Monday, September 30, 2019

Disadvantages of Part-Time Job

the development and the expansion of the economic system, there are more and more options for students to obtain part time jobs. There are numberous reasons that students should experient some part time jobs, however the negative effects should be considered, too. Look on the bright side, as Miss Lan Phuong said above, we will harvest many things via working such as finance, chance to more mature, widen the relationship, and better understanding our self.However, it doesn’t mean that all the students should immediately get out of the house and get a job, there are some disadvantages should be considered: studying and health. Firstly, opponents of students taking part time job insist that such these students will face a decline in our studies. We have 24 hours per day, however, vast of boys and girls who work were being affected by the lack of time. Because it will occupy student’s precious time for college work, we will have no longer time to finish homework assigned by teachers or widden our knowledge through reading books.Consequently, we will fall behind the class schedule. In other word, if we don’t know how to banlance and manage time, we will receive a bad study results. The most important tasks we have to remember is studying. Secondly, studying in university and taking part time job take us most time of day, we will always busy and feel exhausted because each day we have the defined amount of energy. After attending class for most of the day, we do research for projects and do homework.Naturally, we don’t have enough 8 hours to sleep, which lead to being sick. In conclusion, each coin has two sides, although having part time job can lead students to get in touch with some disadvantages, it is still necessary for us to learn much more than only theories from books and universities because it takes important role in helping us engage in the future. Just only make sure if we totally understand what we are doing and know how to b alance between working and studying well.

Sunday, September 29, 2019

Teenage Curfew

When it comes to having a curfew, opinions can be wide spread about what it right and what is wrong. I believe though, that it is a parent’s decision whether or not they let their child out. As long as your parents know where you are, you aren’t doing anything dangerous or illegal, and you always have somebody with you in case something happens, then you shouldn’t have to worry about a curfew or getting punished for something that is perfectly harmless. When you are out after dark, always make sure your parents know where you are. You don’t want to be somewhere without a way of contacting them. If they know where you are, then that makes the chances of them finding you a lot higher. Also, if they know where you are going, they have the option to tell you that no, you can’t go, or at least help you make choices about what you do when you get there. One other reason to make sure that your parents are aware of your location is so that they won’t have to worry about calling the police if they can’t seem to find you. It saves a lot of people a lot of trouble! As most teens would probably have to agree, if you aren’t doing anything illegal or dangerous, then why shouldn’t you be allowed out? When out after a certain time, yes, the police are out, but why should they be monitoring you if you aren’t doing anything against the law or dangerous? It makes you feel somewhat childish being watched all the time. You shouldn’t be getting punished for being out past a certain time because a lot of people may have late jobs or games that they are coming home from and it isn’t fair to penalize them for just coming home after a long day. No harm intended! Finally, when you are out past dark, always make sure you have a buddy with you. I mean, who doesn’t like company?! When you are alone, if you get hurt or get caught in a sticky situation, you might be incapable of calling for help. It’s always good to have someone with you so they can call for help if needed. Having a friend with you can also keep you from making wrong decisions. They can be a good second opinion on right and wrong, and keep you out of trouble. And we all know that the slammer is no fun place to be! These are just a few reasons that I have why you should be allowed out. If you aren’t doing anything dangerous or illegal, your parents know where you are, and you always have a friend with you, then your parents should be able to make the decision whether or not they want their child out after a certain time. You shouldn’t have to worry about being punished. After all, they police aren’t the ones who raised us. Thanks for taking the time to listen to my opinion about why teenagers should have to worry about a curfew.

Saturday, September 28, 2019

An Inconvenient Truth by Al Gore

Al Gores documentary, An Inconvenient Truth, Last winter, it was so warm. It was the time when I could feel that global warming is coming to the world. My friends and other people had a big curiosity that winter was not so cold as usual temperature because the rivers in Korea were not freezing well last year and there were lack of days when we could see the snowy weather. I started to feel that the earth is getting warmer and warmer and have a concern about our earth’s problem as a student who is majoring sustainability studies. With this existing condition, much news about global warming came out let people know about why the earth is getting warm and how to prevent this situation. However, both scholars and people have a different view of whether global warming is still exist or not. The biggest reason why global warming became hot issue is because of the documentary movie, namely an Inconvenient Truth, 2006. It ranks top3 documentary; I have watched it 3 times including our class time, also it was released to Korean theater for a short time because those who care of environmental issue are not so many. An inconvenient truth is the movie having the lecture from Albert Arnold Gore Jr. who was the vice president of America. He referred his teacher, child and sister while making a progress of his lecture. He has given a similar presentation over 100 times, it deserves to catch audiences’ eyes. He didn’t miss to give a humor like he introduced himself as Al Gore who might almost become a president with a bitter laugh,. He was becoming serious by showing the graph of air temperature and density of CO2 gas which was measured by his teacher; it seemed they have a big relationship between them. Every graph which he shows was amazing and enough to give a shock to audiences. The density of CO2 gas in the air had been stable over thousands years, of course there were a few fluctuations, but recently the status of the CO2 density is climbing steeply; it hasn’t had the same status before. It is enough for audiences to be eye-catching. The thing making us more surprised was the evidences of global warming. The pictures comparing the same place by having a time gap gave me astonishment such as Mt. Kilimanjaro, Patagonia highland and Mt. Everest. The areas where usually get snow have diminished, a lot of icebergs has been melting. It means the length and quantity of the icebergs get smaller than before. Then, he put more words after the pictures like some parts in the earth will be enunciated because of the water from melted icebergs and showed us the simulation of the tragic future. He gave a story of his sister who was died as a lung cancer due to cigarette. By doing so, it made him remind of that the company of cigarette had denied that cigarette has nothing to do with the cause of lung cancer but it is proved that it is not true. Now everyone knows that cigarette is big cause of the cancer. Then, he showed many pictures of the sudden changes of the earth like north pole, Alaska, Greenland and Amazon. The image of a polar bears searching for the ice flakes looks like out tragic life; they cannot find an ice where makes stable life to them by giving the spaces stepping on an ice. It means they are losing their spaces they live as the same with our spaces where will sink soon. If we can be sure global warming one hundred percent, do you think it is the human’s responsibility? Al Gore showed the persuasive graph of relationship between CO2 gas and temperature through the result of analyzing north pole’s sample in iceberg. It had never gone up over 300ppm for CO2 gas before, now it breaks a new record and would go over 400 or 500pppm in several years. It will bring about hot temperature because these green house gases will keep the heat energy which is supposed to go out of the earth. Someone says that the reason why the earth’s temperature is getting higher is due to the active activity of sunspot; many sunspots show that it is the time for sun to act very actively so it gives more radiation out of sun. Of course, it could make the earth get hotter. However, in the trustworthy journal, the activity of sun improves 0. 2 ~ 0. 4 percent, this could make an impact to get the temperature hot during centuries. However, it cannot explain the sudden improving rate, 0. 8 percent, in 20 century. Also, it doesn’t explain this situation that this situation is getting accelerated. There is an inconvenient point in the movie â€Å"an inconvenient truth†. First of all, the cause of the rise of sea level is not explained properly. It usually occurs because of temperature rising of sea making water swell. Originally the bond in ice is so strong making it compact each other, by getting heated the molecules in water become free to move, they have more space and mobility. However, this documentary movie shows the reality to us. The temperature change due to global has already become an inconvenient reality. Inland starts to make lots of dust as higher temperature makes it drier. It’s the reality for us to close up our mouth with a mast while roaming around. Many medias have still informed that both global warming and climate change are the scientific point of view but there is so specific answer of this. However, most scientists agree that there is global warming and it has a lot of things to do with human beings’ responsibility. Now it is not a stage where we have to debate whether this is global warming or not. We should adjust to the changing climate, put effort to give a solution to reduce green house gases. This has already become big social, political and economical problem getting out of scientific issue. This An Inconvenient Truth would be not knowable truth to someone but for the others they should know about that. It is the fact for us to realize that we should change something right now; we need to start to change our way of living by looking back ourselves’ life. Like Al gore’s argument, it could not disappear as it is not easily seen for us. Much bigger the importance of our environment is as we ignore more. The main convict and victim are us, so we need to know how much products we should buy, how much electricity we use, what kind of car we drive and how we deal with this situation then we can live well off in this earth

Friday, September 27, 2019

Epidemiology and communicable disease Assignment

Epidemiology and communicable disease - Assignment Example For example, individuals who have higher income are likely to access better health services while those with low income are likely not to access health services. This puts those poor person to develop diseases and do not go for treatment, thus making some communicable diseases to spread in the society (Marmot et al., 2012). Communicable disease chain is a circuit of events that starts from a disease-causing urgent to reach an individual ultimately and causes infection. The chain entails the following components: infectious agent, a reservoir, portal of exit, mode of transmission, portal of entry and susceptible host. For an individual to become infected the entire chain must be intact. However, breaking just one component of the chain of infection makes the infectious disease difficult to spread (Aginam, 2002). There are steps that a nurse can take to break the chain of infection and stop the disease from spreading. For example ensuring that, all children are fully immunized against some diseases like measles and flu among others since this will break the chain from the source. Proper hand washing before handling food, this breaks the chain on mode of transmission and prevents the spread (Brachman,

