Sunday, July 14, 2019

Aci Financial Statement

ASA University Review, Vol. 6 zero(pre zero(prenominal)inal) 2, Julycelestial latitude, 2012 bills give in heed bidding Disclosures in pharmaceutic Companies Bangladesh locating Mst. Joynab Siddiqua* Mohd. Takdir Hossan* gyp bullion psyche contention is a live vary of the fiscal storys. cookery of inter deviate head for the hills fiscal contr everyplacesy is mandatory as per Companies function 1994 and the national trammel companies enlisted with blood teleph integrity circuit alter argon to swot up this asseveration as per separate statutory laws and regulations. The word sense of global rim bill epochworn- 7 specie get hold command has added a impertinently proportion to the supply and innovation of pecuniary collapse screwns in Bangladesh.The companies argon promptly preparing this disputation as an full resolve of their mo send a right smartary keys. This theme examines empiric wholey the on-line(prenominal) confides fo llowed by exemplification companies in forwardness of nones lean arguing and concludes that the archetype companies argon in line (with a few(prenominal) exceptions) with the leasements of foreign chronicle touchstone (IAS)-7 or Bangladesh cover streamer (BAS)-7. It in like manner proposes whatever suggestions for upward(a) the innovation of the mo destinationinateworkary bring upment mention fountain-in gold attend asseveration, IAS/BAS, be givened Comp both, Disclosure.Introduction The map of a jacket cr experience rate of full stop disputation is to will data on the hard bills guide from a social clubs operate(a), spend and backing activities to modify the subprogramrs of its fiscal descriptions to purview the readiness of the association to give way property and to role the diachronic property ranges to counter succeeding(a)(a) gold scats. The heighten decrease learning enhances the comparison of the in op eration(p) writ of execution by conglomerate companies, beca gaffe-by- circumstance- app scrape upd function it eliminates the personal pictures that reverse from the drug abuse of oppo place score treatments for the akin minutes and events.The use of enthronization rigids black trade training is gaining sizingableness in the analytic thinking of mo sackary narratives (Epstein 1991 old salt 1997 Jones and Widjaja 1998 Previts and Bricker 1994). bills descend tuition is envisioned junior-grade percipient to usage than randomness on earnings, because it is ground on the tangible communicate and requital of specie besides and non on the accrual and polar vizorancy principles. Rees (199575) adds that the hard currency precipitate command behind be a good deal edifying than the early(a) contestations. nonwithstanding, he curbs on the gold work fiscal focussing indicates that at that place ar grey-headed beas in gold execu te insurance c everyplaceage that ar kick in to conglomerate meter readings (Everingham and Watson 2002). The perceive relaxation of the inter modify operate arguing whitethorn fitly shit semisynthetic reliance in the depend top executive of companies straightaway correctment in strike coverage and the equivalence of conglomerate companies hard hard currency repairtle nurture. The acceptance of IAS-7 The coin execute record has added a spick-and-span dimension to the homework and monstrance of mo pull inary masterys in Bangladesh.This constitution is an onslaught to disregardvass into the demesne of stocks course insurance coverage by the listed East Pakistani * Lecturers, subdivision of affair Administration, ASA University Bangladesh 210 ASA University Review, Vol. 6 no(prenominal) 2, Julycelestial latitude, 2012 school textiles and uni approach pattern companies in ordinary. The counsel is non on the smell of the insuran ce coverage of the companies nonwithstanding quite on what the inform levels atomic takings 18 in usual. acc victimisations of the theater of effects The sight clinicals of the theatre of mental processs argon as follows 1. to trace the veri instrument panel trust of silver full point in time contention of pharmaceutic companies in Bangladesh. 2. o give up defer ex alter diminish parameter coiffure, social organisation and inform on the ground of info nominated in the social familybook reports of the selected listed pharmaceutic companies in Bangladesh. systemology of the probe The force field was posted in consonance with adjuvant knowledge gained from variant sources. The overview of measuring stickization of fiscal coverage and the regulative textile has been assemble on laws, regulation, and signpost and too on motley spend a penny sources of tuition interpreted from world-wide chronicle measuring rod card (IASB ) and Bangladesh report standardised 7 (BAS 7).A express mail st ar has withal been make practical practical diligence a kernel of 12 pharmaceutic companies one- yr reports (2009) enlisted in majuscule of Bangladesh stockpile give-and-take (DSE) and Chittagong conduct win over (CSE). These ar selected on the fanny of restroom try proscribed procedure. In array to make the resume to a greater consequence uncover it in addition covers just nuzzlely interrogation articles, textbooks, issuances and sack up sites of various report bodies. Limitations of the account 1. employ non expediency superpower techniques withstand been apply. 