Saturday, September 28, 2019

An Inconvenient Truth by Al Gore

Al Gores documentary, An Inconvenient Truth, Last winter, it was so warm. It was the time when I could feel that global warming is coming to the world. My friends and other people had a big curiosity that winter was not so cold as usual temperature because the rivers in Korea were not freezing well last year and there were lack of days when we could see the snowy weather. I started to feel that the earth is getting warmer and warmer and have a concern about our earth’s problem as a student who is majoring sustainability studies. With this existing condition, much news about global warming came out let people know about why the earth is getting warm and how to prevent this situation. However, both scholars and people have a different view of whether global warming is still exist or not. The biggest reason why global warming became hot issue is because of the documentary movie, namely an Inconvenient Truth, 2006. It ranks top3 documentary; I have watched it 3 times including our class time, also it was released to Korean theater for a short time because those who care of environmental issue are not so many. An inconvenient truth is the movie having the lecture from Albert Arnold Gore Jr. who was the vice president of America. He referred his teacher, child and sister while making a progress of his lecture. He has given a similar presentation over 100 times, it deserves to catch audiences’ eyes. He didn’t miss to give a humor like he introduced himself as Al Gore who might almost become a president with a bitter laugh,. He was becoming serious by showing the graph of air temperature and density of CO2 gas which was measured by his teacher; it seemed they have a big relationship between them. Every graph which he shows was amazing and enough to give a shock to audiences. The density of CO2 gas in the air had been stable over thousands years, of course there were a few fluctuations, but recently the status of the CO2 density is climbing steeply; it hasn’t had the same status before. It is enough for audiences to be eye-catching. The thing making us more surprised was the evidences of global warming. The pictures comparing the same place by having a time gap gave me astonishment such as Mt. Kilimanjaro, Patagonia highland and Mt. Everest. The areas where usually get snow have diminished, a lot of icebergs has been melting. It means the length and quantity of the icebergs get smaller than before. Then, he put more words after the pictures like some parts in the earth will be enunciated because of the water from melted icebergs and showed us the simulation of the tragic future. He gave a story of his sister who was died as a lung cancer due to cigarette. By doing so, it made him remind of that the company of cigarette had denied that cigarette has nothing to do with the cause of lung cancer but it is proved that it is not true. Now everyone knows that cigarette is big cause of the cancer. Then, he showed many pictures of the sudden changes of the earth like north pole, Alaska, Greenland and Amazon. The image of a polar bears searching for the ice flakes looks like out tragic life; they cannot find an ice where makes stable life to them by giving the spaces stepping on an ice. It means they are losing their spaces they live as the same with our spaces where will sink soon. If we can be sure global warming one hundred percent, do you think it is the human’s responsibility? Al Gore showed the persuasive graph of relationship between CO2 gas and temperature through the result of analyzing north pole’s sample in iceberg. It had never gone up over 300ppm for CO2 gas before, now it breaks a new record and would go over 400 or 500pppm in several years. It will bring about hot temperature because these green house gases will keep the heat energy which is supposed to go out of the earth. Someone says that the reason why the earth’s temperature is getting higher is due to the active activity of sunspot; many sunspots show that it is the time for sun to act very actively so it gives more radiation out of sun. Of course, it could make the earth get hotter. However, in the trustworthy journal, the activity of sun improves 0. 2 ~ 0. 4 percent, this could make an impact to get the temperature hot during centuries. However, it cannot explain the sudden improving rate, 0. 8 percent, in 20 century. Also, it doesn’t explain this situation that this situation is getting accelerated. There is an inconvenient point in the movie â€Å"an inconvenient truth†. First of all, the cause of the rise of sea level is not explained properly. It usually occurs because of temperature rising of sea making water swell. Originally the bond in ice is so strong making it compact each other, by getting heated the molecules in water become free to move, they have more space and mobility. However, this documentary movie shows the reality to us. The temperature change due to global has already become an inconvenient reality. Inland starts to make lots of dust as higher temperature makes it drier. It’s the reality for us to close up our mouth with a mast while roaming around. Many medias have still informed that both global warming and climate change are the scientific point of view but there is so specific answer of this. However, most scientists agree that there is global warming and it has a lot of things to do with human beings’ responsibility. Now it is not a stage where we have to debate whether this is global warming or not. We should adjust to the changing climate, put effort to give a solution to reduce green house gases. This has already become big social, political and economical problem getting out of scientific issue. This An Inconvenient Truth would be not knowable truth to someone but for the others they should know about that. It is the fact for us to realize that we should change something right now; we need to start to change our way of living by looking back ourselves’ life. Like Al gore’s argument, it could not disappear as it is not easily seen for us. Much bigger the importance of our environment is as we ignore more. The main convict and victim are us, so we need to know how much products we should buy, how much electricity we use, what kind of car we drive and how we deal with this situation then we can live well off in this earth

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