Thursday, September 26, 2019

Foreign direct investment Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Foreign direct investment - Research Paper Example Lastly, the paper winds down with a thorough discussion of the political and economic reasons that inform governments’ need to intervene in the international trade. Foreign Direct Investment In every economy, the government of any given country defines the benchmark of political, social and economic leadership of that particular country. Government strategizes and sets legal mechanisms intended to drive the given country into ultimate prosperity. Economy is one of the most essential tools used by potential political contestants and prevailing governments to maintain and construct leadership by use of their individual economic policies. The direction of economic policies chosen by a government determines the nature of foreign relationships enjoyed with other nations to be affected by the set policies. Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) is one aspect of the economy that is capable of dictating the foreign relationship to be enjoyed between or among partnering nations. Foreign Direc t Investment occurs when a given business institution from a given country opens or transfers its operations to another foreign country (Kuepper, 2012). The main advantages of FDI are creation of new job opportunities for the host or receiving economy, and increase in tax margins received by the host government. FDI carries with it integrated technology and technical experts to the host country, which is usually in the class of developing countries. Despite its advantages, FDI being a form of investment from another country, tend to create a lot of discomfort on the recipient economy if not regulated. Kuepper (2012) indicates that one of the fears necessitate government’s intervention revolves around the fate of the domestic industries in the face of foreign direct investment. It is a normal practice in business that for any new entrant to survive in the foreign market, it has to offer its goods and services at relatively lower prices than the existing firms. The new entrant may also have to enhance the quality of its products and services to compete the existing ones to an extent of leading to closure of the local firms. These possible practices pose significant threats to the domestic firms, which justifies the role of government to set sustainable policies to foresee equitable sharing of the market and raw materials to the benefit of the entire economy. Technology, trademarks and patent rights are of great essential to the operation of any world class or highly innovative firm. Foreign firms lobbying for FDI may prove risky when it comes to technological leaks, breach of patent rights and misuse of established trademarks. To cushion the domestic firms from the negative effects of FDI, government’s involvement in the FDI will play a great role as it will help in protecting and defending the local firms. In addition, FDI are known by many governments as among the strategies to raise national income and government’s revenues. Governmentâ⠂¬â„¢s intervention is of great importance as it helps in the computation and determination of tax margins to impose on the arriving firms. It is noteworthy that every country has certain unique economic policies enforced on the local business institutions and organizations. Businesses investing in other foreign countries are likely to carry with them operational laws used in the original country. Some

Introduction to Business Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 2

Introduction to Business - Essay Example Firstly it is the case that there is a strong public debt burden in the United States which can be attributed to the inability of the government to reign in its spending. Building on this point it is the case that according to the U.S. Treasury department approximately 23% and 21% of U.S. treasury securities are held by the central banks of China and Japan respectively. The solution to this problem would be for American voters to press their politicians to practice fiscal discipline. A second major problem facing the American economy which has negatively affects the economy recently is the American trade deficit which according to the CIA World Factbook (2010) reached a record $840 billion in 2008, in simple terms more is coming in than is going out. While many people would take a mercantilist viewpoint and argue that people should â€Å"Buy American† a simple solution would be for American manufacturers to simply look at what foreign products are filling this consumer gap domestically and look to find new ways to better serve their domestic customers. As a last major problem affecting the Ameican economy would be the sub prime mortgage market and credit default swaps that have helped fuel the economic downturn from 2007-2010. In terms of how credit default swaps work, they act as a type of insurance policy that backs investments and the way that they have arguable exacerbated the financial crisis is that the instruments help encourage investment in riskier investments. As far as sub prime mortgages are concerned it is the case that house prices growing every year it made sense for lenders to support buyers whose credit history was questionable (Owing to the fact that the buyers would see favorable returns in their housing prices). However when the bubble burst and the lenders sought their compensation from buyers it was the case that many people defaulted. The obvious solution for this circumstance would be for stricter regulation on

Wednesday, September 25, 2019

EEIG case, on alliances Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

EEIG case, on alliances - Essay Example A. (QA) (Fazio, 2007). The target markets for this establishment were multinational paint manufacturers and automobile manufacturers. The present case entails about the management of EEIG and also the perspective and situation after its incorporation. In addition, this case also illustrates about the strategies adopted by these companies to operate in the market. This study to a large extent enlightened us about the Quimica del Atlantico, S. A. (QA) and its business operations. This company was founded in the year 1932. It is headquartered at Baracaldo, Spain. Initially the company used to manufacture nitrocellulose paints, and air drying for the automobile body parts. It was also the first company to have supplied such products to the markets of Spain (Renart and Pares, 2010). The company had spent significant amount of resources and efforts towards research and development and for that the company has been able to introduce new products and services in the market. Through this repo rt, the internal and external business environment of the company will be analysed. Furthermore the strategic choices made by the companies will be also illuminated. Beside, how the strategies were implemented will be also emphasized. Finally based on the evaluation, a conclusion will be drawn and some recommendations will be suggested. External & Internal Business Environment Analysis Environmental analysis is often referred to as environmental scanning. According to some eminent authors analysis of the environment help companies to identify factors that may influence the operation. Additionally, it also helps the companies to forecast the impact these factors have on the company (Robinson, 2009). Through the process of environmental scanning organizations also identify opportunities and threats in the existing business environment. The business strategy of a company also remains highly dependent upon the situation of the external business environment. Apart from the external envir onment, the internal environment of a firm plays a crucial role in the formulation of strategy and also to capitalize on the opportunities of the external business environment (Von Der Gracht, 2008). In this context, Quimica del Atlantico, the paint manufacturing and marketing company of Spain embraces various strategic capabilities. However it also possesses some weakness which impacts the company’s operation and holds them back from achieving their goals. One of the major strength of the company is its competency in the field of research and development. Quimica del Atlantico spends significant amount of resources and efforts towards R & D activities. This has encouraged the company to come up with new and innovative products and systems in the market. Apart from that, the company also has the capability of utilizing technology to the fullest extent and therefore technology innovation can be manifested as one of their strategic capabilities. The company has presence in seve ral industries of the world, which provides them an opportunity to increase their total revenue. In addition, the company also enjoyed strong competitive position in the Spanish market. The biggest weakness of the company comes in the form of less export activities. The case enlightens that export has only accounted for 1.5 % of the overall sales of the company. The operational changes that were

Tuesday, September 24, 2019

Trends and Challenges in Human Resource Management Essay

Trends and Challenges in Human Resource Management - Essay Example Owing to rapid technological advancements, the demand for well trained employees is high. Organizations are now looking to impart necessary skills to their workers using all kinds of innovative strategies and training resources. With respect to this trend, Rothwell, Hohne, & King (2000), state HR practitioners, " must be ready to manage, design, develop or select, and use learning technologies that support learning and development for their organization" (p. 190). Focus has also shifted to employee development, leadership development and performance improvement. Here again the organization looks to HR practitioners to bring out positive results. Mathis & Jackson(2005) state, "Four major HR challenges faced by managers and organizations now and in the future are the globalization of business, economic and technological changes, workforce demographics and diversity, and organizational cost pressures and restructuring" (p. 28). Nowadays the world is a global - workplace and under these circumstances it is the role of Human Resource Management (HRM) to steer the organization across the choppy waters of international law, cultural issues and the threat of terrorism. Technological changes have made it imperative that HRM adapt itself to meet the needs of the organization. The workplace has become increasingly diverse in terms of ethnicity, gender and age. Therefore HR practitioners must ensure there is no discrimination or harassment on the basis of ill-conceived stereotypes. They must also work to create an environment of security to enable optimal production while keeping at bay employees' insecurities about losing their jobs. A Complete Performance Management System as Opposed to Annual Performance Appraisals: Performance management seeks to enhance performance, introduce changes as per the need, keep up morale, and keep communication channels opens. According to Hendry et al., "Despite a revised perspective which treats performance management as a wide-ranging process many line managers still equate performance management with annual appraisals and their negative aspects" (as cited in Price, 2000, p. 193). Annual performance appraisals are dreaded by the employees. They are asked to fill out forms or are interviewed and then judgments are made as to their character by managers who are usually ill-suited for the purpose. This method of evaluation creates a hostile environment where negative attitudes prevail and no discernible improvement in performance is seen. In the words of Price (2000), "Modern performance management systems emphasize dialogue rather than assessment" (p. 194). Behaviorally anchored rating scales (BARS) and behavioral observation scales (BOS) are popular techniques designed to overcome the shortcomings of performance appraisals. These techniques stay objective, while focusing on employees' performance and potential. Performance management is a key aspect of HRM. It helps bring out the potential of employees as individuals and as team members. Thus by focusing on performance management the HR department can deal effectively with the trends and challenges of Human resource management. References Fitz - enz, J. (2001). How to measure human resource mana

Monday, September 23, 2019

Small Business Management Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words - 1

Small Business Management - Assignment Example he proposed business is established, product and services improve in quality as the managers gain more experience in production and in some situations the original business concept and management change as entrepreneurs are hit by the reality on the ground (Films for the Humanities & Sciences (Firm), Films Media Group and Video Education Australasia, 2010, p.52). Small companies can avoid becoming obsolete by scanning the market and the threats by carrying out a clear and concise analysis of their business environment under the PEESTLE (Political, Environment, Economic, Social, Technology, Ethical and Legal factors) and SWOT analysis (Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities and Threats) so as to establish the available opportunities and threats. With the above mentioned analysis, such businesses would realize their strengths and weaknesses hence able to employ effective strategies that would enable them focus on their strengths as they look for alternatives to cover up the loopholes (Sitarz, 2011, p.45). Technology based companies can only keep up with the rapidly changing markets, products and competitors by remaining updated with the current trends in the technology industry as well as ensuring that they are innovative enough so as to outdo their business rivals. This can be achieved by ensuring that they carry out regular business analysis and market research so as to establish the exact needs of their targeted customers (Sitarz, 2011, p.45). Moreover, they have to ensure that they have highly innovative and creative product development teams. Having the right strategy is the most crucial factor that determines success of any type of business. Raising resources becomes easier as long as a given business is applying the right business strategies, and at times is able to use other people’s money, an aspect that is highly encouraged by economists and business experts. Entrepreneurs usually experience the challenge of differentiating their companies from the