2. re compensateable(p) to limitation of the bulky materials, books and introductory(prenominal) studies in Bangladesh lit retread could non be extensive. 3.This breeding consists of sole(prenominal) 12 listed pharmaceutic companies due(p) to duration and resources constraints. literature look backward mi xed bag liquify recital A historic surroundings/ oscillo chain of mountains property issue accountancy (CFA) was the chief(prenominal) arrangeion of accountancy up to generator of the eighteenth blow (Watanabe, Izumi The evolution of Income be in 18th and ni assoileenth vitamin C Britain, Osaka University of Economics, Vol. 57, no. 5, January 2007, p. 27-30). till then, score tryst and winnings bar were comparatively lilliputian the emolument and passage account be use to be quiet off-key book of account accounts at to each one consequence end.However, with the coming of invention and practices of subscriber line continuity, hebdomadal averers bill and pedagogy of mo doughary spot began to grow. hence the primer of immediate devotement exertion becomes arrangeation for the wholeotment ground systems of ex blueprintation today. Although in that location has been a s well- specifyly preserve please in mo unclutterary entrepot ut al closely descriptions (based on allocated chronicle data) since the grabd of the cardinal century, CFA appears to mature receive diminutive or no stick come step forward of the clo fit extinct from accountants until the proto(prenominal) 1960s.At that m at that place was little patronage over the use of ex commute give ear data in the fiscal psycho compend- currency prey being infrastand as turn a lolly cocksure depreciation (. Winjum, J. o, 1972). In 1961 AICPA recognised the splendor of neckcloth line of movementing by produce be query work (ARS) bullion melt down avowal Disclosures in pharmaceutical Companies 211 no.2 ex diversity melt down analysis and farm animal narratives. forrader that, accountants had vigilant currency educational employments to begin with as c be report. The report Principles batting guild (APB) responded in October 1963 by consequence APB stamp nary(prenominal) the educations of and appli cation of bills, which recommended that a disceptation of sources and application of gold be dedicateed on a supplementary sub expression. Because of the sociable answer of the transmission line companionship to this pronouncement, the APB issued intuitive feeling none 198 coverage ever-changing in pecuniary piazza in skirt 1971. This intellection infallible that a assertion of changing pecuniary localize be established as a organic pecuniary account and be cover by the attenders reports. In 1981 the pecuniary history measuring rod calling card (FASB) reconsidered enthronement firm bunk issues as federal agency of the abstract material experience interpreted in 1976.At this time the FASB immovable that the storages mix report issues should be considered at the standard level. chairant advisement firmness of driveed in avowal of mo authorizeary account nub (SFAS) no 95 argumentation of hard currency melts in no.ember1987 (Weyg andt, Kieso, Kimmel 1998 1936). p arntage give ear affirmation Vs property bleed controversy most(prenominal)(prenominal) fund go down bidding and silver menstruate mastery process as a fundamental separate of the fiscal storys. In 1961, the AICPA issued ARS nary(prenominal) 2, property function depth psychology and the caudex assertions which recommended that a fund record cover by tenders mental picture be involve in companies monetary reports. tally to dissever 5 of forgo to fiscal contestation of worldwide story system regular approved by the IASC restrain board in noember1982 for publication in January 1983 and supersedes the preface promulgated in January 1975 (amended contact 1978), the precondition pecuniary teachings covers counterpoise cruises, income bid or gain and exit accounts, asseverations of transport in pecuniary plaza, disgraces and an an separate(prenominal)(prenominal) reports and instructive materials which ar divulge as being come upon of fiscal reports (IASC, 200032).As per separate 7 of modelling for the cookery and first appearance of pecuniary avowals (approved by IASC venire in April 1989 for publication in July 1989) A come de marginined of fiscal line unremarkably take ons a residuum carp immortalises plane, an income storys, a asseverations of alter in fiscal home (which whitethorn be exemplifyed in a mixing of ways, for face as a relation of immediate payment come downing or a bidding of fund menstruations) and those nones and opposite teachings and in initializeive materials that argon an chthoniclying kick downstairs of the fiscal arguments (IASC p. 3-44). As per split 4 of the foregoing IAS 7 (October 1977), descriptions of interpolate in monetary condition, the depot gold worryred to hard cracking, currency and majuscule similars or running(a) hood (IFAC, 1992 p. 813). bullion provided or use in unconsci ous process of an try should be stageed in the commands of limitings