. As one might imagine, they become very lonely. Also, they often miss the appearance of the elaborate architecture and color used on buildings in China. San Francisco looks very drab to them in comparison. Moon Shadow thinks, Walking up the street, I nearly lost heart. To me, the wooden houses seemed like shells of wood which terrible monsters had spun about themselves (18). Since he is not used to the box like American homes, they seem quite foreign and even intimidating to him. He misses the familiarity of his home. Moon Shadow also shows signs of loneliness when he says, I did not go to school during the daytime like demon children because the demons would not allow me to go to any of their schools just a few blocks away (50). He does not have any Chinese friends to play with, and he does no get much contact with white children. It is plain to see that Moon Shadow and his relatives face much loneliness in their everyday lives in America. The characters in this book have very difficult lives in their new home, America. They are burdened with many challenges and hardships. Because of this, their lives in America cannot be carefree and happy. Instead they are filled with sorrow, pain, and scrutiny. They must endure the racism and cruel stereotypes that are targeted at them by Americans. They must work extra hard to find and keep good jobs. It becomes evident that their lives so far away from home are barely endurable.