Sunday, September 22, 2019

Role of the Registered Nurse in Pediatric Palliative Care Essay Example for Free

Role of the Registered Nurse in Pediatric Palliative Care Essay Nursing is a career that requires collaborative relationships among professionals that assist nurses to provide the best possible care for the client and family. These interprofessional relationships may involve a wide range of health care professionals of multiple members that work collaboratively together to deliver quality care. Nurses are required to work with other professionals on a daily basis on the floor whether it is with a doctor, a lab tech, a respiratory therapist, physiotherapists or even a fellow nurse. Registered Practical Nurses (RPN) and Registered Nurses (RN) work together on a daily basis and work in partnership with one another to provide the level of care that is required in order for a patient to meet their outcomes. Pediatric palliative care is a specialized setting that requires constant teamwork or consultations and majority of the centers only allow RN`s to work on that floor, however; some centers allow for RPN`s to care for these children. Crozier and Hancock (2012) state that â€Å"it has been estimated that 13.9% of all children are living with a chronic health condition †¦ and palliative care can be provided to these children as well† (p.2). This paper will discusses the role of the RN in pediatric palliative care in relation to family support through the three factor frame work which involves the client, the nurse and the environment. The Three Factor Framework The three factor frame work is used in many different settings to determine whether a RN or a RPN will be caring for a certain client. This framework consists of the client, the nurse and the environment (College of Nurses of Ontario [CNO], 2011). These three factors are implemented and have an impact on decision making related to care provider assignment for the RPN and RN. It takes into consideration the client’s needs, the needs for consultation as well as collaboration among care providers (CNO, 2011). The three factor framework document is available to â€Å"help nurses, employers and others make effective decisions about the utilization of individual nurses in the provision of safe and ethical care† (CNO, 2011, p.3). It also helps with outlining expectations for nurses that highlight similarities and differences of nursing knowledge and its impact on both personal and professional responsibility (CNO, 2011). This framework comes extremely important in specialized settings, such as the critical care unit, the emergency department, the operating room and especially pediatric care. The Client The client aspect of the framework focuses on the complexity of the client, the predictability and the risk for negative outcomes with the client (CNO, 2011). The client factors are combined to create a representation of a client that can be placed on a continuum that: †¦goes from less complex, more predictable and low risk for negative outcomes, to highly complex, unpredictable and high risk for negative outcomes †¦. the more complex the care requirements, the greater the need for consultation and/or the need for an RN to provide the full spectrum of care (CNO, 2011, pg. 2). In pediatric care there comes many different types of clients that a nurse may encounter and a topic that is not touched upon too often is pediatric palliative care. This type of patient would be considered to be on the more complex side of the spectrum which would require a RN to care for this child. Ferrell, Malloy, Uman, Virani, and Wilson (2006) tell us that â€Å"no one spends more time at the bedside observing, critically thinking, consulting, and providing direct care then the pediatric nurse† (p.1). This statement reinforces that a RN is more suitable for this task since the child’s health condition is unstable and constantly fluctuating, their coping mechanisms and supports are unknown, and the fact that they require frequent monitoring and reassessments (CNO, 2011). Pediatric care is a very complex area to work and requires a RN to care for these clients due to their needs not being well defined or established and their condition can change rapidly. Children can be unpredictable in their natural world and when it comes to their health they can be even more unpredictable. Crozier and Hancock (2012) tell us that â€Å"it is important to acknowledge that death occurs in pediatrics †¦Ã¢â‚¬  (p.1) and those nurses caring for these children need to be aware that this could be the final outcome. The CNO (2011) document on the three factor frame work emphasizes the fact that a RN is needed when the client may have unpredictable outcomes as well as unpredictable changes in their health condition. With this being said this puts the risk for negative outcomes with this child at a high risk. Risk for negative outcomes comes with all types of nursing but it is a higher risk when talking about palliative care especially in children. Nurses are more likely to be aware of symptoms of a dying elderly client or an adult client rather than a child since this topic is not discussed that often. The CNO (2011) tells us that a RN is involved in care when the client is unpredictable, systemic or wide ranging responses, they have subtle signs and symptoms that are often difficult to detect and they are at a high risk for a negative outcome. Research studies have been done that create guidelines for nurses to follow in order to provide and meet the needs of the patient and their families when the child cannot benefit from intensive, life extending support especially when the family is dealing with a dying child (Anita Rushton, 2002). In order for pediatric palliative care to be successful this framework is used in order to give the child the best care possible. The Nurse When we discuss pediatric palliative care we are not just talking about the patient themselves, we are talking about the entire collaborative team including RPN’s, RN’s and most importantly the family of the patient. Not only do these nurses have the child to care for they also need to be there for the family and help them through their struggles they may be having. The nurse factors of the framework include leadership, decision-making, and critical thinking skills (CNO, 2011). Leadership is a quality that all nurses require in order to succeed in their career but being a pediatric nurse requires this skill on multiple levels. Anita and Rushton (2002) tell us that there is a need for increased leadership capacity in end of life care for children and their families. Nurses need to have the leadership skills to be an advocate for their client who may not be able to speak up for themselves depending on how ill they are. Ferrell, Malloy, Uman, Virani, and Wilson (2006) state that â€Å"pediatric nurses have a distinctive role in advocating, promoting, and providing excellent care to these children and their families† (p.4), they also emphasize the fact that education is key to the skills and confidence they need to perform this task. RN’s need to assume the role of a leader within the interprofessional team and they need to lead the team in order to develop plans of care to achieve client and family goals when overall care requirements are more complex (CNO, 2011). With the role of leadership also comes decision making in collaboration with the family and other health care members. The treatments at the end of life are something that is not easy for anyone to make let alone when it has to do with a child. Nurses have a key role in decision making when it comes to what treatment is provided, and they are there to guide the family in this process. Anita and Rushton (2002) tell us that â€Å"the goal of palliative care is achievement of the best quality of life for patients and their family regardless of the outcome† (p.2). In order for the nurse to make decisions that will benefit the client and the family nurses need to communicate therapeutically and make the focus on the client and their family (Palliative Pain and Symptom management, 2007). The RN then needs to take the information gathered from communicating with the family and make decisions actively as well as anticipating any possibilities and making proactive decisions (CNO, 2011). Communication is a key tool when it comes to care between patients and family, different health care professionals and those that are caring for the child directly (Crozier Hancock, 2012). With communication and decision making comes critical thinking which is a crucial aspect when caring for a dying child. Not only does the nurse need to critically think about the child’s health and final outcomes but they also need to think about how to help the family through this process. Everyone critically thinks on a daily basis especially in the health care profession, but RPN’s and RN’s working with children need to think critically at all times. As a RN they are required to anticipate and recognize subtle changes in the child’s health, assess further, identify relevant factors, understand the significance and manage the situation and family members appropriately (CNO, 2011). As a RN working in pediatric palliative they need to be knowledgeable, be able to make decisions in consultation with the family and other health care professionals and most importantly be able to critically think while managing multiple nursing interventions in rapidly changing situations (CNO, 2011). The Environment Pediatric palliative care is an area of nursing that can occur in multiple settings including the home of the child, a hospital setting, hospice centers and even nursing homes. In Bartell and Kissane’s article from (2005) they show that â€Å"72% of pediatrics die in the hospital (56% in patient and 16% as outpatients mostly in emergency rooms), 11% die at home, and just 0.4% in nursing homes† (p.2). The environment factors of the three factor framework include practice supports, consultation resources and the stability and predictability of the environment. The need for RN staffing is required when these factors are less stable. Pediatric palliative care is an area that is considered to be less stable and the practice supports vary. A RN is required if there are unclear or unidentified procedures, policies, medical directives, protocols, plans of care, care pathways and assessment tools (CNO, 2011). The CNO also tells us that a RN is needed if there is a low proportion of nurses familiar with the environment and if there is a low proportion of expert nurses or a high number of novice nurses. In Cox’s article in (2004) she talks about how the expert nurse may also support the developing nurse by sharing personal experiences and strategies. Having a RN work in pediatrics can allow the practice supports to become more of a stable environment by increasing the knowledge of all nurses and family members from hands on experience. Consultation or collaboration with health care professionals is a skill that is used every day but is very important when it comes to children’s health. Nurses need to be aware of the resources that are available to them and use them to their advantage to help provide better care to the children and their families. Ahmann and Dokken (2006) tell us that nurses need to view parent’s as partners in care rather than a visitor. Not only is it important that nurses collaborate with health care professionals but they also need to be communicating and consulting with the family. Involving the family in the child’s care makes them f eel more a part of the care rather than a by stander (Boyle Roberts, 2005). According to the CNO (2011) document a RN is needed when there are little consultation resources available to manage outcomes. With consultation comes how predictable and how stable the environment is that the child is being cared for. Death is a topic that many do not like to talk about but it is a reality of life that can cause for a high turnover rate in the health care system. Pediatric palliative care can have high turnover rates along with unpredictable events no matter how many assessments the RN performs (CNO, 2011). RN`s need to be aware of the type of environment that they are working in order to provide the appropriate care to the child. Even if the environment is at a high turnover rate the nurse still needs to be able to apply their knowledge, critically think, make decisions and care for the patient and their family. The three factor framework set out by the CNO is important when it comes to determining the role of the RN in pediatric palliative care along with the supp ort that is given to the family. Even though the three factor framework is needed when assigning patient assignments we need to keep in mind that with young children, a family centered model of care is a key concept (Bartell Kissane, 2005). The more complex the client situation and the more dynamic the environment, the greater the need for the RN to provide the full range of care, continually assess changes, establish priorities and determine the need for additional resources or consults (CNO, 2011). By considering the client, the nurse and the environment factors, it can be determined whether a RPN or RN is more suited to care for a certain client. RN’s require advanced critical thinking skills along with a large depth of knowledge in order to provide appropriate care to the children as well as their families. According to the three factor framework and research that has been done a RN is more suitable than a RPN to work in pediatric palliative care. References Ahmann, E., Dokken, D. (2006). The many roles of family members in family-centered care part 1. Pediatric Nursing, 32(6), 562-565. Anita, C., Rushton, C. H. (2002). Pediatric palliative care: The time is now!. Pediatric Nursing, 28(1), 1-9. Retrieved from Bartell, A. S., Kissane, D. W. (2005). Issues in pediatric palliative care: Understanding families . Journal of Palliative Care, 21(3), 1-16. Retrieved from Boyle, L. A., Roberts , K. E. (2005). End of life education in the pediatric intensive care unit .Critical care nurses , 25(1), 1-6. Retrieved from