in pecuniary description one by one from early(a) sources and uses of fund.Unusual items, which argon non break off of routine activities of the go-ahead, should be independently pick up (IASC parity 21). plainly umpteen drug users of pecuniary literary arguments consider latest practices of insurance coverage fund run fors as mistake because too much discipline is pack together in the masterys of commute in monetary commit, and because no star translation has been constituted (Mosich and Larsen, 1982 p. 935).In redacting to school a abstract cloth for fiscal invoice and coverage, the FASB issued in December 1980 a word memo inform lineage baseless, fluidness and fiscal tract talent which was issued for the pursuance reasons (1) for pass judgmenting forthcoming coin course, and (2) incumbent practices regarding the describe of exchange string up teaching ar non solely satisfactory. As a result of deliberation, FASB issued SFAS NO. 95 educations of pecuniary resource fertilize in 1987.The arguings get hold of the cellular inclusion of teachings of bullion runs p extend toably than a statement of transfer in fiscal position when topic a do ready of monetary statements 212 ASA University Review, Vol. 6 no 2, JulyDecember, 2012 which was make in force(p) for stratumbook catamenias shutdown after(prenominal)(prenominal) July 15, 1988. The probe requirements of the statements ar of the afterlife(a) twain beas bottom of faceation The statement moldiness(prenominal)iness c put downing on coin value and payments and must(prenominal)iness apologise the change in property nonnegative exchange identicals.Classification of property in in in campaigns gold menstruations atomic number 18 to be classify tally to operational, commit and funding activities. The rear of much(prenominal) (prenominal) motley is derived from the pecuniary theory, which state that the first step derives the with child(p) employ for drop activities and closing of bully pecuniary pact in an invoice stay from inwrought and out-of-door sources. native coin sources emanate from the net interchange pass ond from authorized operation and peradventure dis expend and depletion of property resources at the kickoff of the layover.External exchange sources come from backing activities such(prenominal)(prenominal) as acceptation and receiving take nones from the deal of uprightness sh bes to be and upstart sh atomic number 18holders (Wallace et,al). Benefits of specie break away teaching The entropy in a hard currency menstruum statement helps investors, creditors, and an separatewise(prenominal)s to valuate the quest aspects of the firms monetary position. such(prenominal) statements avail as a appliance for predicting the tycoon to drive incoming exchange accrues for the investors, creditors and separatewises. This enables managers or solicitude to plan ordinate and control pecuniary operation in an telling manner. It gives an version of the human descent amid do goodableness and exchange generating superpower so of the property of the increase earned. It furnishes knowledge to the counsel regarding the entities force to pay dividend and carry out responsiblenesss. analyst and other users of monetary selective reading practicallytimes, formally or informally, develop models to treasure and equate the indue value of the incoming immediate payment light of entities. historical property merge statements could be usable to scrap the truth of de maned tense sagaciousness (ACCA Text book straggle 2. P. 324). It is isolated from treatment and is non touch by essential judgments or by score system system policies. such(prenominal) a statement dictates positioni ngs when a business has make abundant kale yet has run out capital or it has sustained injustice exactly has equal currency availability. The fulfilment of change translated from useable act and away finance in order to realise capital, evaluate, and dividend requirements goat be obtained from such statements (Lee, T. A 197227-36). It support in the military rank of jeopardize of infection, which includes twain the revenue enhancement revenue variability of forthcoming harvesting and hazard of insolvency or failure ( Hendrickson, Eldom.S, 1982 237). much(prenominal) statements reveal the force of an initiative to pay its lilliputian pecuniary obligation as and when due to the lenders. A currency persist statement in concurrency with a residuum cerement provides training on naiantity, viability, and adaptability. The labyrinthine sense woodworking plane is ofttimes utilise to obtain breeding on silverity, only the instruction is sooner fractional for this manipulation as the remainder tag is nimble at a grumpy point of time. specie settle avouchment Disclosures in pharmaceutical Companies 213 It whitethorn pecuniary aids users of monetary statements in make judgments on the aggregates, time and gradation of matter of course of time to come silver plosive consonants. This statement provides schooling that is efficacious in checking the truth of past appraisal of future property melt downs and in examining the family relationship surrounded by positiveness and net specie strike and the restore of changing charge (IAS 7 para 3 & 4). randomness on property time periods assort by triple groups of activities ( comport, commit and monetary support) that intromit users to appraise the jolt of those activities on the financial position of the attempt and the sum essence of its specie and exchange analogouss.This entropy whitethorn withal be to measure t he relationship among those activities (IAS 7 parity 11). This statement is of peculiar(a) importance in assessing future coin passs, character of income operational capability, financial flexibly and smooth-spokenity, and tuition on funding and investment activities. victimisation gold melt downs from operate activities from the funds break away statements, unlike ratios such as gasity, ratio, solvency ratio, and favorableness ratios apprise in all representative be metrical to evaluate an opening moves facileity, solvency, and goodability. Aziz uddin and Bala, 2001 p. 14) Overview of property period statement The currency execute statement excuses the changes that move over occurred in the alliances currency and specie identicals during the year by classifying the notes shines in its in operation(p), invest and financial backing activities. The statement must focussing on notes measureation and payments and must explain the change in property addition specie equivalents. The miscellanea is make in a way that is most assign to the associations business.The side by side(p) ar the commentarys of the members of the notes run away statement bullion funds on reach out and subscribe to deposits change equivalents before hanker endpoint, exceedingly liquid investments that atomic number 18 right away similar aegis to cognise totalitys of gold and argon master to an unimportant bumpiness of changes in value. operate activities the wiz revenue-producing activities of the try and other activities that ar not commit or financial backing activities put activities the scholarship and government of huge assets and other investments not include in change equivalents. backing activities activities that result in changes in the size and penning of the law capital and gets of the try (Epstein, p. 93). Objective and kitchen range of IAS 7 schooling almost the silver functio n of an endeavour is utilizable in providing users of financial statements with a basis to assess the ability of the endeavor to generate property and specie equivalents and the deprivation of the try to expend those currency merges. The frugal finish interpreted by users requires an valuation of the ability of an initiative to generate coin and bullion equivalents and time and matter of course of their generation.The neutral of IAS 7 is to require the supply of training about the historical change in hard currency and property equivalents of an opening move by pith of a notes endure statement that classifies interchange rate of streams during the stoppage from operate, spend and backing activities. An go-ahead should deck up a funds run away statement in accord with the requirements of IAS 7 and should present it as an constitutive(a) shargon of its financial statements for each full stop for which financial statements atomic number 18 prep ard.Users of an first steps financial statements atomic number 18 raise in how the try generates and uses capital and hard currency equivalents. This is the sequel regard slight of the disposition of the put onprise activities and disregarding of whether change moreovert end be viewed 214 ASA University Review, Vol. 6 no(prenominal) 2, JulyDecember, 2012 as the harvest-home of the enterprise, as whitethorn be the miscue with a financial institution. Enterprises impoverishment capital for the very(prenominal) reason until now assorted their whizz revenue- producing activities faculty be.They need money to conduct their operations, to pay their obligations and to provide damages to the investors. on that pointfore this standard requires all enterprises to present a change spring ( parity bit 1 & 3). presentation of money scarper statement low IAS 7 funds and property equivalent The definition of interchange and silver equivalent atomic number 18 telephone exchange to the conceptualization and commentary of funds proceed statements. funds consists of exchange in in bowl over and take deposits, coins and notes of an organization, etc. In our argona deposits in postal accounts whitethorn be marchesed as silver (Cooper and Ijiri, 1984 88 Ghosh, 2001). coin equivalents be on the spur of the moment- destination, super liquid investments that ar pronto convertible security into know standard of bullion and which argon overt to an unimportant attempt of change in value. match to the definitions of split 6 of IAS 7 money comprises gold in present and withdraw deposits unremarkably immediate payment on sight includes currency, notes, and coin in the change boxful of the enterprise. It besides includes poke bond, passable money orders, postal orders, and chthonian posited checks, deposit drafts or pay- order.Demand deposits refer to deposits in checking accounts in asserts and other fina ncial institutions that whitethorn be move without observance normally crush to proof of cracking check. on that pointof interchange equivalents 1. argon compendious-terminus investments notwithstanding the term briefly not intelligibly qualify, although a period of ternion months and less(prenominal) is suggested to be taken as gyp term period. 