Saturday, August 10, 2019

Landscape art in Chinese traditional painting Assignment

Landscape art in Chinese traditional painting - Assignment Example The essay "Landscape art in Chinese traditional painting" explores the landscape art of China. The period that was referred to as the Tang Dynasty experienced many landscape paintings. These kinds of paintings were mainly done on mountains. This kind of painting had a style that was called the shuimohua whose main intention was to represent the emotion or the look of the atmosphere that indicated the nature’s â€Å"rhythm†. As time went by towards the end of the Tang dynasty the use of landscape painting slowly started changing and it was now viewed as a way in men would communicate with the world through the paintings. Apart from nature, these paintings also conveyed a number of themes in social, philosophical, or political areas. Thus with the closure of the Tang dynasty period more focus of these paintings and the artists were majorly on the world nature. Poets and painters in the Chinese traditional arts would go into the mountains to find something to represent in their drawings. Another period called the Song Dynasty that happened between 960 and 1267 saw the rise of different expression of landscapes. Long distances would be represented by use of blurred outlines, mountain contours represented as disappearing into the mist, and nature would be treated with certain kind of impression. The concern of the artist was on how to represent the peace in human beings and nature. This is eminent in the Taoist and Buddhist concepts. In the early Song Dynasty the artists would represent.

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