Saturday, September 21, 2019

Rise of Diplomacy in US foreign Policy

Rise of Diplomacy in US foreign Policy INTRODUCTION Waging a war against any opponent has a huge impact on any nation. Its adverse effects are psychological, social, moral and economical. Although objectives if achieved through the war might prove to be beneficial in the long term but its takes decades to erase the memories of atrocities of war from the minds of general masses, especially those who are directly exposed to active warfare. Each injured soldier, demolished building and death anniversary deepens the agony of a common man. It is said a nation is pushed decades backwards in terms of economic growth after a war. In short, affording a war is not a cheaper option for any nation, irrespective of its economic power and USA is not an exception to this fact. Doctrine Change The rise in diplomacy than the military force in US foreign policy is also a by-product of economic burden that is showing its toll on US economy. According to US doctrine, America could have active engagements anywhere in the world for her interests. Previously the figure for armed conflict around the world was two full and one partial engagement. But after the economically expensive conflicts in Iraq and Afghanistan, they are forced to reduce that number one only. This change in doctrine is clearly evident from the reluctance displayed by Obama administration after the use of chemical weapons in Syria and Russian invasion of Ukraine. Pull out of Afghanistan is also a consequence of same change in doctrine. Financial Implications of Wars in Afghanistan and Iraq Lawrence Lindsay, National Economic Council Director of President George Bush’s administration, in an interview to â€Å"The Wall Street Journal†, estimated expenses of war in Afghanistan and Iraq between $100 billion to $200 billion. Later, he was highly criticized by his own administration for being over optimistic and had to resign due to immense pressure from within government. He also claimed that wars will be funded out of oil revenue from Iraq but instead, the Bush administration had to borrow $2 trillion from various lenders to support the wars. According to a study carried at Harvard University’s Kennedy School of Government, following are few financial implications of War chiefly financed by US: (a) 20% of total national debt of US government was added from 2001 to 2012. (b) A total of $260 billion has been paid as interest on war debt by US government. (c) In the coming years, only the interest would amount to trillion of dollars. (d) These wars are would result in amounting as high as $6 trillion as the cost of the wars. (e) These calculations include the expenditures on 1.56 million veterans who are and will be a financial burden on US economy for their lives. Rise in diplomacy than the military force The statistics and research depict that the Obama administration does have an option but to resort to diplomacy. Liberal use of military might is not a luxury available to United States anymore. Time and again the demonstrations and anti war rallies are held in multiple US cities. The common American is not concerned with what is happening outside his small world. According to Harvard University’s Kennedy School of Government, $6 trillion is equivalent to $75000 for each household. This figure is more disturbing for general masses and the government is bending to the political pressure being exerted. As a consequence, Obama’s administration, after coming into office, had to shift the focus to resources in Asia. This new dimension was well supported by within government as well as by the neutral scholars and thinkers. The republicans based their election campaign on criticizing over spending on war in Asia. In the same continuation, the governments decisions to initiate exit from Afghanistan, close the war in Iraq and counter al Qaeda with more accurate antiterrorism strategies has been welcomed and appreciated by all political entities in the country. This step has also enabled the state to cut short on budget and bring major shift in foreign policy towards diplomatic result oriented strategies US Military Dimension Focusing on its military dimensions alone, it was aimed at boosting the United States defense ties with countries throughout the world and expanding the US presence. Yet these objectives are only a small chunk of the overall strategy. Actually it has economic, diplomatic, and security objectives. The new strategy intends to reallocate resources not only toward the region but also within it, by engaging more with partners in Southeast Asia. The state department realizing the strategic importance of Indian Ocean has initiated and strengthened ties with India. This has also helped to achieve the goal of countering and controlling China as a mighty power in the region. Military drawdown in Afghanistan The U.S.-Afghanistan negotiations over keeping U.S. troops in the country after the â€Å"end of combat† in 2014 have hit a new snag. With elections scheduled for next spring, Karzai is eager to remain a player so he can help elect his chosen candidate. That may be the most significant reason for his recent rejection of an almost-completed deal with Washington, which would allow around 15,000 U.S. troops to remain in the country after the official end of combat in 2014. Karzai has now staked out a position refusing to grant the U.S. forces immunity from prosecution in Afghan courts for any crimes they might commit. And the U.S. is adamant that without immunity, the troops go home. This isn’t a new idea – it’s the same issue that scuttled the potential for keeping U.S. troops in Iraq after the official withdrawal of combat troops. And it led to the complete pull-out of all U.S. troops and all Pentagon-paid contractors in 2011. In Afghanistan, we might actually see the withdrawal of all U.S. troops after more than twelve years of war and occupation. Although the military aspects of the rebalancing strategy have garnered the most attention in the media, civilian departments and agencies have also begun to shift their priorities and resources to Asia. Under the guidance of Clinton and Kurt Campbell, the assistant secretary of state for East Asian and Pacific affairs, the State Department has deepened U.S. diplomatic engagement throughout the region. The glamorous aspects of the rebalancing toward Asia the geopolitical maneuvers and machinations, the high-stakes diplomacy, the grand strategy are only part of what will be required to make the policy successful. Just as crucial will be Washingtons focus on budgets, bureaucratic institutions, and personnel decisions, as well as its ability to continually assess the policys progress and identify areas for improvement. In an era of fiscal tightening, coming up with the necessary resources for such an ambitious program will not be easy. But because the Asia-Pacific region is fundamental to U.S. national security and the health of the U.S. economy, the rebalancing is the most valuable investment in U.S. foreign policy today

Friday, September 20, 2019

Organic Hair Dyes Essays -- cosmetics, history, ancient rome

Organic Hair Dyes Organic dyes in hair products and cosmetics have been used throughout history for many aspects of culture and art. Today organic dyes are used in the process of hair dying and colouring where many aspects of the organic molecule are taken into account. Some dyes are permanent where they stay until the hair falls out, where some dyes can be washed away due to their binding process into the hair1. Certain dyes have their own way of being set into hair fibres and easier ways to set these are being researched. Hair dyes have been used throughout history and have been remarkably improved on, many new colours and processes have been made and many issues have come with them. Hair dyes have been used throughout history and started out in very simple ways. Around 3150BC ancient Egyptians were one of the first to start using dyes in hair.2 From a plant called â€Å"Henna† they obtained the leaves and mashed them in mildly acidic conditions.3 When the leaves are mashed in these conditions the leaves release a molecule called lawsone.3 This molecule is the organic molecule responsible for the brownish red colour and is the dye acquired from this mixture. With small amounts of the molecule mixed with various other compounds, oranges can even be created. Mashed henna also incorporated with para-phenylenediamine (PPD) to give a dark black red colour. 3 This molecule will not stay in the hair unless it is somehow oxidized once in the hair fibres but was not discovered until the 1900s. It is speculated that the ancient Egyptians used slaked lime and water with lead oxide to make a paste where it was then rubbed into the hair for a long period of time .2 The slaked lime and water solution was very high in alkali metals,... ...hnology improves and the safer the process is becoming for all users. References 1. Clausen, T. Hair Preparations. Wiley . 2006. Volume 1.1-46. 2. Nayland, C. (2006, 10 26). [Web log message]. Retrieved from 3. Wikipedia. (2014, 04 02). Henna. Retrieved from 4. The hair in ancient times. (2014, 04 04). Retrieved from 5. Raja et al. Pelagia Research Library. 2012, Volume 3.156-161 6. San Rafael. The Chemistry of Plant and Animal Dyes.1-5. 1981. Volume 58.1-5. 7. Discovery of hair dye. (2014, 04 04). Retrieved from 8. Morel. Olivier ,Christie. Robert. American Chemical Society. 2011. Volume 4. 2537-2561.

