Friday, August 30, 2019

Katherine and Bianca Essay

Kate and Bianca clearly do not get on with each other, when Bianca comes onto the scene she is harsh straight away, the third thing that she says is commenting on Bianca’s behavior. â€Å"A pretty peat! It is best put finger in the eye and she knew why†. Kate calls Bianca a spoilt child and then goes on to say that the best thing that Bianca could do if she could not think of an excuse would be to make herself cry so that Kate got the blame. Bianca mocks Kate by using words that have a hidden depth â€Å"sister, content you in my discontent† After the comment from Katherine â€Å"A pretty peat† Bianca tells Kate not to feel bad, and then goes on to talk sweetly to Baptista. This leads me on to talking about Bianca’s speech. She says what she thinks is right in front of her father, even if she does not really mean it. â€Å"What you command me to do I will do†, in this she is talking to Baptista, she is pleasant and obedient. She also says later on â€Å"so well I know my duty to my elders†. At the start of the play people would have thought that this remark was of her politeness but when it gets into the play some people think that it is suggesting something, as she is saying it to Kate, it may be a sarcastic hint that she is older than Bianca and not as fair as she is. Bianca always comes across as if she is saying sweet and kind things but underneath the original meaning it is almost as if there is a hidden depth to her speech and it goes back to the original meaning behind the play of deception and disguise. After Bianca’s’ wooing scene she says â€Å"farewell, sweet masters both, I must be gone† she comes across to be flirting with them, but she is not interested in either of them and is confusing them. Shakespeare gets the point across about the two sisters by using how others react to them and also what others say about them, either to them or about them. Kate does not have a very good reputation and so people are used to what she is like. They are horrified at some of the things that she says but not at all surprised because everyone knows Kate as the Shrew. When Petruchio first meets Kate he thinks that he can tame her; â€Å"For I am he am born to tame you, Kate†, he thinks that underneath the ill-tempered behaviour and the bad mannered speech that there is something else there that no one can see, he thinks that it needs bringing out. He wants to have a wife so he thinks that she will be a perfect challenge. Baptista gives up hope on Kate because he thinks that she will never calm down and be like Bianca, he asks her â€Å"Why, how now, daughter Katherine in your dumps? † This is because she has been shouting so much that she is left feeling low spirited and out of temper. Petruchio woos Kate and she tries to fight back, he says â€Å"Twas told me you were a rough cay and sullen, and now I find report a very liar† he tells her that she is beautiful and how she is perfect and all she does is fight back.

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