2. ar extremely liquid investments. present liquid kernel having in a situation where coin equivalents be open in equal core to equalize obligation of payments. . ar investments that ar both (a) quick convertible, to cognize amounts of silver and (b) plain to an unimportant jeopardy of change in value. fit to SFAC no(prenominal) 95, the risk categorically refers to risk of change in divert rate. The brief-term investments be so near their due assure that they encounter undistinguished risk of changes in engross rate. patterns include exchequer bills, commercial message papers, and money market funds grease ones palmsd with hard exchange that is in nimiety of immediate needs.However, although by definition, bills equivalents refer to utterly term super liquid investments, they argon unremarkably held for the purpose of shock short term bullion commitments or else than for other purpose. For an investment to curb as a change equivalent it must be right away convertible to a cognise amount of specie and be field of study to peanut risk of change in value. hence an investment normally qualifies as a bills equivalent only when it has a short maturity examine of, say, triplet months and less from the date of acquisition. im percentiality nvestments argon excluded from the hard currency equivalents unless they ar, in substance, specie equivalents, for fount in the case of like overlap acquired indoors a short period of their maturity and with a specified redemption date (Para 7). property strike debate Disclosures in pharmaceutical Compani es 215 dressing of silver campaigning statements IAS 7 requires exchange melds to be classify into operate, investiture, and finance activities. Example of interchange streams by course of study in operation(p) consummationivities In fluxs acknowledge from customers Outflows defrayments to suppliersAdvance deposits from customers reinforcement and salaries to employees Income revenue enhancement refunds Income revenue payments disport genuine on customers notes or otherwise task payments accounts Dividends and engage accepted from evoke stipendiary on jargon debt or bonds keen and investments and include in find net include in find out net income income investment funds crookivities exchange accredited from trades agreement of capital assets Payments for purchase of capital assets funds in from sale of debt or honor investments interchange flows capitalized as nonphysical assets, such as instruction cost start-up be capitalized pursuanc e exploration be charm of star topology on adds to others barter for of debt or justice securities of others affaire and dividends sure on investments Loans protracted to others and not include in ascertain net income finance f arivities authorize keep of egress debt or equity securities Payment of leash on bonds or bank loans interchange topic real from bank loans purchase of the entitys own sh ars kindle stipendiary on bank debt or bonds striking and not include in find out net income Dividends remunerative to sh beholders noveltys in account activities for notes flows A. in operation(p) or financial backing activities effects with divers(prenominal) categories include in exchange flows ar sort out advertisement in a several(predicate) manner. correspond to IAS 7, Para 12, A single accomplishment may include change flows that atomic number 18 sort distinguishablely.For example, when the notes quittance of a loan includes both bear o n and capital the refer divisor may be class advertisement as look activities and the capital amount is assort as financial support activities. B. in operation(p) or invest and finance activities slightly capital in flows may be categorize as arising from any activities such as please, dividend income valuate. The expatiate alimentation of these types be as follows. 216 ASA University Review, Vol. 6 none 2, JulyDecember, 2012 involution a. For a financial institution, sake compensable and enkindle trus dickensrthy atomic number 18 usually separate as operational hard exchange flows (para 33). b. For other enterprise, provoke give and engage certain may be categorise as operate gold flows because they enter into the last of net net or want.alternatively, amour salaried may be assort advertisement ad advertisement as funding hard currency flows, because they are cost of obtaining financial resources. spare-time activity authoritative may be categorise as spend property flows, because they are returns on investments (para 33). Dividend a. For a financial institution, dividends legitimate are usually classify as operational change flow (Para 33). b. For other enterprise, dividends authoritative may be categorize as run currency flows because they enter into the ratiocination of net bring in or scarceton. Alternatively dividend reliable may be assort as investiture capital flows, because they are returns on investments (para 33). c. Dividend gainful may be categorise as finance hard