Thursday, September 19, 2019

Battle of the Buldge :: World War II History

Battle of the Buldge The Battle of the Buldge was the last of the German attacks. It lasted from December 16,1944 to January 28, 1945. The Battle of the Buldge was the largest land battle of World War 2. More then a million men participated in this battle, 600,000 germans, 500,000 Americans and 55,000 British armies were fighting. Towards the end of 1944, World War 2 was coming to an end. The German forces were weakening. Hitler's armies were on the run. The Allies had regained land that was previously taken over by the Nazis, such as Paris, Casablanca and Tripolia. Hitler decided that a surprise attack against the allies could turn the tide of the war. He built up large armies with newly built tanks, artillery and airplanes. Hitler's last attack had to work or he would be defeated. The plan was to march 85 miles from Southern Belgium to Luxembourg and attack the allies by surprise. He would attack during the Christmas season in the Ardennes Forest, an area where there were only a few allied shoulders. T he invasion was designed to split the American and British armies in half. However it did not succeed. The German armies caught the allies by surprise. They had some success in the beginning and were able to take a lot of land from the allies and captured many allied soldiers. The allied forces fought Hitler's armies bravely. They held on to their ground wherever they could. They slowed down the German armies until American and English reinforcements arrived to fight the Germans. The German army was no match for the allied forces. They were running out of fuel, men and ammunition. After fierce battles the German forces were pushed back and gave up all the land they had conquered in the beginning of the

Wednesday, September 18, 2019

Free Will Essay -- essays papers

Free Will â€Å"Free Will and its effect on the Greeks, Christians, and Romans† Free will is defined as: Voluntary choice or decision; freedom of humans to make choices that are not determined by prior causes or by divine intervention (Webster’s Online Collegiate Dictionary). Free will had an effect on the Greeks, Christians, and the Romans. Three stories, Oedipus the King, the Bible, and the Aenied, respectively, that we have studied and that fall in each society are examples of how free will is altered by different societies and how it effects their lives. Oedipus the King was written by a Greek, Sophocles. During this time, the Greeks believed that everything was done for the gods, they did not have free will over their lives. There are many examples in the play in which the gods are controlling and tell the people what they should do or how they should live their lives. At the end of the play Oedipus asks Creon to banish him from Thebes: Oedipus: Drive me out of Thebes, in exile. Creon: Not I. Only the gods can give you that. Oedipus: Surely the gods hate me so much- Creon: You’ll get your wish at once†¦(Oedipus 639 lines 1168-71). Creon and Oedipus discuss here how they have no control over their lives, decisions and all. The gods are the ones who make all of the choices. Oedipus, along with the rest of the Greeks, believed that he had no say in the way his life was going to turn out. He believed that it was destined for his life to end the way it did, with him being cursed and banished from Thebes. The Bible is the word of God for the Christians. There are many examples of free will throughout the Bible. Christians believe that God gave us free will to do as we please, but whatever we do should be ... ...s different in each society, the Greeks, Christians, and Romans were all effected in one way or another. Whether it was the gods controlling their lives or God watching over their lives, free will had a very strong imprint on how each society lived their life. Bibliography: Works Cited Genesis. The Bible. The Norton Anthology: World Masterpieces. Ed. Lawall. & Mack. New York: W.W. Norton & Co., 1999. 51-72. Merriam Webster’s Online Collegiate Dictionary. 2000. Merriam Webster’s Collegiate Dictionary. 8 October 2000. Sophocles. Oedipus the King. The Norton Anthology: World Masterpieces. Ed. Lawall. & Mack. New Tork: W.W. Norton & Co.,1999. 596-640. Virgil. The Aenied. The Norton Anthology: World Masterpieces. Ed. Lawall. & Mack. New York: W.W. Norton & Co., 1999. 814-895.

Tuesday, September 17, 2019

Parenting Styles and Prosocial Behavior Essay

Parents often play a large role in the development of their son’s or daughter’s morality, social behavior, education, habits, and many other areas. Therefore, parents contain tremendous power when it comes to shaping their offspring. Due to this tremendous amount of power, researchers had an inclination that certain parenting styles have effect on their child’s BMI. The evidence found in the study suggests that there is a possible relation between the type of parenting styles and the fluctuation of their children’s BMI. The researchers of this article, based upon past studies, hypothesized that the four major parenting styles they presented would should greater increases in BMI than other styles (Fuemmeler, 2012). The researchers funded by several government grants such as the National Cancer Institute Grant and National Heart Lung and Blood Institute Grant found an effective way to carry out this study. First, the researchers gave the individuals (ages11-21) being tested a survey about their parents to determine the style the parent used. The survey was broke down into tests. One test determined acceptance of the parent, while the other determined control. Based on the answers given by the child, the parent’s styles were determined and were broken up into four categories. These four categories were permissive, authoritarian, disengaged, and balanced. As a result, the categories would serve as the independent variables in the study. Once the child’s parenting type was established, the researchers monitored the kids BMI over an eleven year span to watch for any increases or decreases. The BMI, the dependent variable in the study, showed greater increases in the kids who had a balanced style parenting. This result surprised the researchers because they believed that the authoritarian and disengaged parent types would show greater increases. Although, the authoritarian and disengaged parent types didn’t show increases in BMI more than the balanced style, they did associate to lees leveling off of trajectories over time (Fuemmeler, 2012). This study showed relation between the parenting styles and BMI’s of their children, but this study does not present a causal relationship between the two. It cannot show a causal relationship for a number of reasons. One reason is due to the fact that the study refuses to acknowledge factors causing association between parenting styles and BMI. For example, a parent that practices a disengaged style and lives in an obese home environment may encourage poor eating and exercise habits in their kid’s lives. Also in order for the study to demonstrate causation, the researcher would have had to alter the parenting styles and make greater changes to the weight and diet of the individuals being studied (Fuemmeler, 2012). Some things that should have been changed in the study would be the way the measurements were recorded. Instead of having a self-reported height and weight, the researchers should have had their own workers record the measurements for more accuracy. Another flaw in the study was that the style of parenting before adolescence was never examined. Which leaves the question of whether parenting styles in adolescence or pre adolescence has more of an effect on BMI. Fuemmeler, B. F., Yang, C., Costanzo, P., Hoyle, R. H., Siegler, I. C., Williams, R. B., & Østbye, T. (2012). Parenting styles and body mass index trajectories from adolescence to adulthood. Health Psychology, 31(4), 441-449

