Thursday, July 25, 2019

To read the syllabus and write about your oppinions Coursework

To read the syllabus and write about your oppinions - Coursework Example Quite often, I disagree with the writers and many a times, I feel that the writers of novels and scripts tend to project their personal opinions in their texts. Those opinions are understandably motivated by their personal experiences, but the writers tend to make a biased approach about discussing the subjects. Such exercises would provide me with a platform to criticize the writers and project my own response to their texts, which would be satiating and interesting. The syllabus suggests that the developers have not only carefully selected the course content, but have also planned and scheduled the delivery by students at different points throughout the course. The contents and exercises have been declared week by week in order to provide the students with a thorough insight into the course from the outset. It is great that the course content or any exercises mentioned in the syllabus. A very important part of the syllabus is the way students’ performance would be analyzed and graded. The grading as mentioned in the syllabus is well-suited to a class at college level and does justice to the activities both that are conducted within the class and outside. Another very appealing aspect of the syllabus is the fact that the professor has clearly outlined the assignments’ criteria and formats right from the beginning. This will help the students develop their assignments to the point. Also, the grading will be fair as everybody would have submitted the assignments in the same format. The syllabus addressed the requirements of a college-level English program and is centered around a range of essentials that include but are not limited to the research process, finding and quoting credible sources, mechanics of writing, and developing an understanding of diction and rhetoric. I am eagerly looking forward to the leadership roles my class-mates and I will be assigned by the professor in the class. Such activities not only enhance group

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