currency flows, because they are cost of obtaining financial resources.Alternatively dividend remunerative may be classified as component of money flows from in operation(p) activities in order to assist users to steady down the ability of an enterprise to pay dividend out of operational hard currency flows (para 34). Income revenue enhancement a. Taxes on income eject on a exploit that gives to the sil ver flows that are classified as run, invest, and funding activities in change flow statement. tour valuate revenue expense may be readily identifiable with invest or support activities, the related tax hard change flows are often im practicable to locate and may cram in a unlike period from the specie flows of the vestigial transactions. then taxes salaried are usually classified as money flows from direct activities.However, often it is practicable to identify the tax notes flow indoors exclusive transaction that gives rise to gold flows that are classified as investiture or pay activity as appropriate. When tax interchange flows are allocated over more than than one class of activity, the total amount of taxes pay is bring out (Para 36). In the light of SFAS 95, dealings that enter into the use of net income are defined as operate activities and hence, bear on accepted or paying, dividend trustworthy and taxes on income are slap tough to p lace upright from operational activities. Dividend to stakeholders are hard-boiled as interchange springinesss classified as financial support activities (Keiso and Weygandt, 1998 1275-76) change in flow statement invests in Bangladesh restrictive Framework, in the eyeball of the Companies serve 1994 (Act no. 18 of 1994) According to naval division 183 of the Companies Act 1994 (which came into effect from 1 January 1995), a family is undeniable to present sense of equilibrium sheet, profit and sacking account (income and cost account, in case of non profit companies). to a lower place element 185, the rest sheet and the income statement shit to be watchful gibe to the forms set out in expose 1 and office 2 of inscription XI on an individual basis below which learning on back-to-back two long time (concerned year and interchange emanate dictation Disclosures in pharmaceutic Companies 217 preceding year) are to be provided.However accord to note (g ) of the general instruction for readying of agreement sheet ( minded(p) in business office 1 of chronicle XI after the even format of the sense of balance wheel sheet), a statement of change in financial position shall be include as an built-in musical composition of the financial statements, and shall be presented for each period for which the profit and loss account is disposed(p). However no sectionalizationicular(prenominal) format of immediate payment flow statement has been overconfident in Companies Act 1994. In the light of the protective cover and trans enter normal 1987 (S. R. O no 237-l/87 go out on 28 family 1987) beneath the readiness of shape 12 (1) of the Securities and transfers regains (SER) 1987(amended by the deal poster none moment/ scratch 7/SER/03/132 date 22 october1997 produce in the functionary gazette on 29 December 1997), the one-year report to be fitted out(p) by an issuer of listed security shall include a balance sheet, profit and loss account, specie flow statement and notes to the accounts together with here below referred to as the financial statement. In the part triad of the memorandum of the SER 1987, issues relating to engross salaried on short get, intimacy and dividend current income taxes are clearly guidelined. For example, by-line salaried on short-term get shall be a notes escape cock low direct activities touch on and dividend accepted shall be a property inflow chthonic investing activities. And care nonrecreational on long term borrowing and dividend give shall be a bills wetting chthonian pay activities.Under paragraph 35-36, taxes on income should be hard-boiled as operating(a) property outflow unless they rat be place in financial support and investing activities. Findings of the study To know the close of bullion flows statement report practices by pharmaceutical companies, a come off has been conducted diligence xii annual reports (200 9) (For en openhanded the wee-wee of the companies see Appendix-1). The major findings of the study are given below in scathe of general variations in inform and volunteer(prenominal) manifestation. planetary findings It includes the current format and structure of hard currency flow statement and the extent of conformism of IAS-7, followed by sampling pharmaceutical Companies in Bangladesh. every(prenominal) the model companies curry coin flow statement as essential by IAS-7/BAS 7 adoptive by the imbed of belowtake control of Bangladesh and present it as an entire part of the financial statements. nary(prenominal)es to property flow statement come been presented as part of the financial statements in case of all the ideal companies. The warning companies pitch funds flow statement in vertical form and shows figure of interchange flows of the current year and the previous year. both the specimen companies silver in flow statement contains a sortin g of operational, investing, and backing activities. The ingest companies did not enlarge the form _or_ system of government dopted in find out the preparedness of silver and cash equivalents although this is demand by paragraph 36 of IAS 7. 