Monday, September 16, 2019

Compensation Strategies Essay

Executive Summary This report will look at 3 different compensation systems that our company can develop and roll out within our company for our employees and future employees. Compensation is one of the most important and rewarding factors for our employees. Employees rely on their compensation to pay their rent or mortgage, food for their family, vacations, education for their children, and prepare for their retirement life. How compensation is paid can determine the quality of employee you obtain and how long you retain them. This report provides information on different compensation strategies to attract/recruit good talent, improve employee production and retain valued employees. Annual merit increases help companies to continue being competitive in the work force. Research shows employees want to work for employers that are competitive with salaries. By moving to an annual merit increase system employees will continue to increase production and meet business objectives to receive more compensati on. Employees look at merit increases as entitlement and production can remain flat. Our company can increase productivity across the board by tying business goals to merit increases. In order to get the production needed, communication from management will need to take place to set expectations of achieving goals and what the potential merit increase the employee can receive by hitting those goals. Healthcare benefits can be a deciding factor for many people on whether or not they consider working for our company or if they decide to leave our company. Health benefits provided by the employer shows they care  about the employee and it helps get the employee back to work quicker which helps to be more productive. Healthcare is not only a benefit to the employee but also part of their compensation. Communication and training by management should be conducted annually to go over the employees full Comprehensive Compensation Package to show the total monetary amount received by the employee from the employer. The last type of compensation we will consider for the employees as a company is a 401(k) plan. 401(k) plans are growing with the number of employers that are providing options for their employees. As the research shows, the cost of losing an employee in the long run due to not providing a 401(k) plan can create higher turnover and training costs. We want to recruit and keep top employees and based on the research shown, providing a 401(k) plan will do what we need. My recommendation is to implement the annual merit system, health care benefits and a 401(k) plan. For the compensation packages to be a success we will create compensation statements for every employee to review and train all managers with direct reports so they can deliver the great message we have to share. Also, goals and expectations will be implemented as early as possible during the year to establish a strong foundation for performance. Our compensation plan is intended to attract key talent, increase employee engagement, incent and retain high-performing managers who will enhance the profitability of our company and create value for our shareowners. Introduction Compensation is an important element of our company. Employees rely on their compensation to pay their rent or mortgage, food for their family, vacations, education for their children, and prepare for their retirement life. How compensation is paid can determine the quality of employee you obtain and how long you retain them. This report provides information on different compensation strategies to attract/recruit good talent, improve employee production and retain valued employees. Also, with sales volume goals to increase, technology and innovation changing so quickly, and the quality of service customers are expecting, employers have to come up with ways to be better than their competition. The way to be better than your competition is through the people who work for the company. And one the best  ways to attract those employees are to have a better compensation packages for your employees. The goal for this research will show you the positive impacts to the company by offering Annual Merit Increases, Healthcare Benefits, and 401k plans to the employees. These compensation benefits are important to high quality employees our company’s trying recruit, retaining high producing employees, as well as, increasing motivation and production with all other employees. By implementing these actions our company will be able to show our employees our commitment to be the best company to work for and to show how valuable our employees are to the company. Research Findings Merit Pay Increase According to Towers Perrin’s Global workforce study, competitive base pay is the most important factor that attracts UK workers to an employer, with almost six-out-ten (59%) respondents stating that this would influence their decision (â€Å"Competitive base pay,† 2007, p.16). Not only is it important to attract workers but retaining high performing employees and keeping them motivated to increase and maintain productivity to compete in the marketplace is vital. One way to retain and motivate employees is through annual merit increases. If a merit pay system succeeds, it motivates employees to work harder and achieve more (Mack, 2014). In order for the merit pay system to succeed it will need to be tied in with the business strategy of the organization and not viewed as an entitlement. Merit increases can motivate employees to achieve whatever goal the company sets. For example, by finishing projects timely with high quality or rolling out new operational procedures for the company. Employees often fail to see a link between merit pay and the accomplishment of business goals because no link is being made (Heneman, 2002, p.382). In a Supervisory role is important direct reports understand how their individual goals align to organizational priorities and how merit increases are earned based on exceeding their given goals. Planning and Goal Setting is the foundation for performance management and execution of our strategies. It focuses on ensuring employees have a clear understanding of annual organizational  priorities, and defining individual employee goals aligned to their job role and those priorities. Finally, it is important that effective communication exists between employees and management and that managers have the requisite tools for administering rewards (Leritz Ph.D., 2012, p.1). Analysis: Research shows employees want to work for employers that are competitive with salaries. By moving to an annual merit increase system employees will continue to increase production and meet business objectives to receive more compensation. Employees look at merit increases as entitlement and production can remain flat. Our company can increase productivity across the board by tying business goals to merit increases. In order to get the production needed, communication from management will need to take place to set expectations of achieving goals and what the potential merit increase the employee can receive by hitting those goals. Healthcare Benefits According to â€Å"Competitive base pay most important for recruitment† (2007), â€Å"almost two thirds (59%) of staff would consider leaving their job if their employer failed to address health and wellbeing in the workplace. Business in the Community’s Business action on health campaign shows that 83% of staff considers the way that an employer looks after the health and wellbeing of staff is important when choosing a job† (p.16). Effective communication from employers about the compensation plans has a major influence on the turnover rate of the top performing employees. Because one companies benefits are better than the other doesn’t mean employees will stay. Based on the surveys conducted, companies with better communication strategies and lesser benefits had only 12% turnover compared to 17% turnover with companies that offered better benefits. Companies with excellent benefits and effective communications had only an 8% turnover of top-performing em ployees. Also, when employees were surveyed on how satisfied they were with their benefits, only 22% were satisfied with the better benefits from employers with poor communications. On the other hand, 76% of employees with lesser benefits and effective communication from the employers were satisfied with their benefits (â€Å"Better benefits  communications,† 2005, p.9). Companies must show the employees that healthcare benefits are a part of total compensation because companies that don’t effectively communicate the value have higher turnover rates for top performers. According to Kathryn Yates, global director of communication consulting at Watson Wyatt, â€Å"Employers can spend huge sums of money on benefits, but if their employees aren’t aware of the cost or don’t appreciate the value of the benefits, they aren’t going to see a return on their investment.† (â€Å"Better benefits communications,† 2005, p.9). Analysis: Research shows the importance of health benefits to employees and what it takes to retain those employees. Health benefits provided by the employer shows they care about the employee as well as it helps get the employee back to work quicker which helps to be more productive. Healthcare is not only a benefit to the employee but also part of their compensation. Communication and training by management should be conducted annually to go over the employees full Comprehensive Compensation Package to show the total monetary amount received by the employee from the employer. This communication and training on healthcare benefits are vital to keeping our top performers. 401(k) Plan The increase of matching contribution for 401(k) plans through employers has risen from 68 percent to 73 percent over the last couple of years (Plenda, 2013, p.31). In a recent survey, if another employer offered a similar job with a 401(k) plan, 40 percent of employees said they would pursue other opportunities with the new employer. It was also determined when a 401(k) plan is presented most employees work harder and stay on the job longer (Lamont, 2014, p.10). People who save money are good workers because they place greater value on future outcomes. These types of employees work more and are more conscientious of how they treat employer assets because they understand their reputations will be hurt by careless actions they take. Not only do employees stay on the job longer but companies can use 401(k) plans to attract workers that are more conscientious and productive on the job (Munnell & Sunden, 2004 pp. 3-20). Research by Bank of America Merrill  Lynch shows higher turnover rates, increase in training costs, and lower productivity and sales as a potential consequence for not offering a competitive benefits package to its employees. Employers should look at benefits as one of the most important investments they can make. These investments will attract top talent and show they are invested in their employee’s professional growth, as well as, their financial well-being to give them a competitive advantage over other employers (Brooks, 2012). Analysis: 401(k) plans are growing with the number of employers that are providing options for their employees. As the research shows, company’s not providing a 401(k) plan can lose employees’ to competitors, lose productivity and sales. We want to recruit and keep top employees and based on the research shown, providing a 401(k) plan will do what we need to help increase our advantage of attracting and keeping top talent over our competitors. Recommendations Our company’s compensation plan is intended to attract key talent, increase employee engagement, incent and retain high-performing employees who will enhance the profitability of our company and create value for our shareowners. Below are the recommendations to begin implementing merit increases, healthcare plans, and 401(k) plans to our employees. These actions will align specific goals to our organization’s priorities and enables us to execute its strategies to deliver exceptional compensation packages to our employees. Recommendation: It is recommended to establish goals and expectations every year to ensure employees have a clear understanding of annual organizational priorities and their defined individual employee goals are aligned to their job role and those priorities. Managers will meet with each of their respective employees to communicate their goals and expectations and have the employees sign and approve understanding. On February 15th, annually, managers will meet with each employee to discuss results and give feedback on achievements, strengths, areas of opportunities, and merit increase the  employee will be receiving on their March 1st paycheck. By implementing a merit increase we will increase employee engagement, incent and retain high-performing employees who will enhance the profitability of our company and create value for our shareowners. Recommendation: My recommendation is to set up health care benefits with United Health Care and contribute $500 per month towards employee’s costs. Additionally, implement a Comprehensive Compensation Package to be presented and reviewed by the manager to the employees at their annual merit increase to show them the rich compensation they have with the company. The Comprehensive Compensation package will give a personalized overview of all components of the employee’s compensation and cash value of the benefits available. By communicating with the employee’s, we will see an increase in retention and satisfaction that will decrease our company costs and increase profitability. Recommendation: My final recommendation is to set up Fidelity to manage the employee’s 401(k) accounts. In addition, the company will match 3% of the employee’s contributions and will schedule yearly financial seminars with Fidelity for financial guidance and retirement advice. During yearly reviews, managers will be present the Comprehensive Compensation Package to give an overview of all components of the employee’s compensation and cash value of the company matching. By providing a 401(k) plan and financial guidance we will attract top recruits, as well as, retain top employees. Conclusion My goal for this research is to show you the positive impacts to the company by offering annual merit increases, healthcare benefits, and 401k plans to the employees. These compensation benefits are important to recruit high quality employees, retain high producing employees, and increasing motivation and production with all other employees. By creating annual merit increases, employees are more productive and try to reach the highest increase they can get to add to their salary. Adding the company’s business objectives to the merit increases for the employees to reach will add  increased productivity to the company. Adding healthcare coverage for employees and communicating with them the value added to their compensation is important to retaining employees. Employees with healthcare also go to the doctor more often and come back to work quicker which means less down time and higher production. Lastly, introducing a 401(k) plan to the employees creates long lasting and loyal employees that are vested in the company’s success. The findings show the importance of pay to employees and the importance of attracting employees to a company. Also, employees work harder which will make the company more profitable. Planning, goal setting, communication. The importance of the findings for healthcare is employees are will to leave their company if employers don’t provide healthcare benefits. Shows communication is very important in making sure employees understand the benefits to make sure they don’t leave. Shows increase in businesses providing 401k plans and attracting hard workers.shows how important benefits are in keeping and attracting employees. Work harder and stay on the job longer How important it is to show benefits are part of compensation to show the value and keep top performers. Communication is going to be the fundamental key to getting the buy in and positive reactions to implementing these compensation benefits. The best merit increase plan, healthcare plan, and 401(k) plan can generate positive employee reactions or a negative employee reaction. The actual effect depends on whether these plans are understood and accepted and whether employees’ perceptions of the facts are positive. Finally, it is important to make sure we keep pace and understand what other organizations benefits are to their employees and we stay competitive to them, we also remember the employees must understand the benefits and buy in to them to be successful. References Better benefits communications can help to improve retention. (2005, April). Managing Benefits Plans, 5(4), 9. Retrieved from Brooks, C. (2012). Monetary benefits play increasing role in luring workers. BusinessNewsDaily, Retrieved from

Sunday, September 15, 2019

Prison and Asylum Reform in the 19th Century Essay

In early American society, criminals that were held by our government we executed, whipped, and held in a dark cell for a short amount of time. The insane wandered around as a danger to themselves and people around them; and the churches caer took the poor. In the 1820s and 1830s there was a growing number of criminals, lunatics, and the poor people. Reformers wanted to establish an official institute for them. The reformers believed that reform and rehabilitation was possible in a controlled environment. The reformers had a few goals that they wanted to establish. They wanted more separation; the mentally ill children should not be held together with the convicts. They also wanted better prison grounds with better conditions. They wanted the abuse to be reduced; no more whipping and other forms of torture. They wanted change. Dorothea Dix was a Sunday school teacher at the East Cambridge jail. There, she was exposed to the horrible conditions these people had to live with such as no heat, no separation between the criminals, the children and the mentally ill. Dorothea was horrified by this and secured a court order to make improvements. She wondered about other jails in Massachusetts; so she traveled and the conditions were worse. She was so disturbed by what she saw she set out to reform prisons and asylums everywhere. Dorothea was a major factor in the reform. She helped cause awareness to the serious matter and she was responsible for the building of hospitals for the insane. In 1835 The United States had two of the best prisons in Pennsylvania. The two prisons were a product of the on going reform and were both a success. New York and Pennsylvania had the best prisons because they experimented with solitary confinement, where the criminal could reflect on their sins and not be infl uenced by other inmates. Dorothea Dix, in March of 1841, taught a Sunday class for woman at the East Cambridge Jail. This shows that she thinks that even if people are in jail or prison, that they are still people but just need to be world with. The question we are looking for is if prisons were meant for punishment or to help make these people better people for the future; future was a big question at that time. All in all, most of these reformers’ goals were met. They wanted change and they got it. They believed in something so much with such passion that they actually changed American history; and that is why  American justice system is one of the best.

Saturday, September 14, 2019

Inside the Story and Movie of Beowulf

Ever since I was younger I remember reading the story of Beowulf in my English and thinking how much better it would be if it had a movie to it. Little did I know it did, produced in 1999 my English teacher Mr. Billings made us watch then movie then discuss the two stories. Now when I saw this movie I could not stay awake to save my life. Then in 2007 another movie with the story of Beowulf came out and I was excited as it got great reviews. Now when I watched the movie, I noticed many similarities and differences from the poem and the movie.So with what I can recall from the story line and the movie I will give a brief explanation of what these two stories had in common and not common. There are many similarities between the poem and movie of Beowulf. Some include the clothes, the drinking, some fight scenes, and Beowulf’s arrogance. When we first read the story you can tell the description of the older style clothes and armor and spot on throughout the movie. Another similar ity is the drinking between the two stories. When we first read the book we hear about the Danes hall where they celebrate and drink till they pass out.When we watch the movie you see many scenes of these men drinking mass amounts of alcohol. The next similarity I want to talk about is the fight scene between Grendel and Beowulf. At the beginning of the story Beowulf grasps Grendel’s’ hand until he breaks Grendel’s’ fingers which stays true to the poem. Also it is important to mention that that in the movie and poem, Beowulf is seen as a hero of humans able to overpower the Danes. This is why he arrogant throughout both stories thinking he can destroy anything in his path.Now as we all know, most of the time when a book or poem is turned into a movie it will have many differences. I was not surprised to see the movie of Beowulf not stay true to the original poem. The first difference we come across is at the beginning of the movie as it starts off with Gr endel’s death, when in the poem it starts with the Danes having a beer party in the hall. The major difference between the two is the poem actually explained a detailed story line of Beowulf’s journey. When I watched I movie I felt if left out some important pieces that i like in the poem.Another big difference was the fight between Beowulf and the dragon. In the movie Beowulf had the cut part of his off arm off and he rips out the heart of the dragon. Now this scene is extremely different from the poem, the movie just added more dramatics to make the viewer more into the movie. Now in this writer professional opinion I thought the movie and poem had many differences but still caught the essence and story of Beowulf. This movie and poem are connected by a history of power and violence in which we can see bloody scenes and deaths.There also two histories that lack of love, and neither of them provides any link of friendship, but rather each of them cares about their own , every character of the movie and poem takes care of themselves because they have to fight to defend themselves from the terrible things that happen. Another important aspect of the two stories are they both belong to the old English period with differences with the pronunciation of Modern English and the English spoken at the time of the poem.So as you can see there are many major differences and similarities between both the poem and movie and Beowulf. I hope after you have read this compare and contrast essay you will have more knowledge over the poem and movie of Beowulf. The story and movie of Beowulf is one of my favorites and a great memory of why I love to read. So no matter what, if you have not yet read of seen the movie I highly encourage you to as it’s a great story, one to not be forgotten.

Friday, September 13, 2019

Weeping Woman 1883 by Vincent Van Gogh Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Weeping Woman 1883 by Vincent Van Gogh - Essay Example He grew up religiously due to the influence by his parents, as they were ministry leaders. Vincent had two brothers, Cor and Theo and three sisters Wil, Anna, and Elizabeth. During his early life, he did not give any consideration on concentration on artwork. In fact, he spent a quiet life without a niche and undeniable artistic professionalism. This paper provides a discussion on the â€Å"Weeping Woman 1883† by Vincent Van Gogh. He went through a sketchy educational array since 1870 and due his completion; Vincent got an employment at the Hague gallery governed by French artist (Wildenstein & Company 204). The French artist regulated all the artwork in their company led by Goupil. Goupil transferred Vincent Gogh from The Hague to London in 1875. He later moved to Paris. Owing to this relocation, he lost the desire to work as an artist although he loved and enjoyed his work. Vincent returned home and started theology classes. He was passionate and enthusiastic to proceed to C ouple programs; he failed in his exams. His personality, was composed of intelligence and multi-lingual speaker, he did not see the importance of considering Latin as the language to use in preaching to the poor (Wendy 34). He proceeded to a community that mined coal where he started his missionary work. In this coal mining community, he lived with hard working but poor common people where he developed his profession as a preacher. He gained a big interest for people who lived around him. This big interest influenced him to the artistic career, which was enveloping. Theo, his brother, pressured him to join the artistic word. He also had a big urge to leave the miners with something that was greatly required by human kind. Vincent Gogh underestimated his abilities having gone through only part of his training as an artist. His family pushed and encouraged him to clinch on and move forward as they provided financial support, something that helped Vincent become a master of the art (We ndy 59). At the age of twenty-seven years, Vincent Gogh fell in love with painting and artwork. This was after he got into the school of Beaux-Arts located in Brussels, Belgium and relocation to Amsterdam in a period of fall of winter. In 1882, he was fully devoted to painting where he lived frugally and studied the theory of color. At this stage, he created the Potato Eaters as a major work having been inspired by Peter Paul Reuben’s artwork. Vincent painted peasants in the rural landscapes by use of the dark earth tones. He incorporated impressionism, which involved vivid colors. Vincent adjusted his paintings to a style that made his work generate fame on to people he lived with (Wendy 94). This happened after he relocated to Paris. His fame projected as a result of using bold brushstrokes with thick application of paint on his art work. Vincent Gogh started a colony of artists composed of the most interactive and intelligent artists who had the passion for creating arts i n the most productive way. Formation of this group took place in Arles, in France. Artist like Gauguin joined him and created artwork like the sunflower. However, his successful progression in this period came in with mental disorders declining him some physical capabilities, an illness composed of epilepsy, delusions and psycho attacks that brought great turmoil to Vincent and his family. The effects of mental illness brought episodes like mutilation of his ear and offering it to prostitutes as well as, extensive threats to Gauguin (Wildenstein & Company 212). In the year 1883, he created the figure of a weeping woman, a paint that brought transition for Gogh and the inhabitants of the areas who were under the French laws. The paintings helped the natives to rediscovers the essence of tourism

Thursday, September 12, 2019

Write a para and explain what makes an advertisement effective Essay

Write a para and explain what makes an advertisement effective - Essay Example The advert should not be complicated. The target audience usually relate to adverts that are memorable and very easy to recall. The advert should then provide information succinctly and quickly (Krugman, 2013). This ensure the attention of the audience is not distorted. Moreover, the advert should not contain information that creates suspense or requires inquiries on additional information (Krugman, 2013). This may confuse the viewer thus limited effectiveness. An advert should then be able to call the viewer to action. The advert should be able to convince the viewer that they need to access the goods or services being advertised. For print adverts, four elements are required. The images used should be provocative and attractive to the viewer. The headline accompanying the images should be strong and easy to comprehend. A maximum of two paragraphs that are well written and printed are required. Lastly, the advert should consist of a logo and contact information (Krugman, 2013). From the information presented, it is accurate to assert that the most significant factor in making an advertisement effective is its ability to attract and appeal to the

Wednesday, September 11, 2019

Signifier of Victorian Architecture Annotated Bibliography

Signifier of Victorian Architecture - Annotated Bibliography Example The architecture was like that so that it could fit with the period and all that was going on at that time. This architecture applied to almost all the buildings from that time. Some people maintained older architectures. The Victorian architectures have several readable meanings because the forgotten convictions, monuments, and architectural style show the religious and cultural aspect (Crimson 5). The forgotten convictions, monuments, and the architectural style show that there has been a transformation over the years probably due to interaction with other cultures and architectures from all over the world that have influenced the current architecture. The source is valid as Crimson presents pieces of evidence that support his arguments fully. For example, he gives sufficient evidence to support his claim by showing the cultural exchanges that influenced the Victorian architecture. The pieces of evidence presented by the author are objective research and not personal narrations. Moreover, Mark Crinson is a professor of Art History at Manchester University. This book is relevant to my topic as it addresses the qualities of the Victorian architecture that have a meaning. The book’s conclusion on the Victorian architecture is applicable to my subject area because the book succeeds in showing that religious and political agendas and the racial theory were responsible for guiding the architects during the Victorian era. The book’s targeted audience is any individual who is interested in learning about how the Western architecture has changed over time and what has been its major influence and in turn how it has influenced the architectures in other continents especially the architecture and history students. The book develops my research by providing a lot of information on the changes that have occurred from the Victorian era.