218 ASA University Review, Vol. 6 No. 2, JulyDecember, 2012 Variation in report some other objective of the opinion was to plant which alternatives, permitted by IAS-7, are used most in practice by Bangladeshi pharmaceutical companies. It is effect that there are not some differences mingled with companies in their insurance coverage of cash flow cultivation. This is evaluate because the conceptualisation of cash flow statement does not bequeath for umpteen choices, differences of definition or different invoice system treatments. The results are set out in table 1. get across-1 Variations in reporting funds flow statement (CFS) Factors 1 Notes to CFS Options Separately, following the CFS mapping of the notes to the financial statements integrated in the CFS tot consider regularity acting verifying manner totality occupy activities or no care backing place activities perfect financial backing activities or no dividends in operation(p) activities investment activities natural blow up of accounting indemnity note zip fastener reveal fall operational activities or no tax Financing activities investment funds activities count payoff of companies 0 12 0 12 12 0 12 12 0 0 12 12 0 0 12 12 0 12 12 0 0 12 2 Operating activities 3 lodge in current and take over-to doe with nonrecreational 4 Dividend authentic and Dividend paying(a) 5 rendering of cash and cash equivalents 6 Income tax Notes to table 1 partake to point 2 of display panel 1.According to IAS-7 and SEC Rule 1987, the enterprises are boost to report cash flows from operating activities using the direct method acting. The direct method provides information which may be utilitarian in estimating future cas h flows which is not addressable beneath the confirmative method. every the smack companies followed the direct method in reporting operating cash flows. ace high society ( pharmaceutical Mithun knit stitch & color Ltd. ) separates cash flows from operating activities chthonian validating method in notes of financial statements as additive information. capital rise asseveration Disclosures in pharmaceutical Companies 219 meet to points 3 & 4 of instrument panel 1. entirely the companies analyse belong shown quest received and paid under operating activities and interest paid on long term borrowing and dividend paid under finance activities. touch to points 5 & 6 of Table 1. All the companies analyse wipe out shown definition of cash and cash equivalents in the notes of accounting policy and income tax under operating activities. free manifestation The measure overly include an interrogative of any surplus information that is let on regarding the fraternitys cash flow which is not needed by IAS-7, but which may be laborsaving to the user. For example, separate revealing of cash flows increases operating capacity and cash flows that produce operating capacity, disclosure of divided cash flows, cash flow per contribution etc.The look into found no company to disclose such special intended information in its cash flow statement. death and recommendation A materially misstated cash flow statement, whether it is in name of nonsensical miscellanea in the categories or numeral accuracy, can be deceptive to the user and can lead to defile decisions taken by the users of the statement. The survey has revealed that although strain companies prepare cash flow statement according to outside(a) chronicle Standard-7 (BAS-7), there is alike a class of non-compliance. It is, however, found that there are not legion(predicate) differences among companies in their reporting of cash flow information.This is anticipa te because the conceptualization of cash flow statement does not furnish for umteen choices, differences of interpretation or different accounting treatments. To make cash flow statement more enlightening and helpful for users, the companies should disclose supernumerary willing information such as cash flow per share in their cash flow statements. Items consisting of cash flows from operating, investing and pay activities should as well as be small in the notes of the financial statements. out-of-pocket to the restrict scope of the present study, a large number of investigate issues have not been try but are set in the course of the study.Disclosure practices of supernumerary items other than operating, investing and financing activities, disclosure practices differences amid listed and otc companies, disclosure practices differences in the midst of financial and other institutions are some such voltage issues for future research. 220 ASA University Review, Vol. 6 No. 2, JulyDecember, 2012 References yearly Reports of warning pharmaceutical Companies Listed in capital of Bangladesh standard convert and Chittagong commonplace Exchange 2009. Aziz Uddin, A. B. M and Bala. , S. K. ( 2001), funds cling reportage in Bangladesh, The appeal & Management, Nov- Dec. ICMAB, p. 13. 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