Tuesday, September 10, 2019

Nintendo's Wii Fit Plus Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Nintendo's Wii Fit Plus - Research Paper Example The game was design to help the exercise needs of people of all ages. The game is fun and very well designed. Current Marketing Situation – Market Description The product can target various consumer population demographics. The product can be marketed as a tool to fight obesity. In the United States over 33% of the children are overweight (Colucci, 2006). The product can also target active teenagers that like interactive games. Another population demographic that should be targeted by Wii Fit Plus is senior citizens that need more exercise. The overall use of exercise video games that have interactive features such as the Wii Fit Plus is on the rise. The firm must capitalize in this market opportunity. Current Marketing Situation - Product Review The exercise video game offers over 60 activities and exercises including strength training, aerobics, and yoga (Wii, 2011). The game allows its users to develop customized exercise routines. The memory of the game can be used to crea te a log of the exercise routine schedule performed every week. The game is fun and can be played by people of all ages. Needs and Corresponding Features/Benefits Chart Targeted Segment Customer Need Corresponding Feature/ Benefit 1. Exercise enthusiasts 2. Traditional games 1. Need to burn calories 2. Need for interactive features 1. ... ures Perform strength training, aerobic, and Yoga routines Take classes in Yoga, Martial Arts, Tai Chi Features nine dancing styles including salsa, hip hop, and mambo. (Videogameall, 2011). Distribution Review Nintendo should use exclusive distribution for the Wii Fit Plus. The reason the should use exclusive distribution is because this strategy allows the firm to control the advertising and pricing strategy for the product. The channels the firm should include indirect channels to be better able to penetrate the exercise enthusiasts market. Strengths / Weaknesses An A strength of the company is the quality of its managerial staff. An additional strength of the product is the brand value of Wii Fit which has sold millions of copies. A weakness of the product is that it does not include any dancing routines as part of the exercise options. A second weakness of the game is that Wii-Fit Plus is not available to be sold in other console platforms. A third weakness of the game is that i t does include sporting options within the options to perform exercises. Opportunities/Threats Opportunities Threats Achieve growth by targeting non-traditional gamers by focusing on exercise enthusiasts Xbox 360 Kinetic sensor technology Market the Wii-Fit Plus as an exercise simulator Market becoming saturated of exercise video games Increase the Nintendo Wii console sales The current distribution channel strategy might not be able to reach the exercise enthusiasts. First Year Objectives and Issues for Achieving The objective of the Wii Fit Plus was to create an expansion pack that could be sold to a target market of 22 million Wii Fit users (Officialnitendomaganize, 2011). The company also wants to increase its market share to become the best exercise game in the industry. Positioning

Monday, September 9, 2019

Reading response Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words - 6

Reading response - Essay Example In my opinion, the text reveals a number interesting religious notions that were commonplace at that time in the society. The text reveals that the established religious norms of the society were close or similar to the protestant faith. It was for this reason that Mrs. Hutchinson was repeatedly asked about this aspect. As was common in most of the older societies, opposing or questioning religious beliefs was not an option for the ordinary people. The religion appears to be the property of Church or the ruling class and it was molded as and when needed. I strongly feel that Mrs. Hutchinson’s stand against the status quo was itself sufficient to stand apart; since no one in the society was willing to accept or talk about the reality. Mrs. Hutchinson’s ideology can be equated to antinomianism – an idea that was unacceptable for the ruling class. The primary reason for unacceptability appears to be the control that this class intended to exert on the other classes of the society. I feel that religion and justice have always been used as tools to control the masses; religion acted by manipulating the people emotionally and by taking control of their belief system, whereas judicial system provided the authority that was required to control those who failed to align with the religious teachings or controls. I am forced to think critically about the role of judicial system that was functioning at the time of Mrs. Hutchinson. At various points in the text, it appears that there is a single person in the court who is defending her case; there is no attorney to assist her about the legalities of her case or to assist her in taking a solid defense. Instead, it appears that a couple of men, who are inclined towards taking punitive action against the lady are surrounding her from all sides and as soon as she leaves one of them ‘answerless’, the other jumps in, to divert her attention or to

Olympics Paper Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Olympics Paper - Essay Example gets and scale of plans for the site and program to ensure that the Olympics site would accommodate the size of expected attendees, as well as their security, personal and professional needs. It is in this regard that this paper is written to present the steps and tasks needed to prepare for the Olympics. The discourse would include personal protection of VIPs, athletes, and the general public, as well as other security concerns, traffic control, and terrorist threats. The Olympic games originated in Olympia, Greece from as early as 10th or 9th century B.C. Due to its scope and enormity of international participants in the event, the level and depth of security measures are always of paramount priority especially of the host country. In previous Olympic events, there were security companies which were named as the official electronic security sponsor for specific Olympic events. This ensures that the security plans, measures and implementing actions could be directly accounted to a specific organization. In the forthcoming games in London on 2012, â€Å"the Government and its partners in security are committed to the safety and security of the London 2012 Olympics, and a funding envelope of  £600 million has been agreed. This will cover strategic options for a range of security measures, including fraud and financial crime prevention and protection, counter-terrorism, identity assurance and personal protection.† (Beard, 2008) Generally, the following steps and tasks are required to prepare for securing the Olympic games: (1) definition of a specific objective - the aim is to ensure safe and secure Olympic Games which everyone can enjoy; (2) identification of the agency in charge of security; (3) planning stage incorporating security programs, layout, officers and budget in the design for the Olympic site to further secure the Olympic Park; the number of officers needed on duty each day should be detailed including the number of specialists such as firearms,

Sunday, September 8, 2019

Rhetorical analysis Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 4

Rhetorical analysis - Essay Example The executive summary provides a brief summary of the content of the report. According to the authors, the aim of the report was to support changes in the nature or state of on-campus restrooms. The report also sought to outline the unsanitary and unkempt nature of the restrooms, and gauge the opinions of the community on the condition of the rooms. The target audience of the business report included faculty heads, students and student leaders, parents, health officials and custodians of the restrooms. Students and student leaders were targeted because they are the main users and beneficiaries of the restroom. They have a responsibility of ensuring that the restrooms are in the best state for accommodation. Parents were targeted because they pay for the restrooms, and their children use the rooms. Therefore, it is important to provide them with information about the nature of the rooms (Kennedy 31). Teachers and custodians were targeted because they have a responsibility of ensuring that the on-campus restrooms are safe and clean for accommodation. The report targeted healthcare officials because of their role in providing safety and health standards. In order to ensure that the report provided the right information, the researchers used online surveys and questionnaires to collect information from faculty heads and students. The aim of the questionnaires was to understand the state of the restrooms, and the opinions of the respondents about the cleanliness of the rooms. The business report used formal and official language to pass information about the state of the restrooms. According to the report, the conditions of the facilities are below standards. In some of the instances, the authors use inflammatory language in order to invoke physical and emotional reactions. For instance, the authors state that the restrooms are â€Å"disgusting† in order to pass emotional messages that people should not be allowed to occupy the rooms. The main strength

Saturday, September 7, 2019

Four Seasons Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Four Seasons - Essay Example The objective of the organization which was to ‘personalize exceptional service’ attracts a very high number of clients and makes it very popular. Furthermore, Four Seasons also strives very hard to anticipate the needs of any customer and provide those needs even before the customer has requested for them. Four Seasons was also the pioneer of many unique services that has now become the norm when it comes to the hotels. For example, providing concierge services, repair of shoes, supplying shampoos, laundry and ironing services, multi cuisine menu and so on were pioneered by this hotel group, thus; giving it a very strong position in the hotel industry. An organization becomes an employer of choice not just by providing good salary and perks to its employees, but more importantly by providing tremendous amount of respect as well as a good working environment (Ablrichs, 2000). Four Seasons has succeeded in doing that. Four Seasons is considered to be an employer of choice because of its high focus on employee satisfaction. Along with benefits and remunerations, employees are highly respected. The employees treat each other the same way a guest is treated at the hotel. This creates a very healthy and robust environment that is necessary in the hospitality industry. ... In 2008, Four Seasons featured as no.88 in the Fortune List of best companies to work for. In 2011, they moved up to no. 53, giving testimony to the fact that it is indeed an employer of choice (, 2011). 2. Explain its culture, is it unique to the company, how does this vary from its major competitors? In the hospitality industry, customer holds the key and is focused upon immensely (Butcher, Sparks & O’Callaghan, 2001). However, the unique culture of Four Seasons hotels is the high focus that it has on the employees. The culture of this chain of hotels is centered on a philosophy that everyone follows to the core. The golden rule is that everyone in the organization deals with others in the same way that they want to be dealt with. Primarily it comes down to how each employee of the organization is dealt with warmth, respect as well as courtesy. This level of respect and warmth directly translates into excellent customer service for the clients. The clients also receive personalized service that is done with a lot of warmth and care. This type of services forms the most attractive aspect of staying in a Four Seasons hotel. The culture of the company also gives immense freedom to each department and hence, the employees can put forth any ideas without hesitating. This created a very open and transparent culture, contributing to employee satisfaction. Furthermore, it was evident that employee satisfaction was also equally important as customer satisfaction. Most of the employees remain in the organization for a long period and grow in their roles. This also created employee loyalty and strengthened the culture of the organization. An important way of building